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Why Arabs Lose Wars

Tanks are worthless in Urban Warfare , they should have relied from the begining instead on special forces and light infantry supported by air-cover with guided missiles which have reduced civilian losses and kept this conflict as a low level insurgency but adopting stupid soviet era techniques ruined the whole country and turned it into a Shit-hole.
the problem is no one can imagine that SAA for example or iraq army to fight in urban warfare

Don't be fooled by Jewish criminals, it's very evident they have a hatred against our Prophet(SAW) and our people as a whole. They don't care for what's happening, they want us weak and destroyed. They will be extremely anti opposition if the oppositions was victorious in Syria. Anything Muslim they hate and oppose, not because those people are classified as Muslims, but because being a Muslim is being someone that opposes injustice and strives for good. So Muslims whom strive for good will oppose the evil Israeli policies in our region and this is a threat to their evil so they will want to fight all Muslims to the last American.

It's not America fighting us, it's the Jewish people fighting us through the American people. Unfortunately, the American people can do little to nothing to prevent this unless they become more aware of the state this nation is in. Anybody can tell our policy in the Middle East is inspired by Jewish people, even our pentagon leaders and foreign policy leaders are Jewish people. It's the Jewish people who attacked Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, U.S, UK, etc.....

They even deliberately killed dozens of American sailors in the USS Liberty incident, the Jewish controlled administrations covered up the Israeli nuclearweapons tests in the Indian Ocean. We all know it was Israel, all scientists even said that was a nuclear weapons tests. These crazy people even wrote in their Atlanta Jewish Times that they should murder the American president with Mossad agents, they even stated that option has been discussed by top Israeli leaders. This is not a struggle against the West, the West actually could have great relations with our nations, it's the Jewish people who are preventing it.

The Arab nations that support Israel are the only nations with developed economies and relations with the world. The ones that don't support Israeli expansionism and terrorism are hit with sanctions, threats of war, political, economical and social wars. This clearly means the Jewish people are preventing peace in the Middle East. This is why it's a struggle against the conservative extremist Jewish people overseas. The majority of them don't care about the region and want just what's good for them, this is why unfortunately we have a miserable region which will see major violence in the future.

If all Muslims nations accepted Israeli tyranny and crimes against the Palestinians then we would become prosperous nations who are praised by the 'West'. We are a patient people however and will not accept that, we will come out victorious against the Jewish hegemony. We Muslims have no issues with the west, I'd even be willing to pull all our immigrants out of their nations as long as they put an end to the Jewish directing of their affairs.
I watched a documentary about the Yom Kipur war where the Israelis defeated pretty much the entire Arab World. I think that the biggest problem is bluster and bravado that the Arabs displayed. Entire armies destroyed, yet false information is relayed to allied forces. The Egyptians held a narrow strip of land in Sinai and already paraded like they won the war. The Syrians charging despite having inferior weapons, training and supply.
If coordinated properly the Arab world could have destroyed the cancer of Israel as the Jews had no land to fall back to, Israel being such a small country. Defeat after defeat, Lies after lies.
the goal was never to retake sainai we did not have mobile air defence we could only work under the cover of our air defence in the Egyptian front we did what we wanted to do from the start of the war
You are whining and begging for help all the time although u live much better than majority of Muslims in the world. You were offered a state 5 times at least and each time u rejected that offer. but keep blaming everyone around. You sucked up to USSR which massacred million Muslims in Afghanistan, then you sucked up to Syria which massacred thousands of ur own people and tens of thousands of other Muslims. Now again u are trying to suck up to Syria and Iran who are massacring, starving and ethnicaly cleansing hundreds of thousands of Muslims, including ur own people.
no, technicality Iran and Syria are just cleansing Sunnis Muslim, not all of them
I watched a documentary about the Yom Kipur war where the Israelis defeated pretty much the entire Arab World. I think that the biggest problem is bluster and bravado that the Arabs displayed. Entire armies destroyed, yet false information is relayed to allied forces. The Egyptians held a narrow strip of land in Sinai and already paraded like they won the war. The Syrians charging despite having inferior weapons, training and supply.
If coordinated properly the Arab world could have destroyed the cancer of Israel as the Jews had no land to fall back to, Israel being such a small country. Defeat after defeat, Lies after lies.

