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Why are Indians so delusional

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Sep 24, 2015
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I have noticed for a few years now that Indians just want other countries to link every single terrorist act to Pakistan and they get really frustrated when other countries don't continuously mention terrorism and Pakistan in the same sentence.




They also wish and pray that someone just comes along and bombs Pakistan, even hoping that Taliban will invade.


They also think that every ethnicity wants to break away and that Pakistan is a cake-walk, check this out


This is hilarious, they blame even pigeons and locust attacks on Pakistan and then turn around to say that we are paranoid about India


Really want to know their logic behind this thinking.
This guy is a mod in that forum lol

A concentrated effort by the civilians and the Indian government to hurt Pakistan anywhere and everywhere possible meanwhile people at our side were offering peace. The incumbent govt in India and the new ideologically driven Hindutva want nothing less than destruction of Pakistan. They even plagued places like 9gag and other users had to point it out on how Indians are turning once a happy place into a political propaganda against China and Pakistan.
That is a cesspool of a forum. I'd advice you to stay away from it unless you are one of those people who lick Modi's balls for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You say anything that criticizes dear supreme leader, you get banned. So it has turned into a hate-filled echo chamber.
Well in my view that "forum" is not a forum, its an Indian Right winger club.
This forum is not like them and it should never be like them. So I suggest, we should allow Indian point of view in this forum and read it and comment it without insulting the other person. If we do that, this will be the biggest insult to that club ;-)
They are an evil enemy - I wouldn’t except anything less.

During war they would crumble, all talk!
Their delusions arise out of their innate love for the fantasies, their persistent arrogance and their false sense of supermacy. These are the people, who converted a small family feud, between cousins, into a mythological tale, of enormous proportions, spread over thousands of pages, that is Mahabharata. :lol: :lol::lol:
Well in my view that "forum" is not a forum, its an Indian Right winger club.
This forum is not like them and it should never be like them. So I suggest, we should allow Indian point of view in this forum and read it and comment it without insulting the other person. If we do that, this will be the biggest insult to that club ;-)
Thank you for saying this. No name calling should be allowed here.
Indians have an exalted sense of self not justified by their reality. I call it the highest-ego-per-unit-of-accomplishment syndrome.

  • They believe they are the world's greatest civilization yet a majority of their people shit in streets and fields.
  • They worship fair complexion but most have an australoid complexion
  • They believe Aryans originated in India
  • They project south asian muslims are forced converts yet they are the forced converts of invaders (aryans).
  • They believe they won all wars with smaller Pakistan yet Pakistan occupies 1/3rd of Kashmir as a result of 1948 war.
  • They won't let muslims eat beef yet they are a huge exporter of beef and leather.
  • They think because they won miss universe that they are a "beautiful" people.
  • They represent 1/5th of humanity yet won less gold medals than tiny qatar.
  • They fancy themselves as secular yet known for communal riots.
  • The pride themselves on speaking English yet have the most hideous accent on the planet.
  • They think they are warriors in their movies but they are a conquered people 20 times over.
  • They despise Islam but their landmarks are red fort, qutb minar and taj mahal.
  • They say casteism does not exist yet it is the very foundation of their society.
  • They see themselves as a great power but get pushed around by pakistan and china, nepal and even bangladesh.
  • They believe bharat owns all of south asia but see it is taken by "others": pakistan, gb, askai chin, bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal etc. The mere existence of these countries or territories in the hands of "others" is a slap in their face.
  • Their map shows they are neighbors with afghanistan... everyone knows this is a fantasy.
  • They see themselves as the richest people yet their per capita income is lower than bangladesh and sri lanka. How many times have you heard a sri lankan brag about per capita income? Pakistan's per capita income was higher from 1947-1985.... how many pakistanis bragged?
  • They believe they are rich yet 700 million indians live in sub-saharan conditions
  • They believe Hinduism is the greatest yet Christianity and Islam continue to grow.
  • They have a pathological need to be respected and admired yet their annoying neighbors all shit on them.
They are delusional and brainless. These are the people UNICEF had to spend millions of dollars to teach them not to poop in the streets.

