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Why balkanization of India is necessary?

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Any Pakistani muslim never abuse his Prophet(S.A.W) .. You've better need to search.. Internet is full with these kind of indian frustrated nuts.. Thats why india has the most worst record in religious clashes.. religious minorities are continously being targeted in india...


Do you have any numbers to back this up.. I think minority related incidents and deaths in Pakistan in a month are more than what happens in India in an year (or even more)..

The problem is that most Pakistanis are used to those incidents in Paksitan and dont even bat an eyelid when dozens get killed in sectarian violence in Karachi or a scores are massacred in an explosion outside an Ahmadi mosque.

---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:25 PM ----------

What hapened to you dude? Back when I was a newbie here , you were a totally differant guy. Full of hope and all.....:cry: Take care!

His original account got hacked and given to an India Hater :P
That is why you seem to support those who want one, right?:smokin:

RazPak does not want to eradicate anyone, he clarified several times that he was only saying that to pay back the Indians for insulting his country.

And in response, several Indians flooded this thread and started calling ME a "slant-eyed chink". :lol:
report the abusive posts -even in this thread as i havent gone through it completely -- too many suicide trollers spamming every where today- why the hell do the senior members respond to them in equal fashion?
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