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Why all Israelis are cowards

The israelis have proved many a times that they are extremely capable

I agree.

Pointing out the skeletons in Israel's closet is not an attack on Jews or evidence of cowardice.

As a community, Jews have been one of the most successful groups in human history, and there is much to admire about them. It's unfortunate that we are at loggerheads over their choice of real estate for their modern nation.
I understand perfectly well.

What you are missing is that the only vote that has any teeth is the UNSC vote. A GA "vote" can be ignored by any country with the military muscle to say "I don't give a damn".

No, I am perfectly clear about what I am talking about, so far I have only discussed UNSC, which has permanent, and non-permanent members, and Bangladesh could be voted into the UNSC for a period, and once there, its vote
would have as much value as that of the permanent member, for those resolutions which are not vetoed
by a permanent member. No permanent member, however its might, can force a resolution,
unless a majority of the members vote for it. And if so, a veto from another permanent member can still kill it.

You say that their vote can be ignored, which makes me believe that you mix the SC and the GA.
No, I am perfectly clear about what I am talking about, so far I have only discussed UNSC, which has permanent, and non-permanent members, and Bangladesh could be voted into the UNSC for a period, and once there, its vote
would have as much value as that of the permanent member, for those resolutions which are not vetoed
by a permanent member. No permanent member, however its might, can force a resolution,
unless a majority of the members vote for it. And if so, a veto from another permanent member can still kill it.

You say that their vote can be ignored, which makes me believe that you mix the SC and the GA.

I am beginning to believe that you can't read plain English.

I am not going to waste any more time. I suggest you read my posts again.
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There are 50 Muslim nation, while Jews have only one.. The Land proportion will also be less than 1% what Muslim hold..

Still Muslims are not agree to give small piece of land to Jews..

Islam is warrior religion, it thrive on war. when war will be over Islam will be over.. When Muslim-NonMuslim war will over (After each person on earth will be converted to Islam), Shia-Sunni war will come up..

In short there won't be peace in Islam religion...
Again, you are free to interpret documents in your own way, but it won't change the reality. The Balfour Declaration was an official British document establishing Britain's support for a Jewish state in Palestine.
No, there is no any mention of Jewish state in Balfour Declaration.

And I already admitted that almost all countries are built by force. If the Israelis admit that it's a battle of military force, not some metaphysical "legitimacy", then we agree. As I said, the UN is just a cover for gunboat diplomacy by the permanent UNSC members.
All countries are built by force but not all built on genocide.

The actual number is Irrelevant. They were almost 100% of the population and are now a small minority, and that happened because of their religion and ethnicity.
Actual numbers matter. During Jesus time Palestine had population of some 3 million people. When Zionism started they found a desolated land with some 400 K with Jews and Bedoins. Today revived again and some 12 million live in Palestine: 6.5 mln Jews and 5.5 mln Arabs.
No, there is no any mention of Jewish state in Balfour Declaration.

The Balfour Declaration talks about a "nation for Jews".

Balfour didn't just fire off a letter on a whim; it was in response to persistent lobbying by Zionist groups, and their demand was crystal clear. Wiki explains the history, motivation and meaning behind the Declaration.

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can choose to play semantics with the word "state" or "nation", but the substance of the Declaration is quite clear -- especially in light of Britain's actions.

All countries are built by force but not all built on genocide.

Zionists also employed all sorts of tactics, including terrorism, to expel non-Jews and carry out their ethnic cleansing. This is confirmed by direct, first hand acknowledgment by those involved on the Israeli side.

Actual numbers matter. During Jesus time Palestine had population of some 3 million people. When Zionism started they found a desolated land with some 400 K with Jews and Bedoins. Today revived again and some 12 million live in Palestine: 6.5 mln Jews and 5.5 mln Arabs.

Yes. Numbers matters. And the numbers that matter are percentages, not absolute numbers.

There are almost seven billion people today so, of course, every group of people will have more absolute numbers than in the past. What matters is the percentage split among various groups.

For several centuries before the 20th, the percentage of Jews in Palestine was miniscule, around 1% max. That percentage was boosted by the systematic migration of Jews with the explicit intention to recolonize Palestine.
The Balfour Declaration talks about a "nation for Jews".
It talked about national home. Later they explicitly cralified that it does NOT mean a Jewish state.

