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Why are the Israelis so racist??

Jewish people believe that they are God's chosen people, Christians here in the west also believe Jews are God's chosen people, thats why conservative Christians in America always are pro-isreal and anti-arab.

Islam is the only religion that teaches pure equality of all human beings (all races).

Islam is good for Muslims.
Christianity is good for Christians.
Judaism is good for Jews.
Hinduism is good for Hindus.

and so on.....

So, One should not talk about other religion. All religions are good as per their followers.

By the way What is Kafir ?? So much confusion about this word.
Islam is good for Muslims.
Christianity is good for Christian.
Judaism is good for Jews.
Hinduism is good for Hindus.

So, One should not talk about other religion. All religions are good as per own religion.

By the way What is Kafir ?? So much confusion about this word.

Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.
Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.

Every religion thinks same way. All Human beings are equal as per Hinduism too. Yes, there is nothing about or No mention about any other religion in Hinduism (As when Santana dharm/Hinduism started there was no other Religion, except Hinduism). Other religions do talk about other religion as they started when already few religions existed. Yes, there is cast system in Hindus but it also exist in Muslims. That's why Muslim dalits asking for reservation too in India. There is protest going on from them.

Today news - Muslims rally demanding reservation

Your thought are crap. This is not true. It use to happen 1,000 year back...I won't say it doesn't exist it does but less compare to centuries back.

Even, It happens among Muslims also

Why Shia-Sunni Riot happens in Lucknow, Karchi ??
Why any rift among Punjabi or Pashtuns/baloch ?
Why problem in Karachi ?? When most of them are Muslims only.
Why problem in Baluchistan ?? When all are Muslims there and Pakistan is also Islamic Country.
Why Altaf Hussain started party "MQM" when most of the Pakistani were Muslims and no division.
Why saddam hussein killed kurds ?? They were Muslims.
Why Arabs Muslims and Indian Sub-continent Muslims difference is larger than Life ?

There are 100 of Such things......Muslims are most divided religion. 50 Countries, Still not a Single country which can say something and rest will support. Forget about going against Super Power like USA and its allies. Iraq is last example that comes in my mind.
Every religion thinks same way. All religions are equal. same in Hinduism.Yes, there is nothing about or No mention about any other religion in Hinduism (As when Santana dharm/Hinduism started there was no other Religion, except Hinduism). Other religions do talk about other religion as they started when already few religions existed. Yes, there is cast system in Hindus but it also exist in Muslims. That's why Muslim dalits asking for reservation too in India. There is protest going on from them.

Today news - Muslims rally demanding reservation
Quota sought for religious minorities | religious minorities | Dalit Christians | The New Indian Express

Your thought are crap. This is not true. It use to happen 1,000 year back...I won't say it doesn't exist it does but less compare to centuries back.

Even, It happens among Muslims also

Why Shia-Sunni Riot happens in Lucknow, Karchi ??
Why any rift among Punjabi or Pashtuns/baloch ?
Why problem in Karachi ?? When most of them are Muslims only.
Why problem in Baluchistan ?? When all are Muslims there and Pakistan is also Islamic Country.
Why Altaf Hussain started party "MQM" when most of the Pakistani were Muslims and no division.
Why saddam hussein killed kurds ?? They were Muslims.
Why Arabs Muslims and Indian Sub-continent Muslims difference is larger than Life ?

There are 100 of Such things......Muslims are most divided religion. 50 Countries, Still not a Single country which can say something and rest will support. Forget about going against Super Power like USA and its allies. Iraq is last example that comes in my mind.

You're ignorant. There is no caste system in Islam. All human beings are born equally, no baby is superior to another. There is no such thing as a Dalit in Islam, you keep your silly caste systerms in your hindu religion.

Muslims are not perfect, but Islam is perfect that is why there is so many problems in the world because of the people, not the Religion.

I can also list hundreds of separatist movements in HINDU-MAJORITY india.
You're ignorant. There is no caste system in Islam. All human beings are born equally, no baby is superior to another. There is no such thing as a Dalit in Islam, you keep your silly caste systerms in your hindu religion.

Muslims are not perfect, but Islam is perfect that is why there is so many problems in the world because of the people, not the Religion.

I can also list hundreds of separatist movements in HINDU-MAJORITY india.

Too bad 99.99% never bothered to learn this perfect Islam then.
I could have picked 1 out of 10 stories in the last week showing their mindset. It is their policy. Always has been and will be.

south Asians and Pakistanis specially have no right to talk about racism, we are racist against our own people let alone others.
Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.

You are painting a rosy picture ! If it is true why we keep hearing sunnis targeting shias and ahmedis vs other muslims ! In SA arab muslims discriminate against fellow muslims from other countries ! Infact they respect whites more than a Pakistani. There are numerous such stories of dicrimination among Muslims.
Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.

and your talking about racism, what hypocrisy, I feel sad for people like you.
Kafir = non-muslim.

