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Why all Israelis are cowards

It's the same issue howl and cry all you may!
NO one's crying or howling mate, its just that we should be careful in choosing in our words.
Anyhow since i cant add anything more on this thread, im out. Adios.
NO one's crying or howling mate, its just that we should be careful in choosing in our words.
Anyhow since i cant add anything more on this thread, im out. Adios.

You shouldn't have bothered in the first place. Nonetheless Good idea!
You shouldn't have bothered in the first place. Nonetheless Good idea!
Goes the same for you as well...
let me leave a thought for you- when you point a finger at others, remember, three fingers are pointed back at you.

PS: had to comeback and answer that condescending line :P.... FInal thread Adios :)
You shouldn't have bothered in the first place. Nonetheless Good idea!

Patience Believers Patience! instead of joining into debate that has already been won as promised they will received the wrath that even stone would tell he is hiding behind me...
Jews live on stolen land.

India, with the exception of Kashmir and the parts of NE, belongs to Indians.
time to wake up now...

What do u mean?
exactly what I said, they have every right to defend themselves against state sponsored terrorism.

Murdering, rock throwing teenagers, innocent civilians, women & children, demolishing their houses, using phosphorus bombs etc etc. Wow you are really something buddy!

Absolutely not! Because it is not a single isolated event; but a policy based on the denial of basic human rights, unlawful occupation, atrocities and barbarism!

Your eschewed logic does not justify the unlawful occupation of Palestine, neither the barbaric and indiscriminate killings of civilians, teenagers, women and young children. It's perfectly understandable why you have to justify this, because you are doing the same in Kashmir!

Without having any knowledge of the Palestinian - Israeli issue, to blindly favor israel....................????
Blah Blah blah
Why is it always Indians who came here to justify their masters atrocities? All this support is out of blind hatred.

You guys are polluted with hatred in your minds. If you don't say anything rational then get lost. We don't want to see your pathetic cheerleading of an brutal occupation.

Act alike... think alike..
I dont like your 'if you are not with us, then you are against us' tone.

It's not about that, none of you have balanced views about this conflict and only see things through the Israeli perspective. At the very least don't repeat the Israeli lines. You do what they want. Try to ask to understand something, if clashes erupt. Ask what caused them and then you can decide on your own what views you'll make. If you're indifferent to this conflict, then why are you all jumping to the defense of Israel on every single issue in which most of the time they're unjustified in?

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