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Why China will be Super Power and India will NOT !

Highly doubtful, can you back it up with some more than the claim alone?

Germany had one single cultural backround, one religion, one language, one common history (they were united through the holy Roman Empire), one ethnic group...... all aspects which do not apply to India....

Of course it applies to India even more. India was always a fully integrated cultural entity. The Hindu polity has always been decentralised with maximum autonomy at local levels. The hierarchy consisted of a Chakravartin (emperor) exercising nominal authority while executive power was with rajas. This was the same system even in Mughal and British times. When Marathas captured Delhi, even they ruled in the name of Mughal emperor, as did Ranjit Singh. India never had custom borders like separate countries. Religion, common festivals, common great narratives and sanskrit have always unified the country.

We dont want to be superpower...

First we will have to improves of 300 million people below poverty line...
For the time being, China is doing a great job compared to the other nations - India is doing a great job to -

All what China needs is to continue developing up its economic might as well as maintaining good relations with developing nations.

From a US liberal peective we will get this, Fareed's take
Fareed Zakaria GPS - What in the world: A changing China - YouTube

From a jackass conservative view point, here comes Glenn Beck!

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China is indeed going to be a superpower and India will just be left watching. India is so behind that it's impossible to catch up. We are launching welfare schemes of 22 bill$ and subsidising oil and peas :hitwall: While China provides subsidy to industry and development. We are messed up in populist policies. China rushes ahead with power and vision. We will be left behind no doubt. 105 iq will destroy 82 ers. This is a lost race period.
For the time being, China is doing a great job compared to the other nations - India is doing a great job to -

All what China needs is to continue developing up its economic might as well as maintaining good relations with developing nations.

From a US liberal peective we will get this, Fareed's take

No one know what is China's real economy is. Have you heard about Ghost cities in china? Multi billion dollar vacant buildings.See china is a bluff.

Let me tell you something about Chinese Growth ! China building mega cities but they remain empty ghost towns.

Government laws do not allow the Chinese to invest overseas. Hong Kong-based financial analyst Gillem Tulloch said while the initial boom provided good returns, he fears the bubble is about to burst.
"What they (the wealthy middle class) do is they invest in property because property prices have always gone up by more than inflation," "It's the main driver of growth and has been for the last few years. Some estimates have it as high as 20 or 30 per cent of the whole economy.
"I think they're building somewhere between 12 and 24 new cities every year."
But the huge growth has let to a glut of not just apartments, but entire towns and has forced the government to bring in a one-apartment law, where people can own just one property.
In Inner Mongolia, developers built the city of Ordos for one million people. But most of it remains empty.
Early last year the BBC reported Ordos was the largest ghost town in China, and that the housing bubble there had already burst.
Mr Tulloch told 60 Minutes China's government had spent an estimated US$2 trillion to build the cities and to keep the country's economy going.
"They've simply built too much infrastructure too quickly," he said.
"People are being moved into the cities but that doesn't necessarily mean they can afford these apartments which cost US$100,000. These are poor people moving into the cities, so they're building the wrong kind of apartments.
"There are multiple classes of people that are going to get wiped out by this, people who have invested three generations' worth of savings into properties will see their savings evaporated."

The Chinese city of Zhengzhou, where the apartments are all sold, but practically no one lives there.

