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Who's responsible for bad Image of Pakistan

Who is responsible for Pakistan's Bad Image around the world

  • Media

    Votes: 18 31.0%
  • Overseas Pakistanis

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • Our Enemies

    Votes: 17 29.3%
  • Local Pakistanis

    Votes: 35 60.3%

  • Total voters
Hmm, I don't watch TV, only read Pakistani newspapers and the Google headlines, and I've developed a bad image of Pakistan.

I guess there's only one way that has happened: by reading the Pakistani posters here at PDF.

That shouldn't surprise you. Not one of you has said, "Hey, I AM RESPONSIBLE" at least in part, and vowed to change what you say and do as a result. And your whole country is like that, right?

That's the root cause of all the evils No one here in pakistan is ready to take the blame.. most of the posters here blame Mullahs but if you ask them what steps they have taken to educate those mullahs there 'll be a silence from their side... many others blame media but if you ask them what steps you have taken to change the course of media there 'll be a silence..... i, myself, and many others blame politicians , zia ul haq and other army generals for the bad image but if you ask us what steps we've taken to change it unfortunately there'll be a silence once again... :(
In my opinion overseas pakistanis can play a vital role in changing the Image of pakistan from bad boy to good boy... they have the opportunity to talk with outsiders.. by looking at their behavior any bad image can turn in to a good image but alas most of the time overseas pakistanis are in the news for their bad jobs like theft, rape, robbery etc. etc.
Only terrorist and terrorist sympathizer, They will not think but just come out and spill their hate against others, Terrorist
Pakistan assassinations highlight sway of radical clerics

By Karin Brulliard, Sunday, March 13, 8:19 PM

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — Yousaf Qureshi made international headlines in December when he offered $6,000 to anyone who killed a Pakistani Christian woman convicted of blasphemy. This month, the cleric told worshipers packed into his 17th-century mosque here that extremists had done a “marvelous job” days before, by assassinating a cabinet minister who had defended the woman.

Those statements might count as incitement to violence under Pakistani law. But no government or law enforcement officials have confronted him, Qureshi said on a recent morning.

“I can announce that we are coming to the street with 4,000 armed students,” said Qureshi, a jolly man whose eyes are rimmed with black liner and who, as caretaker of a historic building, is on the provincial government payroll. “What can the government do?”

The recent killings of the minorities minister, Shahbaz Bhatti, and Punjab governor Salman Taseer were stark demonstrations of the rising stakes in the war of ideas roiling Pakistan. Here, Islamist extremists openly pledge death to those who dare disagree with them but are rarely challenged by the U.S.-backed state.

Pakistani religious organizations, many of which have ties to the powerful military, have always fared poorly at the polls. But their street power is increasingly driving the agenda in Pakistan, in stark contrast to the secular democracy movements shaking Muslim nations in the Middle East. Under recent pressure from Islamic groups, some of them outlawed, the weak Pakistani government has abandoned support for a review of stringent blasphemy laws and avoided taking a stance on the case of a CIA contractor jailed on murder charges.

While police and military campaigns have slowed the pace of terrorist attacks, critics fault Pakistani leaders for making little effort to stem violent religious ideology. Firebrand sermons blare from mosque loudspeakers. Madrassas remain largely beyond government control, despite an eight-year effort to bring them into the mainstream. Courts rarely convict terrorism suspects, leaving them free to spread their ideas.

Critics accuse the government and other elected officials of responding to the recent assassinations with cowardice and nonchalance. Bhatti, they note, was a clear target after the killing of Taseer, but Bhatti’s requests for a bulletproof car went unmet.

In the days following Bhatti’s killing, Interior Minister Rehman Malik — who has said publicly that he would kill a blasphemer himself — suggested Bhatti was to blame for the security breach. Several politicians deemed the killing a conspiracy to defame the nation.

