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Why China needs to listen to Lee Kuan Yew

Your leaders once again told you guys to learn from us --many times.

Deng Xiaoping 1992 said that again.

长平观察:走了李光耀,别了新加坡 | 专栏:长平观察 | DW.DE | 23.03.2015

I can cite numerous article and evidence. But like some Japanese who now dont admit their teacher 不认老师, so PRC is now doing that.

As a teacher, we are happy to see student success, never mind the student is ungrateful.
Your leaders once again told you guys to learn from us --many times.

Deng Xiaoping 1992 said that again.

长平观察:走了李光耀,别了新加坡 | 专栏:长平观察 | DW.DE | 23.03.2015

I can cite numerous article and evidence. But like some Japanese who now dont admit their teacher 不认老师, so PRC is now doing that.

As a teacher, we are happy to see student success, never mind the student is ungrateful.

We have only borrowed some micro perspective from Singapore.

However, on the macro perspective, you guys can't make on the list.

There are only two true mentors for China in the modern era.

1. Russia: We thank them for teaching us the communism which allows us to ruler over our country as one piece. And they are our main partner today.

2. USA: We should also thank them for demonstrating the power of the free market to us, so we have learned how to play this without ourselves. And they are our main opponent today.
Your leaders once again told you guys to learn from us --many times.

Deng Xiaoping 1992 said that again.

长平观察:走了李光耀,别了新加坡 | 专栏:长平观察 | DW.DE | 23.03.2015

I can cite numerous article and evidence. But like some Japanese who now dont admit their teacher 不认老师, so PRC is now doing that.

As a teacher, we are happy to see student success, never mind the student is ungrateful.

what do you think about family dictatorship in Singapore ?, will it be terminated in future ?
Your leaders once again told you guys to learn from us --many times.

Deng Xiaoping 1992 said that again.

长平观察:走了李光耀,别了新加坡 | 专栏:长平观察 | DW.DE | 23.03.2015

I can cite numerous article and evidence. But like some Japanese who now dont admit their teacher 不认老师, so PRC is now doing that.

As a teacher, we are happy to see student success, never mind the student is ungrateful.

The late Mr. Lee Kuan Yew is acutely precise & brutally honest statesman. What he did for China, & China-US relationship is unequaled, my heartfelt appreciation to him.
I wish every Chinese could be a Lee Kuan Yew.
what do you think about family dictatorship in Singapore ?, will it be terminated in future ?

I hope Singapore will go socialist a vision that that Kuan Yew lied to people, but nevertheless in the dream of most PAP old guard.

Kuan Yew fooled his colleagues and people by pretending to be socialist. Kuan Yew is a god damn blood sucking lawyer who know nothing about economy. The Singapore foundation and economic style is largely the work of Goh Keng Swee who was far more socialist. Architect for low cost housing was Lim Kim San. Colleague Toh Chin Chye argue to free healthcare and during his presence in ministry of health, he fought against Kuan Yew for privatizing hospital.

Then Singapore was heaven and things move up. It started to turn bad when Kuan Yew did away his old guards. One second, Singapore made all government sector into blood sucking money making machine. The profits and our savings were transfer to sovereign wealth fund Temasek and GIC whereby Kuan Yew relative and himself gambled and lost their pants like the craziest addict.

Singaporean Chinese anchor a culture whereby we are the most colorblind people in this planet. Kuan Yew is not happy and he flood us with alien to create racial discord, support property and population ponzi.

Just recently his new pet from India creating the worst riot in Singapore and keep blaming "Chinese racist" compel them to do bad, a disgusting act that even local Indian hate them.

Most of his Indian national riot pets were merely disported with very little justice metted out.

Kuan Yew has grown corrupt, greedy and run out of idea. The earlier he died the better. This is a time to celebrate the bucket kicking of a asxhole.

We have only borrowed some micro perspective from Singapore.

However, on the macro perspective, you guys can't make on the list.

There are only two true mentors for China in the modern era.

1. Russia: We thank them for teaching us the communism which allows us to ruler over our country as one piece. And they are our main partner today.

2. USA: We should also thank them for demonstrating the power of the free market to us, so we have learned how to play this without ourselves. And they are our main opponent today.

