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Why are we accusing the COAS?

Grow up. It is bcz of people like you that our country is forever struck in a loop of Hybrid Military regime. I can tell you right now that If Our Quaid MA Jinnah was alive today these Army Elites would have destroyed him as well. Just keep in mind what army did to Fatima Jinnah. Our Army has an ugly tainted past which they are still carrying with them.


Small-minded Pakistanis equate patriotism with cheering the Army on even when it is engaged in huge blunders. Just amazing.

Do Army owe any duty to the Govt of Pakistan or to the nation? Or are they staying alone on some fantasy island? 😊

They can intervene when it's about saving their own personal interests or the power monopoly of the institution.

They can intervene when they have to force their own extensions down everybody's throats while the corps commanders sit twiddling their thumbs.

They can intervene by rolling out the red carpet for a corrupt opposition to take power again.
Is Russia our "sagga chaacha" that we cannot say anything? :-) There was nothing harsh. He simply stated the facts. In the absence of a government, it is the job of the "establishment" to step up and take the reigns of the country. The country cannot run rudderless.
Pakistan never went Govtless. And there was NSA (equivalent to Federal Minister) to answer those policy questions. Then there's cabinet and then foreign office to answer those questions. Army Chief is so much junior that it's way above hi pay grade to talk about foreign policy or any policy statements for that matter.

Can someone name the Army Chief of USA or China or Russia here without searching or thinking hard? Has anyone heard those kinds of statements from Indian Army Chief about current situation and Govt policies??

Army Chief is a small part of the establishment and he should be concerned with land forces only. How an officer under the defense secretary utter policy statements without any written approval and statements from the ministry. That's why any COAS is blamed and shamed because they get out of their skins really fast.

COAS could have said there: "We are neutral and ask the foreign Secretary for detailed answer." And "you can ask me about how many tanks and artillery we have and what's our future planning in that matter"

You can't talk about rules, regulations, ethics, and dominance of just a single Govt employee all mashed up together. They are contradictory to each other
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I think it was inevitable. Where vested interest clash with country direction and slaves mentality prevail, it is bound to happen. The Army top brass always nurtured the filth, while the the 'b** of riches' judiciary protected them. Knowingly that Pakistani bureaucratic system is rotten and corrupt to core no one did anything. Now the system has collapsed its own. They made sure NS runs to UK, filth like Mohsin Dawar and other prevail and now they left IK? Even if they wanted to remove what were they thinking? Bring back the filth? Dont they realise this is the same USA who killed thousands of Pakistanis including army men via clandestine operations? Forgot Abottabad, Sala, Haqani, Raymond Devis? CIA instigated the ouster of Musharaff in 2007? Direct facilitated NRO to bring back bibi and NS? I can bet they instigated India in 2019 to do Pulwama, just like instigating Russia in Ukrain. Where is the so called #1 spy agency ISI and their 5th gen warefare mantra & expertise? Any sane mind with take USA as a threat and enemy by now. I bet Indians will be watching and laughing ....

I must say the establishment which includes the army is to blame for this situation and instability. IK was going no were if they didnt interfered.
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Now, it's the job of the Pak Army to restore its prestige and honor in the eyes of the common public. I am pretty sure 99.999% of the members of the Pak Army - serving and retired - are burning within in shame and desperation. They can face the Super Powers, but not some rotten apple sell-outs within their ranks!!! Now is the time for the "Young Turks" - on behalf of the Nation - to distance themselves from the rotten apples and join the nation....

The Turkish Army considered themselves as the guardians of the secular state for long 90 years. They conducted coups after coups on behalf of the West to keep that order. At the end even they could understand enough is enough going against the majority of the nation. They accepted a strong leader like Reis Erdo'an, and the rest is history. Now, they're running from one victory to another in a professional way...

Army is professional group when they make error they correct their mistakes

Even in a battlefield position is adjusted , but this is not battle field this is Pakistan Ki Awam your countrymen and women

Kala Coats (Black Coats ~ Supreme court) needs to be fired!! For making up their own rules

Pakistan- People- Army we want them to be on same page about Justice

Hold Elections
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......جیت نہ ممکن ہو تو ہارو بھی ایسے__ کے دشمن بھی جیتنے نہ پاۓ​


I have spoken to many of my family members and friends in Pakistan. It is absolutely ASTONISHING to hear what is going on there !! I had family members who use to support Nawaz Sharif/PML. I was amazed to learn that all of them think that what happened to IK was a tragedy and that BAJWA AND THE MILITARY WAS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS !! They even mentioned that last night Bajwa became so desperate that he THREATENED IK WITH CONSEQUENCES IF HE DID NOT LEAVE !!

Honestly, this traitor Bajwa has utterly destroyed the institution of military in a single night ! People are spitting on them and calling them with derogatory names.

Mai baap Donald Lu Deputy Assistant undersecretary kay orders thay, kaanpein tang rahi thee.

Papa John's were about be sanctioned and seized...
It is a sorry state of affairs. The only prestigious institution left in Pakistan is compromised as well. Pakistan ka Huda Hafiz
The key to salvaging the situation lies within the institution. They must make the call. One person is not more important than the institution. He must be shown the door and his associates must be sidelined.
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