In Islam, anyone can be a Muslim. It doesnt matter if he/she is a Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, African, or European. And anyone can be a Imam who studies Islam well.

We Muslims believe all human beings are born equally, and Islam is the truth. Islam is for all mankind.

Not like you people, only if you are born a Brahmin you are respected while being born a Dalit you are like animals.

so tell me are Ahmadias Muslim ? what about the whole Shia-Sunni debate ? Dude you really have no idea what your talking about.
Pakistanis, Arabs and Indians have no right to talk about racism in another country.

he's right my grand mother once beat me with a roti roller because i hung out with a black guy she said (oye ki karda tu? kyu kale lok doosti karda ya? yeh lok tere paisa nale cellphone choori karogai)
You're ignorant. There is no caste system in Islam. All human beings are born equally, no baby is superior to another. There is no such thing as a Dalit in Islam, you keep your silly caste systerms in your hindu religion.

Muslims are not perfect, but Islam is perfect that is why there is so many problems in the world because of the people, not the Religion.

I can also list hundreds of separatist movements in HINDU-MAJORITY india.

If Muslims are not perfect then don't talk that it is perfect. Every Muslim country has some problem, Alas.....Even when Muslims are minority there too.

Ignorance at its best. There is no separatist movement in India. Khalistan died decade back and ULFA surrendered sometime back. Kashmir?? Keep shouting. Doesn't make difference........A Small Country Pakistan has much more separatist than India........ohh...We don't have Single.
You are painting a rosy picture ! If it is true why we keep hearing sunnis targeting shias and ahmedis vs other muslims ! In SA arab muslims discriminate against fellow muslims from other countries ! Infact they respect whites more than a Pakistani. There are numerous such stories of dicrimination among Muslims.

Arab Muslims don't even consider Indian Sub continent Muslims as same race. Forget about equality. Still, Few Pakistani people want to be Flag Bearer of Muslims. Those who can actually (Like SA, Turkey and other Arab countries) already surrendered in front of USA.
so tell me are Ahmadias Muslim ? what about the whole Shia-Sunni debate ? Dude you really have no idea what your talking about.

Ahmadiyya are not Muslims. Theres nothing about Shia-Sunni debate in the Holy Quran. And you pretend to be indian "muslim"
If Muslims are not perfect then don't talk that it is perfect. Every Muslim country has some problem, Alas.....Even when Muslims are minority there too.

Ignorance at its best. There is no separatist movement in India. Khalistan died decade back and ULFA surrendered sometime back. Kashmir?? Keep shouting. Doesn't make difference........A Small Country Pakistan has much more separatist than India........ohh...We don't have Single.

BS coming from another indian!


Main article: Aspirant states of India
See also: Naxalite-Maoist insurgency and Insurgency in Northeast India
Arunachal Pradesh

Proposed autonomous area: Teola country[10]
Militant organisation: Arunachal Dragon Force
Proposed autonomous area: Hajong Chakma Homeland
Political organisation: All Hajong Chakma Homeland Movement

Proposed state: Assam Bodoland
Militant organisation: United Liberation Front of Assam, Muslim United Liberation Tigers of Assam[11], National Democratic Front of Bodoland
Jammu and Kashmir (occupied/disputed area)

Proposed state: Independent United States of Kashmir
Political organisations: All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front
Militant organisations: Lashkar-e-Toiba, Harkat-ul-mujahideen, Jaish-e-Mohammad

Proposed state: Republic of Manipur
Militant organisations: Hmar People's Convention–Democrat, Manipur People’s Liberation Front, United National Liberation Front, Revolutionary People's Front of Manipur, People's Revolutionary Party of Kangleipak[12]

Proposed state: Zozam
Militant organisations: Zomi Revolutionary Organization, Mizoram Farmers Liberation Force

Proposed state: Nagalim or People's Republic of Nagaland
Government-in-exile: Government of the People's Republic of Nagaland
Militant organisation: National Socialist Council of Nagaland

Proposed state: Khalistan
Militant organisations: Khalistan Commando Force, Babbar Khalsa International, Khalistan Zindabad Force, International Sikh Youth Federation, Khalistan Liberation Force, Khalistan Liberation Army

Proposed state: Tripura
Militant organisations: National Liberation Front of Tripura (two factions operating), All Tripura Tiger Force, National Army of the United States of Bengal(Barak & Tripura)


Proposed state: Balochistan
Political party: Balochistan National Party (member of the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization)
Militant organisations: Balochistan Liberation Army

List of active separatist movements in Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arab Muslims don't even consider Indian Sub continent Muslims as same race. Forget about equality. Still, Few Pakistani people want to be Flag Bearer of Muslims. Those who can actually (Like SA, Turkey and other Arab countries) already surrendered in front of USA.

Theres a difference between Muslims and Islam. Muslims are human beings. Islam is a Religion.

Islam doesnt teach that any race/caste is superior. The same is not true of Judaism and Hinduism.
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