Mainland is borrowing E V E R Y T H I N G from Singapore, from politics, economy, and Confucianism.
Kind of what I expected. Big powers like US, Russia and China all did not send their top leaders.

India ? Even declaring moaning ? Weird.

Because Singapore is in fact irrevelant in our eyes, but the lip service can be given.
Because Singapore is in fact irrevelant in our eyes, but the lip service can be given.

You have simply bring denial to a new level. We conducted numerous workshop, schools lesson for your cadre. A lotof your leadership is lying and paying lip service in a lot of occasion?

PRC leaders must be liar -- indeed
Alvin Tan 陈杰毅 - Bitch please, now you scary Lee Kuan Yew... | Facebook

Bitch please, now you scary Lee Kuan Yew worshippers, go get educated on the whole Chia Thye Poh saga here: Chia Thye Poh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (before that, listen to yourself and realize how much you sound like a North Korean defending the Kims). I don't care if the guy invented a cure for cancer or saved the world from Nazi domination. If he did something like this to Chia with a clear conscience and no indication of remorse whatsoever, he isn't fit to be a leader.

He was evil. I don't think anyone can disagree with me on that either. And Lee Kuan Yew didn't even invent the cure for cancer. What he did had impact on at most 5 million people, less than half of the population of Los Angeles county. Yawn...

Leadership is not just about achievement; it's above all about CHARACTER. Otherwise we will just be a mercenary society with no compassion and respect for human rights. In the West, if a leader like Lee Kuan Yew existed, he would have been condemned endlessly and spat on. It would have been a HUGE political scandal if a politician is caught orchestrating an unjust imprisonment of his political rival.

But of course you brainwashed/under-exposed Singaporeans know nothing about that. You only know Lee Kuan Yew is the great father of Singapore, right? Something you learnt from your impartial and objective Social Studies textbook? Something something Asian values, respect, bla bla bla?

First, let's not overstate his achievements, please. He was only responsible for 3 million Singaporean lives (by 1990). That's way less than even the mayor of New York City, who has to be responsible for more than 10 million lives.
Was he efficient and effective in building Singapore? That's beyond doubt. But Singapore was already the TOP entrepot port in Asia by the 1950s, a thriving, bustling world-class port, and he had tons of support from the British colonial government too in dealing with insurgents, defence, consultations, etc.

Second, let's not also discount the contributions of his esteemed colleagues like Dr Goh Keng Swee, S Rajaratnam, etc. They too did a lot, but I don't see anyone worshipping them when they died. You want to worship some people? Worship the whole lot of them. Remember, they weren't the ones suing and imprisoning political opponents. At least their conscience was clear.

Third, I cringe every time I hear the argument that "[all these evil] are necessary to get Singapore to where it is today." Guess what? Post-World War II Western countries, destroyed and totally bankrupt and impoverished, did just fine modernizing themselves WITHOUT COMMITTING HUMAN RIGHTS ATROCITIES. Japan did it. South Korea did it. Germany did it. France did it. And Singapore wasn't even in such dire straits when independence was achieved in 1965.
Hell, even Mahathir -- another ruthless politician -- didn't jail anyone for 30+ years, longer than Nelson Mandela. If you just ship off your opponents to prison for no good reason and without trial, what makes you different from Stalin, who also sent his political opponents to the gulags? Don't forget Stalin also achieved much greater things than Lee Kuan Yew; his contributions to the Soviet nation were phenomenal.

So should we also call Stalin great?

Seriously, that man couldn't even win a general election without locking up his political opponents whenever they started to pose a threat. At least Mahathir charged Anwar for a deed that he indeed was guilty for. In 1998/1999, Anwar had trials, outlets for appeal, legal representation, international scrutiny, etc. Unjust as the law of sodomy was and biased as the judiciary was, Mahathir exhibited way more respect for the rule of law than Lee Kuan Yew ever had.
I know I'll never change your (small) minds when it comes to Lee Kuan Yew; you're too brainwashed to think clearly anymore. I merely want to provide an alternative perspective for your consideration. In the mean time, enjoy your $80,000 COEs and fragrant NeWater. smile emoticon
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