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Who's More important? Pakistan or COAS :Imran Khan

Who's more important?

  • Pakistan

  • Army Chief

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Ayaz amir rightly stated in his speech today, he advised khan stop blaming US and devid lu , come to the point , real criminals are sitting 20 Kms (GHQ) far from your residence , just name them openly, they are the one who changed your regime
IK doesn’t mind army interference or political engineering as long as it benefits him. Same with every other politician.
Actually these neutrals stolen his mandate in 2013 elections, then again they limited his seats and stopped him getting 2/3 majority in 2018
Tu bol aisy rha ha k jesy yeh matric fail kha ko pichly 40 sall sa jeetwa rahy thay
Actually these neutrals stolen his mandate in 2013 elections, then again they limited his seats and stopped him getting 2/3 majority in 2018
Tu bol aisy rha ha k jesy yeh matric fail kha ko pichly 40 sall sa jeetwa rahy thay
Sure, that’s his narrative. And it’s bs. But I suppose none of this is verifiable at this point in history.
Imran himself is responsible for giving extensions.
What if he had not given extension? What change would that make? General Ayub, Zia, Musharraf etc were not on extensions when they gang raped the country's constitution many times over

An extension of the most senior post of COAS leads to political engineering, this is a given in Pakistan. Imran Khan was oblivious of this aspect, he trust people easily.

And at the fag end of a General, a COAS career, the greed for power and pelf becomes many times higher, and the greed for more money, greed for plots and permits increases as the tenure gets close to the retirement.
Were generals Ayub, Zia, Musharraf on extensions when they gang raped constitution of Pakistan many times over? Blaming extension of Bajwa for the current mess up is nothing but PDM propaganda. The real problem is Pakistan's army chiefs unconstitutional and unchecked powers. How did this one post of COAS become so powerful with or without extension that it could gang rape the country's constitution many times and still face no consequences?
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IK doesn’t mind army interference or political engineering as long as it benefits him. Same with every other politician.
Wrong. He doesn't mind political engineering as long it's in the best interest of Pakistan. How did 22 years long struggle against two party system benefit Imran Khan? He was already married, had young kids and lived a cozy life with his Jewish billionaire wife when he entered politics to do Jihad against this corrupt two party system backed by corrupt to the core establishment of Pakistan

Where did the merit go while giving bajwa extension?
Were general Ayub, Zia and Musharraf on extensions when they decided to gang rape constitution of Pakistan, Bughaz Imrani?
Army corruption isn't as bad as the civil governments corruption.Because the Constitution lacks control over the army's role in the country. Because we need the army to even train our cricketers, we need them to even fight street crime.I mean you need them for everything. Why won't it have influence. :-(
Sure, that’s his narrative. And it’s bs. But I suppose none of this is verifiable at this point in history.
And IK interest was independent institutions. I guess that’s not in the best interest of Pakistan. IK is not perfect but we have to start going in the right direction and that’s what he is.

Installing PDM is what’s best for Pakistan?
Ayaz amir rightly stated in his speech today, he advised khan stop blaming US and devid lu , come to the point , real criminals are sitting 20 Kms (GHQ) far from your residence , just name them openly, they are the one who changed your regime
Khan is currently attacking the masters (US) behind recent regime change operation. Slave's (Pakistan army) turn is yet to come

Sure, that’s his narrative. And it’s bs. But I suppose none of this is verifiable at this point in history.
Elections in 2013 were heavily rigged in favor of Pmln and elections in 2018 were heavily rigged in favor of PTI. Grand idea behind this modus operandi is that no party should come in govt with people's support as the last one that did in 1970 (Awami League) led to Pakistan breaking in two parts

Army corruption isn't as bad as the civil governments corruption.Because the Constitution lacks control over the army's role in the country. Because we need the army to even train our cricketers, we need them to even fight street crime.I mean you need them for everything. Why won't it have influence. :-(
After general Musharraf's unconstitutional coup in 1999, supreme court of Pakistan instead of punishing him for treason, gave him blank check to rewrite the constitution as he seemed fit. There is really no limit to how much boot licking is possible in this banana republic called Pakistan
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And IK interest was independent institutions. I guess that’s not in the best interest of Pakistan. IK is not perfect but we have to start going in the right direction and that’s what he is.

Installing PDM is what’s best for Pakistan?
Bughaz Imranis think Imran's best interests are different from Pakistan's best interests. They view Imran from the same evil lense as corrupt to the core Boot, Zardari and Sharif mafia @Jungibaaz
Ofcourse COAS is important . For coas we can sacrifice 15 pakistans . COAS roz roz nhi milty mulk to aani jaani cheez hai
Yes, I was going to say same thing
Strange...All most wise agree on same fact
😂 😂 😂

COAS roz roz nhi milty mulk to aani jaani cheez hai
جس شان سے کوئی چیف آتا ہے وہ تمغے سلامت رہتے ہیں
یہ جان تو آنی جانی ہے اس جاں کی تو کوئی بات نہیں
Very well put and very succinct on IK’s own failings as well
It is easy to plan for the past.
Barely three and half years, no system of transition because it's all a broken and corrupt system, 1st year just to understand system, then He tried what he could do. Best performance during Corona, and all his economic numbers are stellar.
B-STARD NEUTRAL conspired to remove him lest he succeed and Estaishment forever sidelined.
Biggest mistake, IK should have dissolved assemblies after taking oath to call new elections and he would have come back with clear majority. His miscalculation.
No one knows it was the neutral who opposed new elections??!!
The Generals think they have a divine right interfering in political affairs. The PTI folks have realized the folly of establishment role in politics, be it favoring any side.

Most likely next elections, would be an imported government win, but the establishment will miscalculate at a grand level if they think the situation in Pakistan will stabilize.

The establishment has it’s follies and the ingrained thought of Pakistan being their personal property is one of them. Suffice to say they are the root cause of the rot. Sharifs/Zardaris are just an effect.

Let Pakistan grow organically. Gradually disconnect yourself from politics. But will the establishment take heed? Doubt it.

Jinnah was wise enough to smell the rot in the early years of Pakistan and mentioned in unequivocal terms that the army is to stay in barracks and not experiment around which politician is good to play with for today.
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