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Why are the Israelis so racist??

Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc. Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western country does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

Wow! I have only one answer for your B.S ,that you are such a shame to be even called as animal forget about human.
And am sure that My *** is much fairer/smoother than your face ..:angry:

Your can report positive news from your country to counter the negativity than try hard to make other countries negative too.

Yeah, in that way Pakistanis will be busy defending while countries like israel can be free to chose where to attack next. In this dirty game offence is the best defence.
Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life. :tdown::tdown::tdown:

Buddy, where ever you go out of your nation, you are an alien to the nation that you are visiting and Humans are not the best when it comes to accepting people from other community other than their own. so chill out. South Africa is one place you'll find the least racism because they have experianced the worst and they evolved. It will take a few hundred years for the rest of the peopulation to understand that.
And this thread is to spread more of the hatred rather than bring in hormoney. Read my post 8 and let me know if this situation needs the escalation that it is getting in this thread.
I agree with you master! Only Pakistanis have the right to act stupid and bigoted in this forum.

Lolz my post was said tongue in cheek.
The reality is i agree with you when you comment about racism being universal including Pakistanis and Indians but are not all the same. Sadly when it comes from the Israelis they are clearly racist and you all know it. You are an intelligent guy (Ive read some of your posts that show this). You know their arrogance for ALL races bar theirs is world famous. I have no malice towards most citizens and most nations but when it comes to Israel they are on the whole arrogant, pom-pas and patronizing belittling other nationals be it Indian Pakistani or Somali.
Wow! I have only one answer for your B.S ,that you are such a shame to be even called as animal forget about human.
And am sure that My *** is much fairer/smoother than your face ..:angry:


Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.
I could have picked 1 out of 10 stories in the last week showing their mindset. It is their policy. Always has been and will be.

You just hate the Jews badly. If they were racists, there would be only white Jews living and no palestine would have existed in 60s itself. Race is immaterial to them .

Israel regularly gets racist incidents between the Caucasian Jews of Russia and elsewhere and the black African Jews from Ethiopia and other countries..But these incidents are never reported.

And yet somehow you come to know of them without being reported eh? :lol: Wow! You should be serving as Amnesty International's personal spy.
Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.

So what color is your skin !? Dont you secretly wish you were a white Caucasian ! So that you can look down upon fellow brown skinned Pakistanis ! Man, What is with the obsession with skin color ? Are you a fossil of 18th century ??
Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.

just beacuse you people are treated badly every where, you are trying to paint entire sub continent same..Can't say what you all get in China but Indians (generally) in isreal or any western country are treated with respect (excluding Australia)...and regarding Racism, its correct that pakistanis have no right to speak on this as they are the most racist with Urdu speakers, Baloch people, Minorities in their own country...

and before crying about India , remember what Many Pakistanis in west have to say

Facing Bias, Pakistanis Pretend to Be Indian - Times Square bomb scare boosts anti-Pakistani sentiment

"A lot of Pakistanis can't get jobs after 9/11 and now it's even worse," said the chairman of a Pakistani merchant group in Brooklyn. "They are now pretending they are Indian so they can get a job."

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Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.

I have interacted with fair skinned Israelis as well as Arab origin ones live many times during work and they are not at all racist. Some of them are a bit formal but not racist at all. Now about Australia, yes it is true. Australians are a bit thick-headed and think that beating up people around means being tough. That is kind of ingrained in them. The appropriate answer to gain respect from such lots is to thrash back with same coldness.... that usually works (though I never had a serious incident with the 2-3 Australians that I interacted, they were okay).

The issue of Russia is not about Russians in general but skin-head groups that don't like any non-Russian or for that matter any non-Slav white (includes western European whites that are racially different from East European ones). That's not entire Russia. In fact, 99% of Russians are really nice people. My dad is Soviet-educated and always has praised Russian way of life and their warmth towards Indians.

If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.

Listen, there are a lot of Indians that go to Israel for tourism and studies and all and vice versa. Not ONE incident of racism has come up against Indians. Not one. Imagine when we have such a sensationalist media and this hasn't come up, obviously it doesn't exist. It might be different with you guys because Muslims hate Jews so it is likely to be a different interaction.

Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

Are you really that ignorant or is it simply that you like to troll due to the frustration of your current situation? Listen trolling is possible by both sides okay. I know you are obsessed with Bollywood but we aren't.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.

It still doesn't change the reality that you and the rest of your types are running more and more away from...
Guys, this incident that has been raised as a thread just says that the Gaurds came to the rescue but did not treat the person for 4 1/2 min. Is this not sufficient enough to conclude that the gaurds are not Doctors (might be para medics) and they would have waited for the ambulance.
Indians (generally) in isreal or any western country are treated with respect (excluding Australia)
Thanks Dr. Phil :hitwall:
Hope you got a story to narrate about the disrespect you got in Australia.
Its not because Israel and India are closed together in terms of military cooperation that you must support Israel in whatever this country does and this does not mean that Israelis love Indians. Indians are mostly dark skin people, this is a fact and skin bleached actors in Bollywood films are not the reality. If this Sudanese was an Indian national, he would have faced the same racism act by this Security guard. Israelis are mostly white people and if you are an Indian you will face the same racism, arrogance by the Israelis or even French etc that dark colored or African jews are facing. Australia and India are closed allies but just ask the Indian students in Australia what they have to bear in terms of racism and other discrimination, likewise ask the Indians studying in Russia what they have to bear etc.
If this Sudanese was a white French, he would not have faced the same treatment likewise in Australia or Russia, White Europeans or Caucasian foreigners do not have to bear the same racism treatment in these countries irrespective again if their countries are allies or adversaries. This is the reality man, so stop supporting Israel like this, if once a day you have the chance or the misfortunate to go there, you would receive the treatment the color of your skin and face would deserve as soon as you reach the airport, except if you could put enough whitening cream and powder on your face and body and to have a passport photo taken under full white spotlight just like Bollywood actors are doing.
Of course we should not generalize but it is a fact that Israelis and white people are more prone to racism when facing dark or colored people, irrespective of their nationality, it could be Indians, Sudanese etc. India being the new ally of Western countries does not mean that Indians have become white people. They are pale skin only in Bollywood films not in their daily life.

PS: I have added some additional lines for you. I could also talk more about Indians however I have been banned so often that now I am more soft. LOL.

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