It wasn't a major defeat at all, we could have put an end to the colonialist state however we didn't have so much hatred against them, we though they were peaceful people until the 67 war of aggression we realized they are imperialiasts. The West was also supporting them with intelligence, the UN gave Israel long periods of cease fires fooling the Arabs thinking the war would end allowing them to re-arm and attack arab positions.
In context to Arab-Isreal war and role of Pakistani pilot. Had little chat with a very senior forum member and ex PAF pilot Sir Murad and few other pilots.. Dig the forum and you all find the reason . ( It must be few years old thread).
the goal was never to retake sainai we did not have mobile air defence we could only work under the cover of our air defence in the Egyptian front we did what we wanted to do from the start of the war

حا يقولو انو العرب انهزمو حتا ولو اخي، هما بفكرو العرب هجمو عا اسرايل ولاكن هيا هجمت العرب واحتلو إرضائها

بفكر اننا حمير بنفهمش بل مرة
the goal was never to retake sainai we did not have mobile air defence we could only work under the cover of our air defence in the Egyptian front we did what we wanted to do from the start of the war

You held a narrow strip of land and had great negotiation power but president Sadat refused. The Jews under fat Ariel Sharon led a charge through a gap in your lines and destroyed the SAM batteries and took the war into Egypt.
Disaster after disaster yet the Egyptian army refused to turn West to counter the Israelis behind your lines.

Don't be fooled by Jewish criminals, it's very evident they have a hatred against our Prophet(SAW) and our people as a whole. They don't care for what's happening, they want us weak and destroyed. They will be extremely anti opposition if the oppositions was victorious in Syria. Anything Muslim they hate and oppose, not because those people are classified as Muslims, but because being a Muslim is being someone that opposes injustice and strives for good. So Muslims whom strive for good will oppose the evil Israeli policies in our region and this is a threat to their evil so they will want to fight all Muslims to the last American.

It's not America fighting us, it's the Jewish people fighting us through the American people. Unfortunately, the American people can do little to nothing to prevent this unless they become more aware of the state this nation is in. Anybody can tell our policy in the Middle East is inspired by Jewish people, even our pentagon leaders and foreign policy leaders are Jewish people. It's the Jewish people who attacked Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Turkey, Iran, U.S, UK, etc.....

They even deliberately killed dozens of American sailors in the USS Liberty incident, the Jewish controlled administrations covered up the Israeli nuclearweapons tests in the Indian Ocean. We all know it was Israel, all scientists even said that was a nuclear weapons tests. These crazy people even wrote in their Atlanta Jewish Times that they should murder the American president with Mossad agents, they even stated that option has been discussed by top Israeli leaders. This is not a struggle against the West, the West actually could have great relations with our nations, it's the Jewish people who are preventing it.

The Arab nations that support Israel are the only nations with developed economies and relations with the world. The ones that don't support Israeli expansionism and terrorism are hit with sanctions, threats of war, political, economical and social wars. This clearly means the Jewish people are preventing peace in the Middle East. This is why it's a struggle against the conservative extremist Jewish people overseas. The majority of them don't care about the region and want just what's good for them, this is why unfortunately we have a miserable region which will see major violence in the future.

If all Muslims nations accepted Israeli tyranny and crimes against the Palestinians then we would become prosperous nations who are praised by the 'West'. We are a patient people however and will not accept that, we will come out victorious against the Jewish hegemony. We Muslims have no issues with the west, I'd even be willing to pull all our immigrants out of their nations as long as they put an end to the Jewish directing of their affairs.
i agree with most of what you say but you are wrong even if isreal is not here we still have problems with the west dont forget british and french occupation the crusedes i think there is one rule in this world the strong will do what he can and the weak will suffer what he must it has been like this and will forever be so we everyone should blame himself Egyptians palsitinans iraqis every country that is in a bad shape because they became a victim
In context to Arab-Isreal war and role of Pakistani pilot. Had little chat with a very senior forum member and ex PAF pilot Sir Murad and few other pilots.. Dig the forum and you all find the reason . ( It must be few years old thread).

What's important is to understand the context, it wasn't an Arab-Israeli war. It was an Israeli war of aggression against stationary Arab forces in order to annex Arab land for the Jewish state. They wanted our lands since the 1900's and have terrorized our people to grab our land. The Arabs thought it was a rational state until they realized something is very wrong about these people, they want what they want illegally and will kill to achieve their goals. Arabs just didn't have objectives to dismantle the state of Israel. That's propaganda by Jewish dominated press. They just wanted to defend boundaries of a palestinian state. That's why Israelis brag about 'victory' when they know well they commits acts of aggression in 48 and 67.

i agree with most of what you say but you are wrong even if isreal is not here we still have problems with the west dont forget british and french occupation the crusedes i think there is one rule in this world the strong will do what he can and the weak will suffer what he must it has been like this and will forever be so we everyone should blame himself Egyptians palsitinans iraqis every country that is in a bad shape because they became a victim

I know habibi, what I say is true and what you say is also true but that's a different context. If Israel is gone we can focus on our problems and solve them within a decade maybe, the problem is we don't know what would happen. We have lived under foreign occupation ever since European colonialism and we still aren't free since everyone wants our resources.
It wasn't a major defeat at all, we could have put an end to the colonialist state however we didn't have so much hatred against them, we though they were peaceful people until the 67 war of aggression we realized they are imperialiasts. The West was also supporting them with intelligence, the UN gave Israel long periods of cease fires fooling the Arabs thinking the war would end allowing them to re-arm and attack arab positions.

