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Why Bangladesh has left India far behind

Yes, its a real risk that after Sheikh Hasina, will the next leader be able to continue the same policies or will it lead to chaos.

probably won't. Look at the members in this forum. If their general sense is any indication, BD has grown DESPITE people like them due to the presence of a rare leader. After she is gone, these guys will make a royal mess of all that she achieved.
probably won't. Look at the members in this forum. If their general sense is any indication, BD has grown DESPITE people like them due to the presence of a rare leader. After she is gone, these guys will make a royal mess of all that she achieved.
Members on this forum may not be a true representative of the general BD population. But I agree with you that it is a risk. If the next leader falls prey to anti-India policies and focuses on conflict, then the growth will unravel.
Best of luck for that but India is now entering into a new phase of development. WB , IMF and many other such agencies have predicted India's growth rate somewhere between 11 to 12.8 pc. India's econmy has entered in beast mode now. India is all set to make everything starting from mobile to aircraft. India will remain highest growing major economy for a long long time. It will not be easy for BD to match india's growth rate. India is all set to lead in electronics, automobile, weapons, ship building, petrolium, hydrogen based energy, mobile manufacturing etc. BD with textile and other few low tech manufacturing businesses can not match India's growth in my opinion but my best wishes to Bangladesh for happy and prosperous BD.

2021 growth rate cannot become a projection of long term India future economic growth, just look on how much your economic is declining in 2020 to understand what I am talking
2021 growth rate cannot become a projection of long term India future economic growth, just look on how much your economic is declining in 2020 to understand what I am talking

we're depending on massive infra spending, building 30+ Km of national highway a day and the biggest industrial zone in the world for growth...not hot air.
probably won't. Look at the members in this forum. If their general sense is any indication, BD has grown DESPITE people like them due to the presence of a rare leader. After she is gone, these guys will make a royal mess of all that she achieved.
There are few special types here but from what I have heard and seen BD is still far more open minded and ready to do the needful for development, preferring peace over chaos. Atleast if AL is in power I don't see that changing. We shouldn't judge entire bangladesh based on pdf opinion or that of extremist groups.
we're depending on massive infra spending, building 30+ Km of national highway a day and the biggest industrial zone in the world for growth...not hot air.

India government spend a lot last year by seeing its economic stimulus spending but still it cannot avoid India getting around negative 8 percent growth. I dont know why Indian IMF economic chief lower Indonesian 2021 economic growth projection by using coronavirus surge as reason while adding Indian number saying the relax measure of Covid containment as something that add another point for Indian growth.

Just look on India Covid data that is not encouraging at all and see this Indonesian data, so I dont get with recent IMF global economic growth projection.


probably won't. Look at the members in this forum. If their general sense is any indication, BD has grown DESPITE people like them due to the presence of a rare leader. After she is gone, these guys will make a royal mess of all that she achieved.

The BD Subsection is a like for like example of the working BD middle class who propel the country forward.

Those in BD, think just like us on here, If you don't like us, then it means we're doing something right.
The BD Subsection is a like for like example of the working BD middle class who propel the country forward.

Those in BD, think just like us on here, If you don't like us, then it means we're doing something right.
A Trade Deal in South Asia like EU can increase GDP growth rate of the whole region, EU did the same and is now a superpower.
The BD Subsection is a like for like example of the working BD middle class who propel the country forward.

Those in BD, think just like us on here, If you don't like us, then it means we're doing something right.
I would like to add , the BD members here are liberal middle class. The average Joe is more conservative and does not have a positive view of India.
2021 growth rate cannot become a projection of long term India future economic growth, just look on how much your economic is declining in 2020 to understand what I am talking

Long tem projection says that India shall be the fastest growing major economy for decades.
Long tem projection says that India shall be the fastest growing major economy for decades.

Dont Just comment, provide source please... I believe we will see much clearer picture if 2022-2023 data comes up, then we can make much better long term projection until 2030.