China June trade falls in new sign economy fading

China's trade declined abruptly in June in a sign growth in the world's second-largest economy might be cooling even more sharply than expected.
Exports fell by 3.1 percent compared with a year earlier and imports contracted by 0.7 percent, customs data showed Wednesday. Both were below forecasts of growth in the low single digits.
China's economic growth has slowed this year and is expected to fall further due to weak global demand and an effort by the Chinese central bank to cool a credit boom.
"The export sector is faring very badly. It does suggest overall growth momentum is going to be weaker than we initially expected," said Societe General economist Wei Yao.
New communist leaders who took power last year say they want to pursue slower, more self-sustaining growth based on domestic consumption, reducing reliance on trade and investment. But some analysts say the latest slowdown might be so deep they could be forced to temporarily reverse course and boost lending or government spending to stimulate growth.
A decline in Chinese economic activity could have global repercussions, denting revenues for suppliers of commodities and industrial components such as Australia, Brazil and Southeast Asia. Lower Chinese demand already has depressed global prices for iron ore, copper and other raw materials, cooling an economic boom for exporters.
The ruling party's growth target this year is 7.5 percent, down by almost half from 2007's staggering growth rate of 14.2 percent. Some analysts have suggested growth might dip below 7 percent in coming months—dangerously low by Chinese standards.
Some private sector forecasters cut their growth outlook for the year, though to still robust levels above 7 percent, after a credit crunch hit China's financial markets last month. That came as the central bank tried to rein in a lending boom regulators worry could spiral out of control.
"The most likely outcome, in our view, is the Chinese economy going through a period of sluggish growth and adjustment," said UBS economist Tao Wang in a report this week.
Communist leaders have promised to promote private businesses that generate most of China's new jobs and wealth but have yet to make major changes.
Retail sales have fallen short of official forecasts and a HSBC Corp. survey of manufacturers showed activity contracted in June for a second month.
Still, Chinese leaders are unlikely to back away from efforts to overhaul the country's growth model, said Societe Generale's Yao.
"The plan is still to induce some short-term pain in exchange for long-term sustainability," said Yao. "That is still the most sensible choice, but sure, they need to make some marginal adjustments to make sure the economy doesn't slow too fast."
Analysts expected China to report slower growth in trade due to a crackdown on misreporting of data by exporters as a way to evade currency controls and bring extra money into the country. But even with that taken into account, Wednesday's figures were below forecasts for exports to rise by up to 3.5 percent and imports to grow by up to 1.5 percent.
June's export growth was down from May's year-on-year gain of 13.5 percent and import growth was down from 8.2 percent.
China's politically sensitive global trade surplus contracted by 12.4 percent compared with a year earlier to $27.1 billion. Exports were $174.3 billion while imports were $147.2 billion.
Growth in exports to the United States, China's biggest foreign market, fell to 1.8 percent from May's 3.5 percent. Exports to the 27-nation European Union contracted 3.9 percent.
The trade surplus with the U.S. contracted by 15.5 percent from a year earlier to $17.5 billion, but still one of this year's highest levels. The surplus with Europe shrank 20.3 percent to $10.2 billion.
General Administration of Customs of China : China can not sustain it Growth but India can !
Lets just remove the poverty first.

Hopefully India will do that faster than what we predicts.

No one know what is China's real economy is. Have you heard about Ghost cities in china? Multi billion dollar vacant buildings.See china is a bluff.

Let me tell you something about Chinese Growth ! China building mega cities but they remain
General Administration of Customs of China : China can not sustain it Growth but India can !
You should think about your country's future than China's. You guys have a great potential to dominate the world, not imperialistically though.
Hopefully India will do that faster than what we predicts.

You should think about your country's future than China's. You guys have a great potential to dominate the world, not imperialistically though.

A stable govt which can take decision is all that is required.
Many key reforms that are required to boost the economy were either stalled by the opposition cause we have a coalition govt which is only interested in staying in power.
On the other hand China faces no such problems at all,they have strict govt which takes each step decisively to achieve their objectives.
With so many divergent views our parliament is often scene of chaos and circus.
No one know what is China's real economy is. Have you heard about Ghost cities in china? Multi billion dollar vacant buildings.See china is a bluff.

General Administration of Customs of China : China can not sustain it Growth but India can !

As soon as China implements property tax, those houses will be occupied. Now without property tax, rich people just buy up housing and hoard them without any consequence.

Also to me as an amateur, infrastructure can never be enough. Maybe some infrastructure is not efficient economically at present, but they have butterfly ripple effects to communities, businesses, etc.
As soon as China implements property tax, those houses will be occupied. Now without property tax, rich people just buy up housing and hoard them without any consequence.

Also to me as an amateur, infrastructure can never be enough. Maybe some infrastructure is not efficient economically at present, but they have butterfly ripple effects to communities, businesses, etc.

he also doesnt understand the so call ghost cities in china arnt a catastrophic threat to china, those houses and apartments are generally paid in full or have something like 50% down payment, meaning if housing prices drop 50% tomorrow, it would be a bad day but we would not see a mortgage bust like in the US.
As soon as China implements property tax, those houses will be occupied. Now without property tax, rich people just buy up housing and hoard them without any consequence.

Also to me as an amateur, infrastructure can never be enough. Maybe some infrastructure is not efficient economically at present, but they have butterfly ripple effects to communities, businesses, etc.

Right now china has no property tax ? Do you have house registration fee or tax ?
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