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Why all Israelis are cowards

By "civilized nations" he means countries who hold the biggest guns at this point in time. The current world order -- or at any time in history -- is always a reflection of "might is right".

Israel exists today because it is a colonial entity created by the colonial powers by force of their superior firepower. The legitimization of that colonization through the UN is just sugar coating.

If, in the future, someone else has overwhelmingly advanced technology, they can rewrite borders and establish a new world order of "civilized nations", relegating all who resist such imposition as unreasonable savages.

As always, when you strip away the niceties, it all boils down to might is right.

Unless my history is failing me, I believe that Israel was attacked by several neighbors simultaneously, and won without the intervention of any Superpower.

But also keep in mind that someone with two US flags under their name does not speak for all Americans, be it the simpletons who so easily dismiss entire countries, or myself for that matter.
We have a Hitler-in-the-making here on PDF. Hope to never meet you personally. How could you wish death on people?
i hate hitler cause I stand for colored and poor people but it will be okay for you to not award murderer , rapist and murderer , terrorist death award ?
Only for those who deserve what they get.

Especially for terrorists.

We executed terrorists who have carried out their plots and also terrorists whose plots were foiled.

death penalty by shooting ! nearly 4000 are executed ! wish our government had done to many !

With significant help from u.s. with all the best advanced weaponry though.
Unless my history is failing me, I believe that Israel was attacked by several neighbors simultaneously, and won without the intervention of any Superpower.

But also keep in mind that someone with two US flags under their name does not speak for all Americans, be it the simpletons who so easily dismiss entire countries, or myself for that matter.
Only for those who deserve what they get.

Especially for terrorists.

We executed terrorists who have carried out their plots and also terrorists whose plots were foiled.

I think terrorist is too vague a term to be used for both uighur separatists and ordinary palestinians who get shot by israelis , maybe you like israel and their products , like their girls maybe? why don't you create a facebook page "i love israel" instead instead of spewing hatred and showing the darker side of china here
i hate hitler cause I stand for colored and poor people but it will be okay for you to not award murderer , rapist and murderer , terrorist death award ?


If it was not for Hitler---india / pakistan would still be colonies.
With significant help from u.s. with all the best advanced weaponry though.

Don't really want to get too deep into something that has probably been discussed to death, but I have to mention that Jordan was using American and British weapons, Egypt had top of the line Soviet arms, and Israel was using French air systems.

Either way, the technology gap in the 60s between American technology and that of everyone else was not as large as it is today.
Unless my history is failing me, I believe that Israel was attacked by several neighbors simultaneously, and won without the intervention of any Superpower.

But also keep in mind that someone with two US flags under their name does not speak for all Americans, be it the simpletons who so easily dismiss entire countries, or myself for that matter.

I am not saying that Israelis are cowards. Such generalizations are ridiculous from the outset.

My comment was about the establishment of Israel as a modern state, going all the way back to the Balfour Declaration in 1917, when Britain declared that land to be a future "Jewish state". By any measure, that was a blatant colonial imposition by Britain onto the (mostly non-Jewish) people living there. Modern Jewish migration (from the West) started in the late 1800s and, even by 1917, the Jewish population was around 5% or so. The demographic flooding of Jews onto that land was carried out under the auspices of Western colonial powers and the US, with contemptuous disregard for the people living there at the time.
Israel is an offshoot of west herself , that's why they protect them so badly , because the western science can't solve the question of race anymore and the jews are interwoven with white people so bad
I am not saying that Israelis are cowards. Such generalizations are ridiculous from the outset.

My comment was about the establishment of Israel as a modern state, going all the way back to the Balfour Declaration in 1917. By any measure, that was a blatant colonial imposition by Britain onto the (mostly non-Jewish) people living there. Modern Jewish migration (from the West) started in the late 1800s and, even by 1917, the Jewish population was around 5% or so. The demographic flooding of Jews onto that land was carried out under the auspices of Western colonial powers and the US, with contemptuous disregard for the people living there at the time.

Thank you for explaining that. My comment about dismissing entire countries was actually aimed at someone with an American flag who called an Arab country "worthless", which is not the way the vast majority of Americans view the world.

The real cowards in war are not the fighters on the battlefield, marching to their death. The real cowards sit in air conditioned rooms, playing a board game with the lives of their countrymen and civilians. "War is old men talking and young men dying"
Why all Arabians are cowards?

Read the article and try interpreting it. Seems people here can't comprehend English at all. It's not the OP taking a jab at Israeli's. Neither is the author. It's an article emphasizing the current Israeli public state when it comes to issues she believes as Jews they should be on top of.
You need to understand the so-called weapons probably were consumed quite quickly in the initial stage of the war.

To win the war, you need provide yourself with continuous supplies of weapons. That is why U.S. defeated those japs in WWII though the gap was little but U.S. productivity was way higher than those japs. U.S. could continuously provide themselves with carriers, bombers, tanks and etc in much faster fashion.

Here though Israel could not do that, but it got its continuous supplies from U.S. BTW, for clear reason, both U.S. and USSR then did not give their best weaponry to those mid-east countries for sure.

For Israel, U.S. did give their best to Israel. So the technology gap was definitely there.

Don't really want to get too deep into something that has probably been discussed to death, but I have to mention that Jordan was using American and British weapons, Egypt had top of the line Soviet arms, and Israel was using French air systems.

Either way, the technology gap in the 60s between American technology and that of everyone else was not as large as it is today.

Don't be an idiot. It has nothing to do with its products or girls.

As for so-called ordinary palestinians??? Well, I do not think so. When you harbor terrorists and allow terrorists to be with you, you are the same as terrorists.

You have that stupid idiot who started this thread to blame.

Terrorist is a clear term. I see no vaguelity at all for that.

I think terrorist is too vague a term to be used for both uighur separatists and ordinary palestinians who get shot by israelis , maybe you like israel and their products , like their girls maybe? why don't you create a facebook page "i love israel" instead instead of spewing hatred and showing the darker side of china here
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