A new variable like RCEP deal where India is not inside it can be potentially a determining factor for the next 10 years, we havent seen the effect due to the deal hasnt been effective yet.

EV industry and green economy industry will also become important factors.
The BD Subsection is a like for like example of the working BD middle class who propel the country forward.

Those in BD, think just like us on here, If you don't like us, then it means we're doing something right.
I would like to add , the BD members here are liberal middle class. The average Joe is more conservative and does not have a positive view of India.
It's not about the positive view though, you can be critical ofcourse, we are of our own government many a time, but being warmongering over economic development, 1971 war revisionist, "India forever the enemy, pakistan forever good" types, is what we are thinking of here.
A government, a people that places development over such viewpoints is what we are hoping for in the future too. The criticism of our current policies is always welcome, we can both be better neighbors through dialogue.
It's not about the positive view though, you can be critical ofcourse, we are of our own government many a time, but being warmongering over economic development, 1971 war revisionist, "India forever the enemy, pakistan forever good" types, is what we are thinking of here.
A government, a people that places development over such viewpoints is what we are hoping for in the future too. The criticism of our current policies is always welcome, we can both be better neighbors through dialogue.
that's true .
It's not about the positive view though, you can be critical ofcourse, we are of our own government many a time, but being warmongering over economic development, 1971 war revisionist, "India forever the enemy, pakistan forever good" types, is what we are thinking of here.
A government, a people that places development over such viewpoints is what we are hoping for in the future too. The criticism of our current policies is always welcome, we can both be better neighbors through dialogue.

In international geopolitics, there are no friends or enemies, only partners and shared interests or lack thereof.
It's not about the positive view though, you can be critical ofcourse, we are of our own government many a time, but being warmongering over economic development, 1971 war revisionist, "India forever the enemy, pakistan forever good" types, is what we are thinking of here.
A government, a people that places development over such viewpoints is what we are hoping for in the future too. The criticism of our current policies is always welcome, we can both be better neighbors through dialogue.

I don't see a lot of bonhomie for India and Indians from Bangladesh going forward, in trade and of course defence (which is nonexistent more or less, and continue to be so).

You may be a sane person among few Indians, but few Indians see Bangladesh as any different from Kolkata Bongs, and that is where the root of the problem lies.

They also believe BJP/RSS/Shivsena propaganda that Bangladesh is filled with Islamic terrorists. Anyone criticizing Indian narrative or propaganda from Bangladesh becomes an anti-Hindu terrorist. These are not sane narratives, but then India is not a sane country and govt. anymore.

The problem is exacerbated by leaders of lower rung Indian economies surrounding Bangladesh (and that of the center too, like mota Bhai) bad mouthing Bangladeshis (for election strategy), causing irreparable damage to bilateral understanding and relations. It will take decades to heal, if ever.

India has conducted "Faida Uthana" strategy to Bangladesh for the last fifty years, making it a convenient market for its exports, exported expensive tech and managerial labor to Bangladesh to the detriment of our own job-seekers (Thanks to Hasina's lax non-enforcement of illegal Indian status in Bangladesh) and gained tens of Billions in revenue yearly from Bangladeshis spending money in India. All this to the tune of USD50-60 Billion yearly.

Which has not stopped your politicians calling us termites and pole vaulters.

I tell you what - Bangladesh will go forward, with or without India. We don't need India.

India is an unreliable trade partner and your politicians (and Hindutva extremists) are filled with hate for Bangladesh and Bangladeshis.

You bad mouth us on one side of the mouth while offering clichés and platitudes on the other side of the mouth. We in Bangladesh have known for fifty years who you are and what your country represents. This is not for you personally but who you elected and who represents you (Hindutva).

There is no scenario in the future where we can have transit, open borders, use of our assets or markets by India. Those are and will be all on the downswing. We will trade more and more with Muslim economies like Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey and of course - China. They are far better trade partners and deal with us far more fairly.

Until Hindutva subsides in India, Indian relations with Bangladesh will suffer.
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