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Why America Cannot Live Without Wars


Apr 18, 2013
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Washington’s war machine is geared up for limited strikes against Syria because Damascus ostensibly crossed a red line by using chemical weapons against its own population, never mind that many regimes worldwide inflict atrocities against their own people by other means.

Why a President who came to office on the strength of his anti-war credentials — especially on the phoney war foisted on Iraq — is running with the war hounds, is something of a mystery. But the rest of the Washington establishment is champing at the bit to unleash missiles on the Syrian regime, promising a short punitive strike, in keeping with the well-worn belief that America cannot live without a war.

It is a country made for war. Small detail:

Up until 1947, the defence department was called Department of War. By one count, the US has fought some 70 wars since its birth 234 years ago; at least 10 of them major conflicts.

“We like war... we are good at it!” the great, insightful comedian George Carlin said during the first Gulf War. “We are not good at anything else anymore… can’t build a decent car or a television, can’t give good education to the kids or health care to the old, but we can bomb the sh!t of out any country…”

Similar sentiments have been echoed more recently. “America’s economy is a war economy. Not a manufacturing economy. Not an agricultural economy. Nor a service economy. Not even a consumer economy,” business pundit Paul Farrell wrote during this Iraq War. “Deep inside we love war. We want war. Need it. Relish it. Thrive on war. War is in our genes, deep in our DNA. War excites our economic brain. War drives our entrepreneurial spirit. War thrills the American soul. Oh just admit it, we have a love affair with war.”

And so, US will be off to another (limited) war shortly.

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And then what's not mentioned is the pressure from America's military-industrial complex to test and sell more weapons as well as the oil cartel controlled by the powerful Bilderbergs to maximize their profits from the sale of oil in a conflict - from ships to aircraft to land based platforms.

Like the phoney Iraq war, this latest one against Syria is perhaps just a few days away!
1. Armament industry
2.oil, higher price of oil is better for USA, more $ the world need by higher price of oil, 90% oil is trade by $
1. Armament industry
2.oil, higher price of oil is better for USA, more $ the world need by higher price of oil, 90% oil is trade by $

:rofl:. It is you who support genocidal dictators for OIL. Not us !
It is you who are the biggest killers of Muslims and others - not us

100k killed and thousands gassed and you support syria- not us & ALL for OIL!
400k killed in sudan genocide and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
100's killed in Libya and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
African continent dictators- you keep supporting them while they killed 10's of thousands of their own people!- ALL for OIL!

we don't like high oil prices , don't know who likes it and that was ridiculous thing to say . we use 25% of the world's oil. why the hell would we want to pay more!
:rofl:. It is you who support genocidal dictators for OIL. Not us !
It is you who are the biggest killers of Muslims and others - not us

100k killed and thousands gassed and you support syria- not us & ALL for OIL!
400k killed in sudan genocide and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
100's killed in Libya and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
African continent dictators- you keep supporting them while they killed 10's of thousands of their own people!- ALL for OIL!

we don't like high oil prices , don't know who likes it and that was ridiculous thing to say . we use 25% of the world's oil. why the hell would we want to pay more!

Every country does the same they are defending their own interests. Thats the ultimate truth and everyone knows that.

:rofl:. It is you who support genocidal dictators for OIL. Not us !
It is you who are the biggest killers of Muslims and others - not us

100k killed and thousands gassed and you support syria- not us & ALL for OIL!
400k killed in sudan genocide and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
100's killed in Libya and you supported them till the last second- ALL for OIL!
African continent dictators- you keep supporting them while they killed 10's of thousands of their own people!- ALL for OIL!

we don't like high oil prices , don't know who likes it and that was ridiculous thing to say . we use 25% of the world's oil. why the hell would we want to pay more!

Every country does the same they are defending their own interests. Thats the ultimate truth and everyone knows that.
@JayAtl is a pathetic first generation Indian-American--who is really deeply Indian at heart-but will go to any extent to prove his 'patriotism' to America.
I wasn't around in this Forum in 2002/3 but my guess is that he would still question other XXXX-Americans' patriotism if/when they joined the march against the folly of the Iraq War.
He constantly puts XXX-American immigrants on the spot in this forum with pretty stupid a la-Bush arguments of 'With us or against us'. Which translates to: If you really love America then don't criticize it. If you do then you don't deserve to live in this country. He willfully forgets that the vast majority of 'liberal' Americans say similar things as a lot of us immigrants to America say and what millions of native-born Americans say--at least by the NY Times reading.

Mr. @JayAtl: You are the Senator Joe McArthy of these forums. Please reflect upon this.
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And yet we kept the peace -- the Cold War -- for fifty years.
Only because USSR some how managed to build domething scary .

That statement does not make any sense! explain.

On Topic,

taking out few strategic targets by missiles in Syria is not a War, people need to stop pissing their pants!
80% of the muslim world is begging the US to interfere in their matters, and when they do they have a problem with it.
80% of the muslim world is begging the US to interfere in their matters, and when they do they have a problem with it.
This seems to be a sweeping statement, call from interference is always from US allied rebels or power hungry politicians. Its not the people its few individuals who degrade their country for individual gains. Who called America in Afghanistan. Libya & Iraq. Most of the places where US intervened. Who is calling them in Syria? Countries like KSA. What has KSA to do with Syria, they should mind their own business. When they handle their internal matters, does anyone interfere? Why do USA has to issue a statement on every country's internal situations of Muslism countries. Why they do not issue such statements when it comes to Western countries. Where was USA when Israel used chemical weapons on Palestinians, was human rights sleeping.

In 1953, the CIA helped Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi of Iran remove the democratically elected Prime Minister, Mohammed Mossadegh In 1954, the CIA armed anti-communist rebels that helped overthrow the Jacobo Árbenz government in Guatemala. Subsequently left the country in a state of civil war costing of lives. CIA supported an insurgency against China in Tibet. It also a failed revolt against Indonesian President Sukarno in 1958. As part of the Eisenhower Doctrine, the US also sent troops to Lebanon in Operation Blue Bat.

In 1970 CIA planned a "constitutional coup" to prevent the election of Marxist leader Salvador Allende in Chile, while secretly encouraging Chilean generals to act against him.

USA hold more then 700 military bases around the world. Why. It is the only country in the world which does not share borders with any hostile neighbour and two large oceans as natural defence asset. Then why does it need aircraft carriers to roam around the world.

Will US allow any other country to open military bases on its soil. If not then why it is always interested in having military bases in other countries.

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