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Why Bangladesh has left India far behind

India government spend a lot last year by seeing its economic stimulus spending but still it cannot avoid India getting around negative 8 percent growth. I dont know why Indian IMF economic chief lower Indonesian 2021 economic growth projection by using coronavirus surge as reason while adding Indian number saying the relax measure of Covid containment as something that add another point for Indian growth.

Just look on India Covid data that is not encouraging at all and see this Indonesian data, so I dont get with recent IMF global economic growth projection.

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someone needs to go to shrink if one thinks one can grow in corona pandemic.
Dont Just comment, provide source please... I believe we will see much clearer picture if 2022-2023 data comes up, then we can make much better long term projection until 2030.

A new variable like RCEP deal where India is not inside it can be potentially a determining factor for the next 10 years, we havent seen the effect due to the deal hasnt been effective yet.

EV industry and green economy industry will also become important factors.

RCEP deal is a BS deal...another OBOR in disguise to dump chinese goods into south east asian markets.
A Trade Deal in South Asia like EU can increase GDP growth rate of the whole region, EU did the same and is now a superpower.

Like I said...after hasina is done, 15 years back to basket case.
I don't see a lot of bonhomie for India and Indians from Bangladesh going forward, in trade and of course defence (which is nonexistent more or less, and continue to be so).

You may be a sane person among few Indians, but few Indians see Bangladesh as any different from Kolkata Bongs, and that is where the root of the problem lies.

They also believe BJP/RSS/Shivsena propaganda that Bangladesh is filled with Islamic terrorists. Anyone criticizing Indian narrative or propaganda from Bangladesh becomes an anti-Hindu terrorist. These are not sane narratives, but then India is not a sane country and govt. anymore.

The problem is exacerbated by leaders of lower rung Indian economies surrounding Bangladesh (and that of the center too, like mota Bhai) bad mouthing Bangladeshis (for election strategy), causing irreparable damage to bilateral understanding and relations. It will take decades to heal, if ever.

India has conducted "Faida Uthana" strategy to Bangladesh for the last fifty years, making it a convenient market for its exports, exported expensive tech and managerial labor to Bangladesh to the detriment of our own job-seekers (Thanks to Hasina's lax non-enforcement of illegal Indian status in Bangladesh) and gained tens of Billions in revenue yearly from Bangladeshis spending money in India. All this to the tune of USD50-60 Billion yearly.

Which has not stopped your politicians calling us termites and pole vaulters.

I tell you what - Bangladesh will go forward, with or without India. We don't need India.

India is an unreliable trade partner and your politicians (and Hindutva extremists) are filled with hate for Bangladesh and Bangladeshis.

You bad mouth us on one side of the mouth while offering clichés and platitudes on the other side of the mouth. We in Bangladesh have known for fifty years who you are and what your country represents. This is not for you personally but who you elected and who represents you (Hindutva).

There is no scenario in the future where we can have transit, open borders, use of our assets or markets by India. Those are and will be all on the downswing. We will trade more and more with Muslim economies like Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Turkey and of course - China. They are far better trade partners and deal with us far more fairly.

Until Hindutva subsides in India, Indian relations with Bangladesh will suffer.
Well our internal politics are dirty, any and every nook and cranny to garner support is exploited. But I for one am optimistic on the relations our nations will have, sane voices on both ends would prevail and efforts to address all concerns taken. Our nations should do what's good for our own people's well being and I don't think cutting each other off is the way to achieve that. There is much to gain through cooperation than confrontation. Healthy competition in economic metrics should be prioritized over mud slinging politics.
India is an unreliable trade partner and your politicians (and Hindutva extremists) are filled with hate for Bangladesh and Bangladeshis.
You should not make assumptions with half knowlege, the internal politics of NRC CAA is all about the Bangaldeshis who came in 1970-71 to escape atrocities of Operation Searchlight and have not returned back to their country and are illegally living here without citizenship. It has nothing to do with Bangladeshis in Bangladesh. Rohingyas became a burden on Bangladesh similarly those families are a burden on India as our population is already very huge.
BD had +ve growth last year.

Exactly. Even Dhaka Metrorail construction is running 3 shifts a day (round the clock) within the current lockdown. Not to say the same about a dozen other mega projects and export activity.