I have noticed for a few years now that Indians just want other countries to link every single terrorist act to Pakistan and they get really frustrated when other countries don't continuously mention terrorism and Pakistan in the same sentence.

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View attachment 774172
View attachment 774170

They also wish and pray that someone just comes along and bombs Pakistan, even hoping that Taliban will invade.

View attachment 774171

They also think that every ethnicity wants to break away and that Pakistan is a cake-walk, check this out

View attachment 774169

This is hilarious, they blame even pigeons and locust attacks on Pakistan and then turn around to say that we are paranoid about India

View attachment 774203

Really want to know their logic behind this thinking.
This guy is a mod in that forum lol

View attachment 774204

not suprised.

they have hate against Islam which translates into hate against Pakistan. Once you have that set in their sub concious it is very easy fill their heads with false properganda

Interesting yesterday an Egyptian colllegue of mine came in to my office started taking about this indian media content he saw, ie 3 million Bengali butchered by Pakistan Army. I asked him so what did you think?.. he taught it was incredibily wrong... for one it is not possible to kill that many people in such a short time.

any way the point is just because many indians lack common sense doesnt mean the rest of the world does.
I have noticed for a few years now that Indians just want other countries to link every single terrorist act to Pakistan and they get really frustrated when other countries don't continuously mention terrorism and Pakistan in the same sentence.

Its funny seeing people like Christine Fair chimp out when Pakistan isn't mentioned once.
They also wish and pray that someone just comes along and bombs Pakistan, even hoping that Taliban will invade.
They should try and do it themselves these people still claim they shot down 2 F-16s LOL

They also think that every ethnicity wants to break away and that Pakistan is a cake-walk, check this out

Hindustana o Afghanan da khabarah lah thero 70 kalono rahesey koy. Da ba heeskala peesh nashey.

"United States of Hindu Empire" 😂
Indians have an exalted sense of self not justified by their reality. I call it the highest-ego-per-unit-of-accomplishment syndrome.

  • They believe they are the world's greatest civilization yet a majority of their people shit in streets and fields.
  • They worship fair complexion but most have an australoid complexion
  • They believe Aryans originated in India
  • They project south asian muslims are forced converts yet they are the forced converts of invaders (aryans).
  • They believe they won all wars with smaller Pakistan yet Pakistan occupies 1/3rd of Kashmir as a result of 1948 war.
  • They won't let muslims eat beef yet they are a huge exporter of beef and leather.
  • They think because they won miss universe that they are a "beautiful" people.
  • They represent 1/5th of humanity yet won less gold medals than tiny qatar.
  • They fancy themselves as secular yet known for communal riots.
  • The pride themselves on speaking English yet have the most hideous accent on the planet.
  • They think they are warriors in their movies but they are a conquered people 20 times over.
  • They despise Islam but their landmarks are red fort, qutb minar and taj mahal.
  • They say casteism does not exist yet it is the very foundation of their society.
  • They see themselves as a great power but get pushed around by pakistan and china, nepal and even bangladesh.
  • They believe bharat owns all of south asia but see it is taken by "others": pakistan, gb, askai chin, bangladesh, sri lanka, nepal etc. The mere existence of these countries or territories in the hands of "others" is a slap in their face.
  • Their map shows they are neighbors with afghanistan... everyone knows this is a fantasy.
  • They see themselves as the richest people yet their per capita income is lower than bangladesh and sri lanka. How many times have you heard a sri lankan brag about per capita income? Pakistan's per capita income was higher from 1947-1985.... how many pakistanis bragged?
  • They believe they are rich yet 700 million indians live in sub-saharan conditions
  • They believe Hinduism is the greatest yet Christianity and Islam continue to grow.
  • They have a pathological need to be respected and admired yet their annoying neighbors all shit on them.
brutal savage!
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