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Why aren't there any Liberal Parties in Pakistan?

Would you allow a pedophile it as he wishes?
He/she is not letting others to live. He/she is violating the Indian constitution on Right to Freedom and Right to Child Rights till 18. So is the case with other liberal countries. This is not even a worthy response.
He/she is not letting others to live. He/she is violating the Indian constitution on Right to Freedom and Right to Child Rights till 18. So is the case with other liberal countries. This is not even a worthy response.

He can argue that the child is there on their own free will and is liberal enough to agree to his demands.. and hence the right to freedom and right to child rights does not apply.The child may even testify so too. The response focuses on the definition of liberal.
He can argue that the child is there on their own free will and is liberal enough to agree to his demands.. and hence the right to freedom and right to child rights does not apply.The child may even testify so too. The response focuses on the definition of liberal.
It does not matter. Even if the child agrees, the court will treat it as a rape case. That is the constitution of India.
It does not matter. Even if the child agrees, the court will treat it as a rape case. That is the constitution of India.

I am not talking about the constitution of India nor do I care for it. I am speaking on the definition of the liberal you gave: "live and let live". If a 13 year old girl says she is in love with a 43 year old man and does not care what he does to her.. then you are violating her freedom and essentially being the opposite of what you define.
I am not talking about the constitution of India nor do I care for it. I am speaking on the definition of the liberal you gave: "live and let live". If a 13 year old girl says she is in love with a 43 year old man and does not care what he does to her.. then you are violating her freedom and essentially being the opposite of what you define.
This is the rule in every liberal country, but age bars are different.In some countries it's 18, in some other countries it is 16. If the child is older than the age specified,then he/she is an adult and free to do anything keeping the principle in mind to "live and let live".
then I would like to point out that a true liberal is anti violence and believes in the supremacy of the law.

Where in the world did you get this idea?

In 2002 Gallup found that 93% of the US population supported the Afghanistan invasion:


So you're telling me that only 7% of the US are true liberals? Public opinion only started changing as the war dragged on, more bodies came back in body bags and the economy started going downhill. You're deluding yourself into thinking that a "Liberal" is anti-violence.

Islam was introducing women/minorities rights, laws governing the proper treatment of prisoners, demanding those who could afford it pay charity (on top of their taxes), etc... all considered "liberal" values long before the West did. Right, wrong, good, evil these are all subjective values differing from time to time and between civilizations.

Pakistan doesn't need failed Western values whose societies got to where they are through theft and exploitation of others in Pakistan what it needs is Islam and the military back in charge.
Define liberalism in the context that you seek?

I think he meant a party that openly supports gayism, otherwise PPP ANP and MQM are liberal, PMLN and PTI you cant call them conservatives only because they support dialogue with TTP. JI and JUI are conservatives
Imran Khan is now known as Mullah Khan.

Who made Pakistan- Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1973?
i can assure you it was not Bhutto lol. cuz Pakistan was Islamic Republic long ago, because Ayub Khan tried to remove it long ago, but failed lol, Pakistan became an Islamic Republic in 1956
This is the rule in every liberal country, but age bars are different.In some countries it's 18, in some other countries it is 16. If the child is older than the age specified,then he/she is an adult and free to do anything keeping the principle in mind to "live and let live".
Why is the age bar different.. liberal according to you is live and let live. Who are they to determine adulthood if they are liberal?
Can liberalism pay my 'bijli ka bill' or maybe can provide food for my country fellow within 24 hour?
We as a people hold conservative values derived from our religion/culture. Why would we therefore want to be liberal.

Liberal in your sense I assume includes accepting homosexuals, abortions, fornication etc. Thanks but no thanks puthar. We are not begairats & have izzat.
Is it because the word Liberal has been so slandered by the right wing in Pakistan that none dare associate themselves with it? (except the upper class of self described boardroom liberals) Or most Pakistanis are just totally ignorant of Liberalism?

Are you talking about Liberal "Apostates" ???? :astagh:
Define liberalism in the context that you seek?
As espoused by John Locke. The freedom to choose religion, to every humans right to political and social freedom, the right of property etc. I didn't know understanding liberalism was that difficult.

What I meant to ask is why are there so few parties in Pakistan which support the definition I gave. Again if you can give me an example of a party that doesn't just says something but also does it in practise, that would be wonderful.

By the way those people who are trying to tie liberalism to just meaning the right of abortion and Pro gay etc are missing the whole point of liberalism.

Bhutto wasn't 'liberal enough' for you?

Bhutto was hardly liberal in the political sense, and to be honest he considered himself a socialist, I hope you know the difference between the two. Besides, Bhutto was just an opportunist, he used religion when he wanted to and he used socialism when it suited him. I specifically said I do not consider PPP a liberal party.
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