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Why Can't Pakistan Shoot Down U.S. Drones?

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Dec 21, 2008
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When recently Indian jets crossed into Pakistani air space just 1-3 miles, Pakistan scrambled its fighter jets. Why can't it intercept and shoot down the American Predator drones which make twice weekly lethal missile strikes on its territory? Just a few days ago, all parties in Pakistan's parliament had passed a resolution that Pakistan will not allow such violations of its sovereignty and will defend its territory (it was directed against American attacks on its territory; there were no Indian violations then).

The recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai were instigated by the United States through intermediaries it controls in the region to provoke military tension between Pakistan and India so that it can then more extensively and flagrantly conduct attacks, including ground invasions, on Pakistan while the Indians, stupidly, keep quiet or even support them. The idea is to establish a full-fledged overtly colonial relationship with first Pakistan and then the rest of the subcontinent, very much like the direct colonial rule Britain exercised and which the United States has established over Iraq and Afghanistan through puppet governments. The Predator attacks are the beginning of this campaign.
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Pak welcomes US violations !!! LOL!!! So Indians thinking to borrow few american fighters when they attack...Those flights got monthly pass kinds deal with pak
Good Question...Remove Zardari and Gen Kayani and we can over shoot. By the way we can shoot anything that crosses again as long as son of a ***** in rule nothing can be said.
Don't make such stupid, personally insulting comments. Indians are lackeys of the Americans and cannot tolerate any accusation against them. It is all part of submission to the white man. A handful of the British, from half way around the world, had ruled India for centuries, because of stupid people like you. If you see the thread on RAW in the Indian defence section, you will see how even today India's main intelligence agency is an instrument of American rule over India. RAW has many operatives on such forums to abuse and insult anyone who points an accusing finger at the United States. Don't do that; I will crush you like a cockroach.
Pakistan cannot shoot down the drones because I am afraid international code books of the U.N give permission to veto power holding countries to strike any terrorist hide out accross the world they usualy and ethically don't do that except in the case of Pakistan.
Pak welcomes US violations !!! LOL!!! So Indians thinking to borrow few american fighters when they attack...Those flights got monthly pass kinds deal with pak

what will be the end result ? like the response of NSG in mumbai, indian will not be able to control / plans the flights, instead of targeting the mureedkey they will be dropping at golden temple amritser
Pakistan cannot shoot down the drones because I am afraid international code books of the U.N give permission to veto power holding countries to strike any terrorist hide out accross the world they usualy and ethically don't do that except in the case of Pakistan.

UN is USA and which country has given permission according to UN , Everyone says goto hell but we made a deal with the devil and now we are stuck, Backing out is not that easy. We have to think of millions of Pakistani before we finger someone.
shooting down the US drones is not the problem pakistan can do it anytime but does the pakistani establishment have it in them to face the aftereffects. i donot think so.
but i must say they must try to mock shoot a US drone and see what the effect is and then take it from there.this would provide a clear and strong signal to the US I guess
shooting down the US drones is not the problem pakistan can do it anytime but does the pakistani establishment have it in them to face the aftereffects. i donot think so.
but i must say they must try to mock shoot a US drone and see what the effect is and then take it from there.this would provide a clear and strong signal to the US I guess

Like I previously explained my post in other thread Pakistan and Americans have an agreement that lets thier drones fly into FATA areas to bomb suspected targets but that agreement is due to expire end of this month not too sure if the agreement will be renewed?
In fact Pakistan even gave them Baithullah location so drone can kill him (So that proves that It's a deal with Americans!)
India-Pakistan conflicts of today are no different from the Hindu-Muslim rioting that accompanied the partition in 1947 and was instigated by the Intelligence Bureau which had remained loyal to the British after 1947. The only change is that the United States has taken the place of Britain. RAW, which was split off from the Intelligence Bureau, functions as a branch of the C.I.A. against India and something similar is the case with the other intelligence agencies of the region. They are used for terrorist acts in the Subcontinent by the C.I.A. for various purposes, just as the Kargil war was staged by C.I.A.-RAW, with the help of Pakistan's C.I.A.-controlled army chief (Musharraf), to help Vajpayee win the election that was pending after he had lost a vote of confidence and thus help him remain prime minister; Vajpayee used to be an informant for the British before Independence and has been a C.I.A. agent since the United States replaced Britain as the imperial power over the subcontinent and he is far from being the only politician who has been a C.I.A. agent. Nehru was a life-long British agent, as he admitted to American ambassador Galbraith and his descendents (Indira, Rajiv) have been C.I.A. agents, though they also had a relationship with the KGB because Indira became prime minister by the KGB's assassination of Shastri in Tashkent at the C.I.A.'s request. A C.I.A. specialist on India who came on Bharat-Rakshak forum a few months ago was asking that India acquiesce in the American invasion and occupation of Pakistan and later of India. He said that Pakistan's defences have been electronically neutralised to allow the ingress of Predator drones (this was before the drone attacks started) and that Pakistan's military is quite cooperative; Musharraf was not the only C.I.A. agent in the military. So it all boils down to continued white rule over India and Pakistan after 1947; it is just that the control of these countries has been transferred to covert agencies and they are nominally independent. The United States now wants to overtly occupy and rule the subcontinent, starting with Pakistan. The natives are willing to fight other non-white people like tigers, but behave like obedient dogs to the white master. RAW actively works to make overt American rule over India happen and India's so-called ruling class -- actually, puppet class -- is only too happy at the prospect because it felt orphaned when the British left India.
Pro-Pakistan militants are doing their best to shoot down US drones.

The only Pro-Pakistan militants that should be taking them down is the army and air force, but I guess they can be classified as anti-Pakistan militants at this stage?
You cant compare Pakistan-India relations to Pakistani-American relations...India would be the last country Pakistan would ever trust.
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