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Why Arabs hate migrants from Bangladesh, India & Pakistan?

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thats probably because we export only Labours to Saudi Arabia while the GORA CHAMRI are highly professionals.........

Our highly skilled migrants prefer to go to Western countries instead of middle east

I'm not talking about laborers here. I'm talking about different salaries for the same position in banks. financial institutions, construction companies, etc. Europeans are paid higher for the very same position.

I read a report in this regard written by an Indian fellow. Let me Google it for you.
see this is what I mean, I criticize the "holy" arabs and you call me an Israeli lover based on that.

dude, most of these guys don't hesitate a second to put a label on you. Its alright, get used to it.:agree:
btw I might as well admit to our racism towards afghans in Iran since I'm being so negative about arabs! But the two are on a diff scale IMO
Zaki bhai,are you implying sarcasm through the post?
I am confused with your last line, "nothing else....."part

not sarcasm......... say i met with 100 peoples asking their opinion about Arabs........and only 2 indian fellows had to say something bad about Saudi Arabia............ remaining 98 were happy living there with Arabs...........

and that too i believe was a emotional story........ they knew that the whole group of 100 peoples has come from London so they expect little extra money in tips if share a sad story about them :rofl::rofl::rofl:

As i said i have my cousins living there in Ta'if and they are also happy with Arabs. Actually since my job is to work in Forex only and i can trade from anywhere in the world (just need an Internet :lol:) so i was hoping to move there in Saudi Arabia thats why asking the reviews from here n there
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dude, most of these guys don't hesitate a second to put a label on you. Its alright, get used to it.:agree:

I never put any label on you brownie.. I just don't like brownies.. high in calories... bad in taste.. looks like $hit... and once you eat them you have to workout for atleast 3 hours just to maintain your figure :confused:

I'm not talking about laborers here. I'm talking about different salaries for the same position in banks. financial institutions, construction companies, etc. Europeans are paid higher for the very same position.

I read a report in this regard written by an Indian fellow. Let me Google it for you.

oh well the discrimination is everywhere i am not saying Arabs are an angels...... all i am saying is the way sometimes Saudi Arabia is presented is also totally wrong and secondly Saudi Arabia is not the only Arab country. I have no idea about UAE and other Arab countries........... I have only been to Abu Dhabi airport never visited those countries yet so can't say about them.

I was only telling my own experience where i found Saudis as one of the best nations in the world. Trust me they treated me better than like peoples treat me in Pakistan :rofl: (those who dont know me)
I never put any label on you brownie.. I just don't like brownies.. high in calories... bad in taste.. looks like $hit... and once you eat them you have to workout for atleast 3 hours just to maintain your figure :confused:


Another lame attempt to imply that you have a good figure. Just like you desperately try to prove you are fair and half Iranian. ADT is right man, you seem to be very insecure about yourself.
Stop trolling!!
not sarcasm......... say i met with 100 peoples asking their opinion about Arabs........and only 2 indian fellows had to say something bad about Saudi Arabia............ remaining 98 were happy living there with Arabs...........

Same logic apply to this thread Zaki :bunny:

25 South Asians are taking part in this post... 21 says Arabs are racist (including the Saudi who wrote the article) and only 4 (Zaki, Omar_1984, Bad_Blood and Al_Zakir) give excuses for their behavior and defend them.. so whom you will believe more? The majority right?

In some other thread I was talking with that Iranian guy Abi.. and I told him I have spent my childhood in Kuwait.. and not even once our family faced discrimination.. but I have heard loads of stories from other Pakistanis who said.. Arabs treat them very badly..

Now why would Pakistani lie about it? What they have to gain from calling Arabs racist ?
Another lame attempt to imply that you have a good figure. Just like you desperately try to prove you are fair and half Iranian. ADT is right man, you seem to be very insecure about yourself.
Stop trolling!!

25% Iranian.. don't exaggerate facts like typical Indians.. or else you will get suspended again.. :azn:

Interesting...another Indian said he was in the IT field and faced no discrimination.

So I guess the Saudis carried you people around on a throne. :rofl::rofl:

Yes I don't have to deal with those dumb @$$ clowns.
Same logic apply to this thread Zaki :bunny:

25 South Asians are taking part in this post... 21 says Arabs are racist (including the Saudi who wrote the article) and only 4 (Zaki, Omar_1984, Bad_Blood and Al_Zakir) give excuses for their behavior and defend them.. so whom you will believe more? The majority right?

In some other thread I was talking with that Iranian guy Abi.. and I told him I have spent my childhood in Kuwait.. and not even once our family faced discrimination.. but I have heard loads of stories from other Pakistanis who said.. Arabs treat them very badly..

Now why would Pakistani lie about it? What they have to gain from calling Arabs racist ?

i remember a member SuperFalcon once opened a thread saying Arabs are bad and he was like swearing them....... after few days he said i apologize and arabs are very nice peoples i was wrong and since then he can't even hear one word against Arabs........... i wonder what suddenly happened to him :rofl:

Again the thing is........discrimination is in all countries...... peoples usually share their experiences and some peoples call it bad and some people differ in their opinions....... Now usually we can remember the bad experiences but it is not easy to remember the good experiences for example........... two peoples lived in Saudi Arabia one person lived happily and second persons life was miserable so they came to you and told their experiences one person will say I LIVED HAPPILY never faced any discrimnation and thats all but the second person will tell you long stories how he had to face rasicm. The story of second person can be shared with other peoples but what are you going to tell others about the story of first person who never had any such issues?

I believe if there are 100 peoples living in arabs ok 1 or 2 person were the victim of racism but usually peoples will remember on their stories and forget the rest 98.
25% Iranian.. don't exaggerate facts like typical Indians.. or else you will get suspended again.. :azn:

Unfortunately mods have shown a blind eye to your trolls. Looks like you are ban proof.
And look at your comment. Again you did not hesitate to put a label on Indians. Typical. Expected. Disgusting. Cheap.
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