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Why China is FAR Superior to india!!

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President Obama

An ancient civilization of science and innovation.

A fundamental faith in human progress.

This is the sturdy foundation upon which you have built ever since that stroke of midnight when the tricolor was raised over a free and independent India. And despite the skeptics who said that this country was simply too poor, too vast, too diverse to succeed, you surmounted overwhelming odds and became a model to the world.

Instead of slipping into starvation, you launched a Green Revolution that fed millions. Instead of becoming dependent on commodities and exports, you invested in science and technology and in your greatest resource-the Indian people. And the world sees the results, from the supercomputers you build to the Indian flag that you put on the moon.

Instead of resisting the global economy, you became one of its engines-reforming the licensing raj and unleashing an economic marvel that has lifted tens of millions from poverty and created one of the world's largest middle classes.

which part of his speech is false. can u tell me?

D@#n it! Someone has given that Kenyen a wrong speech script. Here is the original ----

“ Let’s be honest, I, Obama, is telling you what I think, and what we all think, about India :

India is neither anceint, nor civil, let alone civilisation. And India has had nothing to do with science ( don’t get me started on your average IQ here, my friends), and can’t be further from innovation, seriously.

A new client state set up in 1947 of religion and violence.

A fundamental faith in human progress, NOT!

And hope never will be with that pathetic caste system and universal discrimination of women.

This is the sturdy foundation upon which you have built ever since that stroke of midnight when empty stomachs strike, and when the tricolor and all the “stars” (in your hungry eyes) were raised over a so-called “free”, and very dependent India where more than 70% of military hardware depend on import to name one example.

And despite the skeptics, you won’t surmount overwhelming odds and became a model to the world, let’s be honest here, because this country was, and is, simply too poor, too vast, too diverse to succeed.

Instead of launching a Green Revolution that fed millions, you slipp iinto permanent starvation – just ask World Bank Food Aids Programme.

You, Instead of investing in science and technology and in your greatest resource-the Indian people, have become dependent on commodities exports – just look at the top items on India’s export list.

And the world sees the results, from the supercomputers built by American technologies to the Indian flag that you put on the moon with 2nd-hand Ruskie engines you bought.

Instead of unleashing an economic marvel, you resist the global economy (e.g. what global economy? not even an international supermarket is allowed to operate in India, let’s face the reality), and you became one of the jokes of the remains of the former licensing raj, tens of millions stagnating in absolute poverty and created the biggest under (hungry) classes the world has ever seen, despite having one of the largest populations
That's the problem. Upper level of the Indian society doesn't care the live well of those poor and minorty.Although India is claimed to be a democratic country, but it is controled under the Gandhi Family and other politician block. That's the devil side of Caste system profound effect on Indian Society that most Indian don't want to admit. This is the truth, no matter you like it or not.

Now where in world riches cares about the poor. you may find few exceptions. But in general every one has to sweat out to earn bread/ living.

Even, China being a communist country do not care about poor. e.g. if you want to see visit any hospital (all controlled by CCP) you'll find people dying out side cause they do not have money to deposit to get admitted and treated.

Despite all low, China is still ahead of India in almost every field :tup::tup:

India has play catch up for long time
The following written by a famous Russian new presenter and blogger Anatoly Karlin.
(Sublime Oblivion)


It is not a secret to longtime readers of this blog that I rate India’s prospects far more pessimistically than I do China’s. My main reason is I do not share the delusion that democracy is a panacea and that whatever advantage in this sphere India has is more than outweighed by China’s lead in any number of other areas ranging from infrastructure and fiscal sustainability to child malnutrition and corruption. However, one of the biggest and certainly most critical gaps is in educational attainment, which is the most important component of human capital – the key factor underlying all productivity increases and longterm economic growth. China’s literacy rate is 96%, whereas Indian literacy is still far from universal at just 74%.

