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Why balkanization of India is necessary?

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Not worth it..such analysis are dime a dozen ..but the important part to note is Pakistan has already 'Balkanized' once..where as India despite numerous attempts India has only gained more states since independence.

Only plausible explanation for the above is that ..Indian ideology/principles(democracy and secularism) are a stronger bind than the ones on which it's humsaya was created on.
I still don't understand the need for his outbursts against Brahmins though:cheesy:

I think Razpak you owe me an explanation.

perhaps it started as a harmless bongi, RP does that sometimes :P
but i guess people (who dont know him well) took it quite seriously
most of you guys are on proxy :enjoy:
perhaps it started as a harmless bongi, RP does that sometimes
but i guess people (who dont know him well) took it quite seriously

I explained my position very early on and recently in post #245.
Hm I see the Indian gandus continue talking **** about Pakistan. ^

Well obviously you are hell bent on displaying your upbringing, all over the internet!!
Can't blame you though, maybe be thats how they talk in your home ?? !!
Do you know what an "阿修罗" (Asura) is? It's a type of being/entity in Buddhist mythology.

I know what who an Asura is. Are you implying that you are an Asura? :D Surprise, surprise.

I thought that was what you were implying about me. :cheesy:

Anyway, I don't even know if your Asuras are the same thing as our ones. Though from what I have read they are about the same.
I explained my position very early on and recently in post #245.

Not a good enough reason for you to abuse Brahmins.

I don't know what you guys have been taught about Brahmins, but Hindu Brahmins ≠ Taliban:lol:. Its the exact opposite. And form only about 6-7% of India's population.

There are probably not many Brahmins on this forum anyways, so why bad mouth them unnnecessarily. There are dozens of other ways in which you could have made your point.

I as a Brahmin would not like to be exterminated :cry:
Not a good enough reason for you to abuse Brahmins.

I don't know what you guys have been taught about Brahmins, but Hindu Brahmins ≠ Taliban And form only about 6-7% of India's population. There are probably not many Brahmins on this forum anyways, so why bad mouth them unnnecessarily. There are dozens of other ways in which you could have made your point.

I as a Brahmin would not like to be exterminated

It seems as though you didn't quite get the point of my posts. Try to read them again and you will get your answer.
if the intent truly was to show how it feels to be targeted then I must say you failed terribly.
the whole fiasco looked like a teenage girl fight

Not really. I could have kept ranting about Brahamins while making Indians angrier and angrier. But my point was not to troll, but rather to show how pathetic some are to demonize a people and religion.
this threads discussion started with a lighter note with leg pulling s and all, but ultimately led to verbal abuses on both sides , are we kids here to fight for no reasons. one is saying he abused his country, then another follows his suit and abusing and trolling starts. guys we should not forget that now Pakistan n India are separate countries but still origins are the same we r after all brothers in the arms, if we r bashing someone from the other-side then indirectly we r abusing ourselves also. let peace prevail here .
on the topic as the thread started against Brahmins, well it may be partly true that hey promote cast-ism n in some cases it leads to fights doesn't mean they r terrorist
similar is the fact that the terrorist that attack India n Pakistan are Islamist but it doesnt mean all Muslims n Islam followers r terrorist. A fraction of religion doesn't represent the whole mass of people of the religion
Don't forget both Hinduism N Islam both share the similar ideologies for sake of their followers. so lets stop this hooliganism n let the thread discussions proceed..........
Don't forget both Hinduism N Islam both share the similar ideologies for sake of their followers. so lets stop this hooliganism n let the thread discussions proceed..........

no offence...but where did you get that crap ?
this threads discussion started with a lighter note with leg pulling s and all, but ultimately led to verbal abuses on both sides , are we kids here to fight for no reasons. one is saying he abused his country, then another follows his suit and abusing and trolling starts. guys we should not forget that now Pakistan n India are separate countries but still origins are the same we r after all brothers in the arms, if we r bashing someone from the other-side then indirectly we r abusing ourselves also. let peace prevail here .
on the topic as the thread started against Brahmins, well it may be partly true that hey promote cast-ism n in some cases it leads to fights doesn't mean they r terrorist
similar is the fact that the terrorist that attack India n Pakistan are Islamist but it doesnt mean all Muslims n Islam followers r terrorist. A fraction of religion doesn't represent the whole mass of people of the religion
Don't forget both Hinduism N Islam both share the similar ideologies for sake of their followers. so lets stop this hooliganism n let the thread discussions proceed..........

Thank you sir. I agree with everything in your post except the Hindu and Islam part.
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