The ruling Pakistan People’s Party frequently says it opposes religious fanaticism, which President Asif Ali Zardari called “a tinderbox poised to explode across Pakistan” in a recent Washington Post column. But party officials argue that bold action against religious figures who preach violence would only antagonize extremists, triggering more bloodshed.

Those fears are real. A 2007 army siege of a radical mosque in Islamabad sparked a wave of militant violence that continues today. In 2009, militants responded to a major army offensive with a string of urban bombings.

In a recent meeting with foreign journalists, federal information minister Firdous Ashiq Awan blamed extremism on government coalition partners, provincial officials, stingy international donors and CIA drone strikes. But she appeared unable to cite government actions to counter the problem.

Clerical influence, which has been rising for decades, has also intimidated members of civil society. The military, which some government officials and analysts allege encourages Islamist fanaticism, responded to the killings of Bhatti and Taseer with silence. But activists say the task of countering radical ideas falls chiefly to the secular ruling party, which could demand that law enforcement agencies crack down on hate speech and galvanize its followers to advocate religious tolerance.

“Why not tell your electorate that this is a very serious existential fight, and let’s go and fight it?” said Ali Dayan Hasan, the Pakistan representative for Human Rights Watch.

Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gillani said authorities would do their “utmost” to find and punish Bhatti’s killers. But in an ominous sign, police said no witnesses to the attack agreed to provide statements for the initial report.

Radical clerics, meanwhile, continue to call publicly for the deaths of liberal politicians. A court declined to issue arrest warrants for two clerics who inspired Taseer’s killer. In interviews, police officials in Lahore and Islamabad said they monitor sermons, but imams are rarely punished.

“The unfortunate reality is that the state has not yet decided how to tackle these extremists,” said a senior Lahore police official who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Mullahs carry huge street power, and they are capable of disrupting law and order. The smart police officers, they always choose to have good relations with them.”

Government efforts to reform madrassas provide another example of that sway. Though federal education officials estimate that only about 8 percent of Pakistani schoolchildren attend the religious schools, researchers say they offer poor schooling at best and teach sectarianism and hatred at worst.

In 2004, former dictator Pervez Musharraf, with U.S. encouragement, announced a program to register madrassas and expand their curricula. But “no serious attempt” was made until 2010 because clerics refused to cooperate, said Sardar Aseff Ahmed Ali, who was, until recently, education minister.

The program dissolved last month when the education ministry was devolved to the provinces.

Abdul Qudoos, a spokesman for a group of 13,000 madrassas, said clerics continue to disdain the idea of government oversight of religious schools. “They have failed everywhere,” Qudoos said of the government. “Why should it be different with this?”

That air of untouchability is echoed by Qureshi, the Peshawar imam, who also runs a 700-student madrassa that teaches only the Koran. Studying other topics, he said, would instill materialism in students.

Qureshi said his reward offer for the killer of Asia Bibi, the Christian woman, still stands, and he boasted he could collect the money from worshipers in 15 minutes. He said he already has $1 million in a briefcase, ready for anyone who kills a Danish cartoonist who drew the prophet Muhammad.

Qureshi said his rhetoric has occasionally led local officials to briefly bar him from sermonizing. But they always buckle when his congregation starts rumbling.

“I have 10,000 followers. All are holy warriors,” he said. “They will come out to the streets without thinking, just in the name of Islam.”


Special correspondents Shaiq Hussain in Islamabad and Haq Nawaz Khan in Peshawar contributed to this report.

Pakistan assassinations highlight sway of radical clerics - The Washington Post

Let us analyse this article vis a vis who is responsible for the 'bad image' of Pakistan.

Let us also not go into that lame refrain that the Jews control the media and such poppyco.ck.

Let us honestly face the facts and if they are wrong or twisted, demolish them with better facts than mere anger of gut feelings.

Did Yousaf Qureshi offered $6,000 to anyone who killed a Pakistani Christian woman convicted of blasphemy? Did the cleric tell worshipers packed in his 17th-century mosque here that extremists had done a “marvelous job” days before, by assassinating a cabinet minister who had defended the woman?

