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Why balkanization of India is necessary?

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:rofl: wonderful thread, better to be posted by that crack head sathishchandra's assistant :lol:
How about your Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit who is a brahmin too? :rofl:

so what ?? she is chosen by people of delhi which have very few number of brahmins...she has not taken over like taliban has...did she use guns to kill innocents and taken over chief minister post???

did she kill innocent people to become what she is today??? there are brahmins in politics no doubt but it is because it is their right to take active part in politics...it is not islamic republic that certain part of society is not allowed to hold important positions in country..
so what she is chosen by people of delhi which have very few number of brahmins...she has not taken over like taliban has...

false! give me one politican in pakistan who was in the taliban.
The taliban took over afghanistan, not pakistan (not yet anyway). He didn't say pakistan. Not everything is about you.

well he didn't say afghanistan.. atleast clarify
well he didn't say afghanistan.. atleast clarify

He didn't, but if you have something called a brain between your ears, you should know that. Most people are smart enough to understand from the context of the sentence.

If I say the LTTE is trying to take over, most people would know which country is being talked about. Nobody would think that it is Uganda.
Yes, india is always trying to taking advantage of its neighbors with deceit and violence like a parasite always looks for victims. China is a victim of indian invasion too -- they occupy our southern Tibet.

Would all countries who have had it with the brahmins please join China to contain brahmins! brahmins should be outcast from the community of civilized countries in Asia because they cannot stop trying to take advantage of its neighbors like a parasite you can't shake off.

brahmins = terrorists..... they must be targeted and neutralized with predator drones to bring peace to South Asia.

:rofl: your spelling and grammar is still shocking get educated first and also check into a mental hospital for a check-up. :cheesy: nice entertainment by the way almost fell off my chair laughing.
He didn't, but if you have something called a brain between your ears, you should know that. Most people are smart enough to understand from the context of the sentence.

If I say the LTTE is trying to take over, most people would know which country is being talked about. Nobody would think that it is Uganda.

ok stop it was a mistake
Why are Brahmins terrorizing our little Hongwu? Come on Brahmins, be nice to the little Manchu warrior..

haha seems like little honwu cant sleep because of brahmin and jew nightmares :D
Why are Brahmins terrorizing our little Hongwu? Come on Brahmins, be nice to the little Manchu warrior..

I think he is getting shaken up by the wrath of the vegetarian crusaders :rofl: the Brahmins, they are going to flog you with drumsticks and make you eat dhal everyday. :lol:
haha seems like little honwu cant sleep because of bad brahmin and jew dreams :D
Seriously?! have Hans stopped terrorizing tiny Manchus enough that they started dreaming about Brahmins and Jews?
Utter nonsense. Yes there is an issue with Hindu, right wing terror tht needs to be addressed but there is not a global, ruling conspiracy behind it. They are (like all terrorists) a bunch of bigoted, ignorant fools who enjoy little, to no, popular support and are VERY small in number. And the GoI is run by them??!! A Sikh PM, up and till recently a Muslim president and a female Roman Atholic as the leader of the ruling party are following a Hindu agenda? It would be funny if it wasn't so tragic, people in Pakistan are actually being fed this pile of s*** and they are believing it, a damning reflection on the Pakistani education system and Pakistani society as a whole.

Just read this, sums it all up perfectly:

A tale of conspiracy: Why can’t we handle the truth? – The Express Tribune Blog

India is and has been from the day it was created a pluralist, secular democracy and no number of attempts for you lot to incite hatred and divide with your bitter fabrications and flat out lies will alter this.

And btw, even the title is wrong- it is a definitve statment yet you've added a question mark but it isn't a question.

Spot on. There is certainly a problem with right wing hindu organizations, but they are an indigenous problem not a zionist conspiracy and do not enjoy significant support (with the sole exception of Narendra Modi in Gujarat).
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