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Why China is betting on Narendra Modi

Kerala is not industrial hub. Gujarat is one of the largest. GDP growth is 11%-12% consistently. GDP close to 200 Billion $. Infrastructure development highest in India and many more. Also, Gujrat has active role in national politics. Kerala is ruled by Left communist (worst party in India and less important in national politics) and then Pseudo Congress with allies 2 religious based party (ML + KCP).

Kerala need not be and Industrial Hub..........If you think only industrialization can improve economy then i have nothing to say.
Kerala Earns a Lot of Revenue Through Tourism and IT
Show me the Activeness of Gujarat in National Politics( AK Antony & Vylar Ravi all are from Gujarat)
Ya BJP for Past 25 Year couldn't Increase their Vote % more than 8 %--------------So sad of You
Kerala don't Have Religious Riots Like your Nationalist BJP Ruled Sates ------------So Sad of You
Kerala need not be and Industrial Hub..........If you think only industrialization can improve economy then i have nothing to say.
Kerala Earns a Lot of Revenue Through Tourism and IT
Show me the Activeness of Gujarat in National Politics( AK Antony & Vylar Ravi all are from Gujarat)
Ya BJP for Past 25 Year couldn't Increase their Vote % more than 8 %--------------So sad of You
Kerala don't Have Religious Riots Like your Nationalist BJP Ruled Sates ------------So Sad of You

Actually Kerala is financially "viable" due to 100s of thousands of keralites working in ME. Your hate for BJP is silly. Kerala actually has had tons of religious riots, just not at same scale. Only state with a religious Muslim party even though you have probably with an allegedly "Hindu" party. In 10 years, Gujarat will fly past Kerala.
Touche..Pakistani hands arent clean either..
I do not reject Modi's positives.. which is why I see his position on the Gujrat events as nothing less than Machiavellian to protect his political backing needed then.. so that he may be able to implement his economic and social uplift schemes that will secure a greater political base for him.

however.. None of the Shia massacres or Ahmedi killings or Ethnic cleansing has anything to do with Modi and India.. now does it? why bring it up.. coming from a Pakistani?.. what forum are you on to comment on who says what? You could have just stuck to commenting on Modi.. what is the massive holier than thou ego issue that you need to drag in Pakistan for this??
Well the way you put up your Machiavellian reference about Modi, made me to interpret that his duplicity was his Muslim hatred, while you more subtly put it in the context of cosying up to his party high-command. Hence the backbiting from me. One thing to note is, Modi has a good following among the Muslims in Gujarat, even better than his Congress counterparts. The Bohras are loyal to him, and in fact recently the Deobandi VC praised his developmental efforts for Muslims, stating that they are well off there than in any other state.
in few years Gujurath State will be better state than any other state in india.....Thanks to Modi...

But wat about UP and orissa and other moist infested and with illiterate leaders ???
if modi hadn't supported 2002 he would be my hero

off coarse he has played role in Gujarat's development

if BJP comes to power i will be happy.

but i don't think modi will be PM. BJP cant afford it.

i think he will be given a minor post in govt if BJP wins in 2014.

any way i dont want to see congress in power.

BJP/Shivsena built 55 flyovers in 4.5 years in Mumbai.

when it comes to development congress cant match BJP

Remember the Foundation stone of the Bandra Worli Sea Link was laid by Bal Thackeray!

People are still not able to grasp that it was his idea :lol:

Also Mumbai - Pune Expressway - The Fastest Road of the Country!

Also Konkan Railway - the Toughest Railway in the Country!

Also the guy who made Delhi Metro was a Product of the Konkan Railway!

E. Sreedharan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Those times were Great under BJP Shiv Sena!
if modi hadn't supported 2002 he would be my hero

off coarse he has played role in Gujarat's development

if BJP comes to power i will be happy.

but i don't think modi will be PM. BJP cant afford it.

i think he will be given a minor post in govt if BJP wins in 2014.

any way i dont want to see congress in power.

BJP/Shivsena built 55 flyovers in 4.5 years in Mumbai.

when it comes to development congress cant match BJP

Anyone would be fine except Mayawati, Jayalaitha, Prakash Karat or Mamata :lol:
Kerala need not be and Industrial Hub..........If you think only industrialization can improve economy then i have nothing to say.
Kerala Earns a Lot of Revenue Through Tourism and IT
Show me the Activeness of Gujarat in National Politics( AK Antony & Vylar Ravi all are from Gujarat)
Ya BJP for Past 25 Year couldn't Increase their Vote % more than 8 %--------------So sad of You
Kerala don't Have Religious Riots Like your Nationalist BJP Ruled Sates ------------So Sad of You

Mumbai pays 40% Tax.

Maharashtra and Gujarat pays Most of the Octroi Duty of the Country.

70% of the Foreign Trade is carried out by Maharashtra alone.

Delhi runs on our Money.