The work ethics of the two countries are different for sure....
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You should not make assumptions with half knowlege, the internal politics of NRC CAA is all about the Bangaldeshis who came in 1970-71 to escape atrocities of Operation Searchlight and have not returned back to their country and are illegally living here without citizenship. It has nothing to do with Bangladeshis in Bangladesh. Rohingyas became a burden on Bangladesh similarly those families are a burden on India as our population is already very huge.

I am perfectly aware on what propaganda and lies Hindutvas have foisted in order to legitimize CAA/NRC.

India is trying to legitimize this propaganda further by trying to forcibly "push" people to inside our borders using BSF without proving first that these are Bangladeshi citizens. This is against international law, but India does not believe in rule of law as they feel that they can arm-twist and steam-roller over Bangladesh any way they like, as long their puppet Hasina is ruling over us.

In Assam and Meghalaya a huge amount of poor Muslim farmers have been there since 1947 partition (when they became Indian citizens), since partition was basically a farce.

It is common knowledge that CAA/NRC is trying to disenfranchise these Muslims now, claiming that they are "Bangladeshi", so Assam and Meghalaya Hindutva racists can win votes there.

These attempts are nothing but neo-fascist ethnic cleansing. All the more reason now, not to trade with this racist neo-fascist nation India. We've got much better options as I've said before.

Please don't tag me with arguments anymore, I want to conserve my energy in Ramzan.
Exactly. Even Dhaka Metrorail construction is running 3 shifts a day (round the clock) within the current lockdown. Not to say the same about a dozen other projects and export activity.

The work ethics of the two countries are different for sure....

Nonsense. The entire economy has to work PLUS an additional 7% for GDP to be +7%

India built 30+ KM of national highway a day during corona but not enough to make up for the sectors that were shut down. The whole world is negative compared to pre-corona.
I am perfectly aware on what propaganda and lies Hindutvas have foisted in order to legitimize CAA/NRC.

India is trying to legitimize this propaganda further by trying to forcibly "push" people to inside our borders using BSF without proving first that these are Bangladeshi citizens. This is against international law, but India does not believe in rule of law as they feel that they can arm-twist and steam-roller over Bangladesh any way they like, as long their puppet Hasina is ruling over us.

In Assam and Meghalaya a huge amount of poor Muslim farmers have been there since 1947 partition (when they became Indian citizens), since partition was basically a farce.

It is common knowledge that CAA/NRC is trying to disenfranchise these Muslims now, claiming that they are "Bangladeshi", so Assam and Meghalaya Hindutva racists can win votes there.

These attempts are nothing but neo-fascist ethnic cleansing. All the more reason now, not to trade with this racist neo-fascist nation India. We've got much better options as I've said before.

Please don't tag me with arguments anymore, I want to conserve my energy in Ramzan.
No one can explain you, keep yourself with whatever BS you have.
Nonsense. The entire economy has to work PLUS an additional 7% for GDP to be +7%

India built 30+ KM of national highway a day during corona but not enough to make up for the sectors that were shut down. The whole world is negative compared to pre-corona.

I don't think Hasina will matter as much when she probably steps down in 2024 or especially if she hangs on till 2029 if her health keeps up.

What you have to look at is the foundations that she has laid in terms of building the infrastucture and the economic reforms that has allowed the country to prosper since 2009 when she came into office.

Any future goverment after her, almost certainly AL in 2024 as BNP are a mess, will just mainly continue as she has done. There may be a little more instability but people in BD are not hungry for revolution as too many people have a vested interest in her economic policies.
By 2024, BD will be forced to dump the USD and adapt the Yuan. That means bye bye awami league.

Not saying extremist govt will come to power, rather who ever comes to power will be moderate but pro china and definetly be anti india .

They will follow similar economic policies as awami league. But expect more china leaning, more bulkier defense spending and a hotter border.

Sheikh hasina has done an excelent job though. What she inherited vs what she is leaving behind is really, an excellent job.

However awami league will not survive without her. The party will simply splinter into multiple factions. Her other family members dont have the charisma or IQ necessary to hold the party togather.

Without Mujibs family, awami league is nothing but a bunch of sqabling lords crying over their personal fiefdoms
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'compared to last year',,,a dip followed by rise doesn't count.

Hahahah and yet, you Indians are foaming at the literal mouths about a 15% growth rate.. which ironically, comes after a massive contraction.. i.e. the real growth is 5% or less but okay Ramesh.

All other like IMF, World Bank, Moody’s and our internal economic assessment by Government of India says its above 10%, but China funded ADB says 5% lol.
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