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why are we blaming india for own water crisis?


Apr 22, 2010
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United States
why are we blaming india for water crisis produced by sharifs, bhuttos and zardaris
so pakistan got three rivers with average flow of 145MAF
while india just got 20-25 MAF

u forgot to mention Musharraf, ruled for 11 years or so
that brutal dictatorship was good in one respect..
it increased our water storage from 10MAF to 14 MAF i.e a whopping 40% increase via kurram tangi and manhla uprising..effectively almost equal to 60% of beloved kalabagh dam

> 3 Desalination plants for Sindh run 100% on dedicated nuclear power plant
> 1 Desalination plant for Gawadar (1 more)
> 1 Kalabagh Dam for Country

Make it happen people make it happen

Aquaduct constructed with help from Asian Bank to carry Desalination water across Sindh

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Because we are good at blaming others for everything. We had 70 plus years to build as many dams as we wanted but we were busy being lazy and busy being incompetent.
remeber india is not using any water(good for us, fo rnow) they just are storing water to fill up ponds and release to produce electricity..this shouldnt bother us if we have storage down stream but hey we dont!

we have some breathing space praise mushi for that(mangla+kurram tangi)


> 3 Desalination plants for Sindh run 100% on dedicated nuclear power plant
> 1 Kalabagh Dam for Country

Make it happen people make it happen
lol, this will be 1 million times more cheaper, we dont need to mind the asteriods yet for water

so you can see even Punjab has 4-5 different areas
studies are needed in upper part/basin

now please look at india flow and storage and pakistan flow and storage

also look at the nile..pakistani are ungrateful ***itches

so whole nile amount of water is dumped into ocean lol

this is because of jiyalas(15 years rule) and matwals(10 years rule+5 in punjab, they could have built smaller dams instead of metros) mushi i will excuse, atleast he got feasibiilties and mangla uprising

misery if pakistan is the fault of our educated urban class of certain provinces for either not voting or voting wrong
99% it is lack of initiative from Pakistani politicians we have man power/labor force

3 Desalination plants and Canals / Aquaduct only for Sindh will mean there would be 0% objection left from Sindh

The water will be coming from Sea so no connection to Himalayan water


Kalabag should commence immediately after this project
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99% it is lack of initiative from Pakistani politicians we have man power

3 Desalination plants and Canals / Aquaduct only for Sindh will mean there would be 0% objection left from Sindh

The water will be coming from Sea so no connection to Himalayan water


Kalabag should commence immediately after this project
this is exactly the problem..people who dont see the obivous
it will billion of dollars to desalinate 1MAF of water every year vs storing via few billion dollars dam but no no go away de salinate it first than through miracle pump, pump it up wards lol..

May Allah bless the foolish nation, as musharraf said pakistan ka kuda he hafiz hu
Phase I
Energy Would be Cheap

Considering PAKiSTAN/China have nuclear power plant deals , so power for Desalination project is not difficult
we can make 1-2 Nuclear power plant just to power the desalination plant 100%

Phase II
Desalination Plant is using Sea water , Sea Level is rising so using some water is ok

  • 3 Desalination power plants are good for Sindh

Phase III
Aqua Duct/ Canal , chain of water artificial water channel disconnected from Indus River , 100% artificially
which runs across Sindh

Connect all 3 pieces and open water production supply to show case abundance of water for Sindh

Phase V : Work on Kalabag can take place simultaneously
Commence work on Kalabag Dam
so pakistan got three rivers with average flow of 145MAF
while india just got 20-25 MAF

that brutal dictatorship was good in one respect..
it increased our water storage from 10MAF to 14 MAF i.e a whopping 40% increase via kurram tangi and manhla uprising..effectively almost equal to 60% of beloved kalabagh dam
Those dams we built are the run of the river kind where we store and release for electricity generation. As of now we don't use any of the water from western rivers even though we have right to use 20% and you are given rights for 80%. So, you are getting 100% right now. Make use of it before we start using our 20% share.
The capacity of western rivers is. 80MAF and eastern rivers is 33MAF. Other tributaries join from your side to make it 120MAF.
Those dams we built are the run of the river kind where we store and release for electricity generation. As of now we don't use any of the water from western rivers even though we have right to use 20% and you are given rights for 80%. So, you are getting 100% right now. Make use of it before we start using our 20% share.
The capacity of western rivers is. 80MAF and eastern rivers is 33MAF. Other tributaries join from your side to make it 120MAF.
20% is bull shit
india is clearly violating parts of indus basin, i am not going to waste time with you but go and read the indus basin agreement not some analysis report of an indian
Phase I
Energy Would be Cheap

Considering PAKiSTAN/China have nuclear power plant deals , so power for Desalination project is not difficult
we can make 1-2 Nuclear power plant just to power the desalination plant 100%

Phase II
Desalination Plant is using Sea water , Sea Level is rising so using some water is ok

  • 3 Desalination power plants are good for Sindh

Phase III
Aqua Duct/ Canal , chain of water artificial water channel disconnected from Indus River , 100% artificially
which runs across Sindh

Connect all 3 pieces and open water production supply to show case abundance of water for Sindh

Phase V : Work on Kalabag can take place simultaneously
Commence work on Kalabag Dam
2 nuclearplant cost 12 billion dollars enough to built the dam storage part of all dams(bhasha dam cost is 500 billion rupees, electric part is 7 billion dollars)
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