Many people claim that China’s educational success is superficial, arguing that although it has achieved good literacy figures, standards – especially in the poor rural areas that have been neglected by the state during the reform period – are very low. This is not a minority view. The problem is that for proof they cite figures such as the average number of years of schooling or secondary enrollment ratios - which are still substantially inferior to those of developed nations – and assume that they directly correlate to the human capital generated among Chinese youth. This is a flawed approach because it doesn’t take into account the quality of schooling. Though not without its problems, by far the most objective method of assessing that is to look at international standardized tests in literacy, numeracy, and science. The most comprehensive such study is PISA, and it tells a radically different story.

The big problem, until recently, was that there was no internationalized student testing data for either China or India. (There was data for cities like Hong Kong and Shanghai, but it was not very useful because they are hardly representative of China). An alternative approach was to compare national IQ’s, in which China usually scored 100-105 and India scored in the low 80′s. But this method has methodological flaws because the IQ tests aren’t consistent across countries. (This, incidentally, also makes this approach a punching bag for PC enforcers who can’t bear to entertain the possibility of differing IQ’s across national and ethnic groups).

In contrast, the PISA tests are standardized, and – barring a few quibbles – largely free of the consistency and sampling problems that tend to plague international IQ comparisons. And they confirm what the IQ data has long hinted at: At least among schoolchildren close to graduation, the Chinese are simply far, far smarter than their Indian counterparts (necessary caveat: As measured by these tests).

I already covered China, so I will simply quote in extenso from an older post. I emphasize the most important part in bold.

“As regular blog readers know, I think that educational capital and more broadly average IQ levels are one of the key – and frequently under-appreciated due to political correctness – determinants of economic development and whether or not convergence to developed country levels is even possible. Its much higher educational capital is one of the key reasons why I think China will continue doing much better than India in development, regardless of its “democratic deficit.” However, many people argue that China’s human capital must actually be quite low, because it doesn’t spend much on education, resources are bare in the provinces, statistical fudging under unaccountable governors, etc.

The recent results from the international standardized PISA tests in math, reading and science will make this an increasingly untenable position. Shanghai got by far the best results out of all the OECD countries (never mind the developing ones). Now while you might (rightly) argue Shanghai draws much of the elite of the Yangtze river delta, the Financial Times has more: “Citing further, as-yet unpublished OECD research, Mr Schleicher said: “We have actually done Pisa in 12 of the provinces in China. Even in some of the very poor areas you get performance close to the OECD average.””:tup:

Since countries like the US and France get scores “close to the OECD average”, this means that the workforces soon to be entering China’s economy, even from its poorest regions, will be no less skilled than those of leading Western economies (note too that the numbers of Chinese university graduates are soaring). And with China’s massive population, four times bigger than America’s, its road to superpowerdom must be all but guaranteed. [AK adds: I.e., because under market economies, development - as proxied by GDP per capita - tends to converge to a level commensurate with the human capital level of the country in question].”

Also in December 2011, but unnoticed by myself until now, PISA released additional information on nine countries*. Critically, this included two Indian provinces, Tamil Nadu and Himachal Pradesh. How did they do relative to China?

On math proficiency, Tamil Nadu scored 351 and Himachal Pradesh scored 338. On science, they scored 348 and 325, respectively. In both cases, they were at ROCK BOTTOM of the league table of the 74 sampled countries together with Kyrgyzstan. Literally no other country did worse. :tdown::disagree:

In comparison, even the poorest Chinese regions performed close to the OECD average of about 500, putting them in the same rank as the bottom half of the industrialized countries such as Russia, Italy, or the United States (high 400′s); but well above other prominent developing states such as Brazil, Mexico, and Malaysia (high 300′s-low 400′s). The better off Chinese regions will have presumably done better, perhaps similar to Australia or Japan, while the most developed Chinese region, Shanghai, blew every other country out of the water with a mean score of 600 in math and 575 in science.

Note that Tamil Nadu is fairly developed by Indian standards, while Himachal Pradesh is about average. One simply shudders to imagine what the results would be in a poor state such as Bihar or Uttar Pradesh. China and India are both truly exceptional in educational attainment for dynamically developing emerging markets, but only the former is exceptional in a good way[/U].