Do you think some IT or Tourism is going to run the country?

Only Industrialization is the Way!

China owes everything to Industrialization.

I lambast at the Southern States and Orissa despite having a coast line, you guys are useless.

You never set up Ports , Connecting roads, Factories and dipped in Services!

Let me know when your IT will feed the Billion Mouths!
BJP and INC are equally friendly with America.
BJP is very pro-Israel.
BJP leaders regard China as enemy number 1.

What's the point?
Doesn't Congress party regard China as enemy number 1?

And again why we came into this thread in the first place?
Kerala need not be and Industrial Hub..........If you think only industrialization can improve economy then i have nothing to say.
Kerala Earns a Lot of Revenue Through Tourism and IT
Show me the Activeness of Gujarat in National Politics( AK Antony & Vylar Ravi all are from Gujarat)
Ya BJP for Past 25 Year couldn't Increase their Vote % more than 8 %--------------So sad of You
Kerala don't Have Religious Riots Like your Nationalist BJP Ruled Sates ------------So Sad of You

Lool are you serious?

For starters, Mahatma Gandhi, Saradar Vallabhbhai Patel [Who would have been independent India's first pm if it wasn't for Gandhi's stubbornness], Dadabhai Naroji, Vir Savarkar, Abbas Tayabji, Morarji Desai [also an Indian PM], Madam Cama [Who designed first Indian flag.]. These are the ones on top of my head. And yeah not to mention Jinnah was also Gujarati.

Maybe not anyone in centre apart from Shankarsinh Vaghela but if BJP came to power there will be too many. ;) Even Advani is Gujarati although he is a Sindhi but his constituency is in Gujarat.

Plus in Gujarat, Hindus are not on the verge of becoming minority unlike Kerala [56%]. :) 90% Hindus plus Gujarat has highest amount of Jains and Parsis. :) And in Gujarat we don't have 'Love Jihad' on Hindu girls. :)
Narendra Modi for PM?? Hmm, if he's going to do what he did for Gujarat's economy for the whole nation, then why not??
And if the BJP IS so great, I wish they'd dump Akali Dal, put someone like Modi in the CM seat for Punjab and fix up that once beautiful state...:'(
Narendra Modi for PM?? Hmm, if he's going to do what he did for Gujarat's economy for the whole nation, then why not??
And if the BJP IS so great, I wish they'd dump Akali Dal, put someone like Modi in the CM seat for Punjab and fix up that once beautiful state...:'(
Kerala need not be and Industrial Hub..........If you think only industrialization can improve economy then i have nothing to say.
Kerala Earns a Lot of Revenue Through Tourism and IT
Show me the Activeness of Gujarat in National Politics( AK Antony & Vylar Ravi all are from Gujarat)
Ya BJP for Past 25 Year couldn't Increase their Vote % more than 8 %--------------So sad of You
Kerala don't Have Religious Riots Like your Nationalist BJP Ruled Sates ------------So Sad of You

Kerala runs on expat money.Cut that and Kerala will dip into the abyss. I don't know a single family in Kerala who doesn't have someone working in the Gulf,US,UK or Australia. If not for the remittance thats send back to Kerala we would have been worse than Bihar. Youngsters are fleeing from Kerala, if not to major cities inside India they are going to foreign countries. There are many families in Kerala where the only one left are the old , children and the women folk as the male members members left Kerala for better opportunities. If thats progress I detest that progress.

IT and Tourism...How many of the Keralities will benefit from from it? IT is an elitist industry. It will never provide jobs as a manufacturing industry does.

If you like it or not because of the huge industrial base, Gujurat has a much greater say in the national policies.

Kerala has its share of communal riots the latest being Marad which was allegedly started by Muslim League.
Communisam gave Kerala the equality, thru Land Reforms Act. Only in Kerala you do not see fudal land lords.

But time has changed, they need to change....the way China communist party changed. I would like to see 3 parties having hold in Kerala, then only these dirty politics will end.
Communisam gave Kerala the equality, thru Land Reforms Act. Only in Kerala you do not see fudal land lords.

But time has changed, they need to change....the way China communist party changed. I would like to see 3 parties having hold in Kerala, then only these dirty politics will end.

Because they are the new land lords even though they don't control much land. Almost every Malayalee is taught how land lords in the past exploited the farmers for their benefit, but how about now?. Just 2 months ago my family paid around 20,000 rupees to the Communists so that we can use JCB in our agricultural field. So The Communists received 20,000 rupees without even lifting a finger through coercion. Thats what zamindars of the past used to do.

Thats just my story. There may be similar situations faced by other families and individuals. Is not true that in Kuttanad, if one wants to use combined harvester and such other machineries, they have to pay the local Communists and get permission from them?
Paying "local communists" ?! Dude! Wtf?! Are you even from kerala?! If you're going to talk trash and be an all-rounded douche, at least use facts....

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