The 6 day war and Yom Kipur wars weren't major defeats? The middle east today is nothing like in Ancient times where the likes of Salah Adin destroyed crusaders with skill and dignity. The Israelis today are so entrenched now its impossible to remove them because the Yom Kipur war was so half arsed! There are no more chances like back then, its sad to say that the Israelis are there to stay for good.
You held a narrow strip of land and had great negotiation power but president Sadat refused. The Jews under fat Ariel Sharon led a charge through a gap in your lines and destroyed the SAM batteries and took the war into Egypt.
Disaster after disaster yet the Egyptian army refused to turn West to counter the Israelis behind your lines.

No he didn't, look up the Sadat-Jarring UN agreement, the Egyptians wanted peace if Israel would abide by UN 242 resolution and were willing to develop relations with the U.S. It was Israel which rejected this I believe in 1971.
the problem is no one can imagine that SAA for example or iraq army to fight in urban warfare

They should have prepared to fight israel in urban warefare , remember before in 1973 israel was only 50 km from damascus .

Iraq had a somehow effective army but Syria is simply a Joke , the army there was kept weak by Assad famillly inorder to prevent any coup against them and most special forces are recruited from tribes and clans related to Assad's tribe and extended family.

An army that is built on loyalty and tribal links like syrian army cant really be effective and that is how it crumbled in few month against poorly armed rebel peasants from syrian countryside, now Syrian regime relies on foreign mercenaries and organized crime groups to protect damascus and assad strongholds on the syrian coast.

Dumb gulf terrorist, you have the username of someone who was anti Israeli and you're up their ***. Resistance had nothing to do with Fatah you sick pig, the resistance isn't killing my people. Syria is defending itself against terrorists supported by your kind so you can destroy every anti Israeli regime. Syria always supported my people and the resistance.

Why do you keep brining up Jordan? :lol:

No where am I insulting Jordan, you're a gulf terrorist idiot who hates anybody who fights the Israeli racial imperialism.

This guy is seriously deranged, he hates with passion any nation or organization that doesn't accept Israeli racial imperialism(occupation).

funny how a terrorist accuses others of terrorism , I just love it , then tell your brothers in Gaza to stop supporting takfiri groups in Sinai .

Yeah Assad is bombing the shit out of your people in Yarmouk camp , now tell this to one of the palestinians who lost relatives there , I am sure you will be fucked Just like how your ancestors were fucked on black september.
The 6 day war and Yom Kipur wars weren't major defeats? The middle east today is nothing like in Ancient times where the likes of Salah Adin destroyed crusaders with skill and dignity. The Israelis today are so entrenched now its impossible to remove them because the Yom Kipur war was so half arsed! There are no more chances like back then, its sad to say that the Israelis are there to stay for good.

The six day war was not a war, it was an Israeli act of aggression aimed at acquiring Arab territories for their future expansionist policies. There's nothing impressive about committing aggression against 3 Arab nations especially with the U.S. Providing intelligence to Israel on stationary Arab targets. You tell us what do you think were the objectives of the Yom Kippur war? The Egyptians achieved their objectives but messed up when they tried providing cover for Syria. We aren't trying to destroy Israel, we're just trying to gain back our land. That's what the Yom Kippur war was about.

You keep saying 'Israel is here to stay', what do you mean by that? Nobody is trying to destroy Israel, Israel is destroying the Palestinians and committing crimes against humanity. Occupations eventually have to come to an end, the only reason it won't is because of Jewish Americans who dominate US foreign policy and provide unconditional support resisting accountability of Israel by the UN. This situation is unlike any other situation in the history of the world. This is why it's so difficult to try getting Israel to abide by international law.


Get your garbage out of here and mind your own business in your garbage island. You're not part of Levant Arabs and never been involved in our region, stay in your Island all the way over there and don't interfere in our affairs. The UAE has no place in our history, you're just oil rich tribal Arabs who were not involved in Arab-Israeli conflict.
No he didn't, look up the Sadat-Jarring UN agreement, the Egyptians wanted peace if Israel would abide by UN 242 resolution and were willing to develop relations with the U.S. It was Israel which rejected this I believe in 1971.

That doesnt matter, the war had started and the Egyptians had crossed into Israel with the Syrians attacking from the western side. The Israelis were in shock and wanted negotiations as they were uncertain about the possible outcome of the war. With that much leverage, Sadat could have gained very favourable terms with his newly acquired territory on the other side of the canal and his army safely crossed and with SAM cover.
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