If these are true, then does it not indicate a lack of human sensibilities? How would Pakistani Muslims react if let us say there were blasphemy laws in the UK, where some Muslims are jailed for blasphemy and some Padre offers money to kill that Muslim or claim that the assassination of a Minister who defends the women as a marvellous job? Think that over. We must be fair since we are human beings and God created us all even though we follow different paths to God, who no one has seen to state that God belongs to just one religion!!!!

Did Quershiho, who is a caretaker of a historic building, is on the provincial government payroll, say “I can announce that we are coming to the street with 4,000 armed students,” and then challenge “What can the government do?” ?

What does it indicate? It indicates that there is a total breakdown of law and order and the Govt is moribund and impotently watches as fundamentalists take over to destabilise Pakistan.

The killing of the Governor Salman Tasseer by his bodyguard shows that the govt is infiltrated by the brainwashed who have no regard for human lives. Is that a laudable quality for a human being? How would Pakistan take it if Baroness Sayeed Warsi, the Minister without Portfolio in the UK Govt is killed (God forbid) by a hothead British bodyguard just because she is a Muslim, defending Muslim rights in Britain, which she does? Think that over! No sir, civilised people do not kill on such flimsy grounds, only animals since they do not have the power of analysis. Brain and intelligence deficit!

How would the world what the Interior Minister Rehman Malik — said publicly that he would kill a blasphemer himself? A responsible man, responsible for the well being of all Pakistani and their security, irrespective of their religion and belief, acting like an irresponsible person? Many would feel that he is a lunatic. Does anyone think that he deserves to be the Interior Minister who is charged to ensure the security of ALL Pakistanis? How do you expect the world to react when such irresponsible and lunacy laced statements are made by the Interior Minister? Now, obviously what he said was not a figment of the media's imagination, owned by the Jews or otherwise, unless one considers Malik to be a Mossad agent!!

Read the article, it is damning to the image of Pakistan.

If it has fallacious news, then do point it out so that the other side of issue can be understood.
What I find funny is Pakistanis letting Indians comment freely on their youtube videos, forums (PDF & others) about Pakistan's problems, even outnumbering the number of Pakistanis in that particular forum. Who's obsessed with the other shall I ask? Many Indians troll on Pakistani forums, yet most Pakistani members are respectful enough to them to present their views unrestrainedly. Try pointing out the flaws of India in an Indian forum, & the kindest/politest thing they can say is that Pakistanis have no right to comment on India's internal matters. Most Indian members then completely derail the thread, & make it an India vs Pakistan issue. This is what I hate about many Indians: the height of their arrogance & their bigotry. They flock to Western countries like birds in huge numbers, & think they own the country.
What I find funny is Pakistanis letting Indians comment freely on their youtube videos, forums (PDF & others) about Pakistan's problems, even outnumbering the number of Pakistanis in that particular forum. Who's obsessed with the other shall I ask? Many Indians troll on Pakistani forums, yet most Pakistani members are respectful enough to them to present their views unrestrainedly. Try pointing out the flaws of India in an Indian forum, & the kindest/politest thing they can say is that Pakistanis have no right to comment on India's internal matters. Most Indian members then completely derail the thread, & make it an India vs Pakistan issue. This is what I hate about many Indians: the height of their arrogance & their bigotry. They flock to Western countries like birds in huge numbers, & think they own the country.

read my last post?

Why is it that Pakistan is the epicenter of world terrorism?
Why is it that every terrorism attack,wherever it happens,has links to pakistan?
Why is that apart from China, no country is willing to support your cause?

The problem is that Pakistan lives in denial mode and doubts are arising in the minds about its own existence. Even after 60 years,You people are still struggling to find your identity and the kind of Pakistan you want.
simply arabs are cause for our bad images just because they are weak and we are suffering everything due to their weakness ...... admin please add one more check box in poll of ARABs....................
read my last post?