Many Indians like to see themselves as equal competitors to China, and are encouraged in their endeavour by gushing Western editorials and Tom Friedman drones who praise their few islands of programming prowess – in reality, much of which is actually pretty low-level stuff – and widespread knowledge of the English language (which makes India a good destination for call centers but not much else), while ignoring the various aspects of Indian life – the caste system, malnutrition, stupendously bad schools – that are holding them back. The low quality of Indians human capital reveals the “demographic dividend” that India is supposed to enjoy in the coming decades as the wild fantasies of what Sailer rightly calls ”Davos Man craziness at its craziest.” A large cohort of young people is worse than useless when most of them are functionally illiterate and innumerate; instead of fostering well-compensated jobs that drive productivity forwards, they will form reservoirs of poverty and potential instability.

Instead of buying into their own rhetoric of a “India shining”, Indians would be better served by focusing on the nitty gritty of bringing childhood malnutrition DOWN to Sub-Saharan African levels, achieving the life expectancy of late Maoist China, and moving up at least to the level of a Mexico or Moldova in numeracy and science skills. Because as long as India’s human capital remains at the bottom of the global league tables so will the prosperity of its citizens.

Why China Is Far Superior To India | Sublime Oblivion


Ouch, this must hurt!!

Well it did hurt, not the article, ofcourse, but to see you trying so hard to downgrade Indians... :lol: Oh my, high IQ geniuses trying hard their best....

May the trolls win... :rofl:
Another reason why the china-pakistan friendship is higher than mountains deeper than seas, this article reminds me of the "Hindu Zionist" article posted by a pakistani a few weeks ago :rofl: :lol:
Why isn't P-O-R-N enough for you chinese that you have to come and mast-urbate all over the internet with stupid threads like these?:undecided:
Definitely not the work of anyone with an IQ over 60.
^^^ don't blame them they can't watch **** in their country because CCP has it blocked
^^^ don't blame them they can't watch **** in their country because CCP has it blocked

LOL, no it hasn't. :lol: Give me the link of any such site, and I will tell you what it says on it.

We just don't feel the need to talk about it every second like you guys do. :azn:
You can only take care for Mass destruction weapons.
You have no sympathy for the poor peoples.

And where does this sudden love for the poor masses of India come from I wonder?? :rofl:

Take care of your own people first. Those poor guys in there are getting brutalized by the army and militants. Indian government and Indians know how to take care of their own problems and they are on the right track.
LOL, no it hasn't. :lol: Give me the link of any such site, and I will tell you what it says on it.

We just don't feel the need to talk about it every second like you guys do. :azn:

HK is different from mainland china. thought u knew that. its autonomous

when i was in goa (india) a friend of mine had a gaming cafe. since it was a port city, many foreigners used to come and he let them access the net. except the chinese. why? for them, net **** was like disneyland
China is superior to India.
1. Human rights and labour laws are strict in India.
2. good reward and treatment to labour leads to high cost of production.
3. Concerns about pollution in india.
4. Ethical practices i.e. no copy and paste
5. In india media is not sponsored by state.
HK is different from mainland china. thought u knew that. its autonomous

when i was in goa (india) a friend of mine had a gaming cafe. since it was a port city, many foreigners used to come and he let them access the net. except the chinese. why? for them, net **** was like disneyland

I travel across to the mainland all the time, it's just a simple train journey. And I never have any such problems.

Nice story in the second paragraph, here I'll give one too. Indians get really excited when they arrive in HK, because even the poorest people here have their own toilets. It is like Disneyland for them, and they didn't even need to go to the Disneyland that we have in HK. :cheesy:
I travel across to the mainland all the time, it's just a simple train journey. And I never have any such problems.

Nice story in the second paragraph, here I'll give one too. Indians get really excited when they arrive in HK, because even the poorest people here have their own toilets. It is like Disneyland for them, and they didn't even need to go to the Disneyland that we have in HK. :cheesy:

i think poorest from any country dont have their own toilets, be it china or india.

anyway, my story is true. whether u believe it or not is ur choice.

and since u like toilets so much, here as some pics. u can thank me later :tup:


China is not India. Chinese can point to all the statistics in the world and the Indians will just put their finger in their ear and cry communists. Its the same effect where Somalians still think that each Somalian man = worth a group of any other man from any country.
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