Zionists also employed all sorts of tactics, including terrorism, to expel non-Jews and carry out their ethnic cleansing. This is confirmed by direct, first hand acknowledgment by those involved on the Israeli side.
There was a bloody war started by the Arabs and jewish casualties in 1948 war were actually higher than Palestinian.

Yes. Numbers matters. And the numbers that matter are percentages, not absolute numbers.
Absolute numbers indicate real people. Percentage show just percentage. So what u are saying that percentages is more important than actual people. o_O

There were some 400 K Arabs before Zionism, now there are 5.5 mln.
There were 8 K Muslims in Jerusalem, now there are 270 K.

And their life standards increased drastically as well.

Palestine was desolated empty land thats why few Jewish migrants could easily change its balance (same happened in 7 century when few Arab migrants changed its balance as well).

every group of people will have more absolute numbers than in the past.
No. Number of Irish today is much lower than in 19th century. Number of aborigines in Australia is about same as today.
Such a strange thread...... I wonder why it's still running? :o:

Its really a shame. Could the emperor using his high offices get someone in the dormant administration team to change the racist thread title atleast? Its really shameful that it has been like this for weeks and weeks and the trigger happy admins, mods and TTs can't take their eyes off the pesky indians even for a second to change it.
Dude, when one (you) is right, he's right. Furthermore, there's no Indian angle to anything, minus a little Indi bashing here and there, you have to agree that this forum must be one of the sanest forums out there! :P

On point...... @Aeronaut @Manticore, mates, the title is truly racist, plus totally without merit. Israeli's are one of the meanest fighters out there, I, as a Pashtun, am witness to their courage............ :D

Its really a shame. Could the emperor using his high offices get someone in the dormant administration team to change the racist thread title atleast? Its really shameful that it has been like this for weeks and weeks and the trigger happy admins, mods and TTs can't take their eyes off the pesky indians even for a second to change it.
It talked about national home. Later they explicitly cralified that it does NOT mean a Jewish state.

What they said is that Britain doesn't support the concept of a state being defined by its Jewishness. But that hair-splitting is irrelevant since Britain's actions supported the Zionists, and the Zionist cause was to establish a state defined by its Jewishness.

There was a bloody war started by the Arabs and jewish casualties in 1948 war were actually higher than Palestinian.

I am talking long before 1948. Jewish terror squads were engaged in ethnic cleansing for decades before Israel declared independence in 1948.

Absolute numbers indicate real people. Percentage show just percentage. So what u are saying that percentages is more important than actual people. o_O

Demographic changes are measured by percentages, not absolute numbers. What we are discussing here are demographic changes in Palestine.
What they said is that Britain doesn't support the concept of a state being defined by its Jewishness. But that hair-splitting is irrelevant since Britain's actions supported the Zionists, and the Zionist cause was to establish a state defined by its Jewishness.
Brits never supported Jewish state contrary to ur claims. They did not vote for Jewish state in UN. They armed, trained and even commanded Arab forces which attacked Jews. Worst of all they banned Jewish migration during WW2.

I am talking long before 1948. Jewish terror squads were engaged in ethnic cleansing for decades before Israel declared independence in 1948.
Again you are hallucinating. There were no any ethnic Jewish made ethnic cleansings decades before Israel's independence. Quite on contrary: old Jewish communities in Hebron and Gaza were slaughtered and wiped out.

Demographic changes are measured by percentages, not absolute numbers.
Demographic changes occur all over the world. Since the beginning of Zionism Arab population of Palestine is rapidly growing. And its growing much faster than in previous 10 centuries of Islamic rule. Arabs in Israel live much better than in countries around.

Its like Singapore. Where Chinese migration brought only prosperity to local Malay population.
it's like singapore where the jewish population have only brought prosperity to the region!
Dude, when one (you) is right, he's right. Furthermore, there's no Indian angle to anything, minus a little Indi bashing here and there, you have to agree that this forum must be one of the sanest forums out there! :P

On point...... @Aeronaut @Manticore, mates, the title is truly racist, plus totally without merit. Israeli's are one of the meanest fighters out there, I, as a Pashtun, am witness to their courage............ :D

Read the first post, this thread isn't about 'racism'.
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