Why is it that Pakistan is the epicenter of world terrorism?
Why is it that every terrorism attack,wherever it happens,has links to pakistan?
Why is that apart from China, no country is willing to support your cause?

The problem is that Pakistan lives in denial mode and doubts are arising in the minds about its own existence. Even after 60 years,You people are still struggling to find your identity and the kind of Pakistan you want.

Because Pakistan is part of the WOT, as well as the war against the Soviets. It's easy for India to act self-righteous when they don't have a neighbor like Afghanistan, or they don't have to fight someone else's war(US, NATO's), & are being forced into it. Every terrorism attack does not have links to Pakistan, get your head out of your a**. If a government commits terrorism against people (India against Kashmir, or the US in Iraq & Afghanistan, Israel against terrorism), its not terrorism. What's your definition of terrorism? How is Pakistan the epicenter of world terrorism when it is the most important country fighting terrorism spilling from Afghanistan into Pakistan? Besides China; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, UAE and many more. Does India have a friend like China, that supports it through thick & thin?

Israel recently said that the world focuses too much on the Palestine Israel issue, when the violence by India in Kashmir is at a much larger scale. The US has in the past had more amicable relations with Pakistan than India. Even Russia isn't ready to support your causes fully. Your country sells itself like a cheap w**re to countries like US, you were against in the past. Pakistan & China have always stood together through thick & thin for each other since day 1, & this clearly bothers & patronizes India. India longs to have the kind of relationship Pakistan has with China, but it is gripped up in its paranoia that China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh are destabilizing it, that the US is supporting Pakistan's calls for dialog over Kashmir when India doesn't. India needs to get out of its inferiority complex, & admit it doesn't have any friends at all. Not one single friend. Zilch.
jealous Indian..

see this :

this also :

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Because Pakistan is part of the WOT, as well as the war against the Soviets. It's easy for India to act self-righteous when they don't have a neighbor like Afghanistan, or they don't have to fight someone else's war(US, NATO's), & are being forced into it. Every terrorism attack does not have links to Pakistan, get your head out of your a**. If a government commits terrorism against people (India against Kashmir, or the US in Iraq & Afghanistan, Israel against terrorism), its not terrorism. What's your definition of terrorism? How is Pakistan the epicenter of world terrorism when it is the most important country fighting terrorism spilling from Afghanistan into Pakistan? Besides China; Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Jordan, UAE and many more. Does India have a friend like China, that supports it through thick & thin?

Israel recently said that the world focuses too much on the Palestine Israel issue, when the violence by India in Kashmir is at a much larger scale. The US has in the past had more amicable relations with Pakistan than India. Even Russia isn't ready to support your causes fully. Your country sells itself like a cheap w**re to countries like US, you were against in the past. Pakistan & China have always stood together through thick & thin for each other since day 1, & this clearly bothers & patronizes India. India longs to have the kind of relationship Pakistan has with China, but it is gripped up in its paranoia that China, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh are destabilizing it, that the US is supporting Pakistan's calls for dialog over Kashmir when India doesn't. India needs to get out of its inferiority complex, & admit it doesn't have any friends at all. Not one single friend. Zilch.

sorry to say, we have more dangeres one next to as than afghanistan...
the reason is simple.....Pakistani's even in this thread-even in the first post where the purpose is to find out a cause for negative image faill to introspect themselves and rather are looking for a someone to blame for their own woes....when you introspect you will get your answer which is simple----Pakistan's negetive image is because of its own citizens - there is no one else4 to blame ...you have failed in the most important role of being its citizen letting your country fall into one turmoil after another without caring about who rules/who weils power ..... all the aims /goals of Pakistan and its citizens have always been short term....nothing planned for the future....
That's the root cause of all the evils No one here in pakistan is ready to take the blame... i, myself, and many others blame politicians , zia ul haq and other army generals... :(
In my opinion overseas pakistanis can play a vital role -
You poor boy...even as you acknowledge the disease you display its symptoms.

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