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Who will Sikhs Support?

I can understand the sentiments of some calling himself Iqbal_Brar,lol...

Whats that even suppose to mean?? You now have a problem with my name? Add me on facebook and we'll talk... And add me from your REAL profile, not some BS fake profile which most RSS/chadiwalla supporters always use... I'm not afraid to use my real name unlike you...

So who are friends of Sikhs ,the secular congress party who massacred thousands of sikhs.

U blame chadiwalla RSS for tarneshing ur religion.Fine.
But the biggest sikh party Akali Dal is a partner of the same RSS and BJP .

Akali Dal (Badal) is a power hungry party, they don't represent Sikhs.. and the most funny thing is you're pointing out their alliance with BJP/RSS to me and you don't even know that Akali Dal (Badal) is the same party which also shakes hands with extremist Sikhs and has allowed the picture of the Bhindrawala to be hung in the main Sikh museum at Amritsar... they play both sides and people like you blindly fall into their trap.. lol.. go learn something about Punjab politics first before talking..

Here is what prominent secular sikh writer Mr Khuswant Singh wrote about hindu fundametalist RSS activities during the sikh riots of 1984.

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ohhh.... he is a "prominent Sikh" writer now.. LOL.. you can call him a "prominent writer".. that is it.. otherwise, his views go against the mainstream... he has described himself as not-religious.. and his views on Sikhism are hardly in line with the mainstream Sikh community and they tread the line as blasphemous... when the whole mona and keshdari row started in SGPC (asking if clean shaven Sikhs should be given the same right to vote in SGPC elections) Khushwant Singh's views were rejected by the Sikh body.. as he stated that anybody who claims to be a Sikh should be able to vote... now that was rejected and will never happen.. because that would mean every other Hindu RSS chap would also be able to vote in Sikh SGPC elections merely by saying he is a Sikh... lolll...
Sikhism is close to hinduism body and soul,
The hinduism that based on the Vedas .

The Sikh religion is made by gurus who were hindus by birth and followers who too are khattri or jatt hindu ,later on joined by lower caste hindus.There was no conversion from islam to sikhism discounting few muslim sufi saints who coperated with sikh gurus.

Not true. But copy pasting much? Didn't I already answer this on other thread?

The sikhs and hindu can inter marry and its not taboo.,its surprising in a caste ridden hindu .

LOL. No they can't!! Yes, there are some communities which do intermarry but that is because their caste/community comes before religion... like the Mazhabis.. they inter-marry between Sikhs.. Hindus.. Muslims.. Here is perfect example (a "Muslim" sardar):

They visit each others place of worship.
U never see such collaboration among sikhs and muslims.

Errrrr.... yes you do.. go visit Faridkot.. or Qadaam.. or many other places where Masjids and Gurudwaras are basically joined and both Muslims and Sikhs worship together.. infact the gurudwara/masjid in Qadaam is even historical as Guru Gobind stayed their as a child and was under the care of a Muslim family.. hence that place..

Just few days ago i was reading an article written By Tariq Ali, who was bemoaning how the Sikh ruled punjab and kashmir ruined were worst time in those region .And one of the reason he gave was the banning on cow slaughter ordered by sikh rulers of that time.

Who is Tariq Ali? And why should we care? As for cow slaughter.. I don't know nor do I care.. all I know is that all animals are the same.. either you don't eat any.. or you eat them all..
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WHO IS HE????:devil:

Is he king of sikhs??? or leader of sikhs????

lol i didnt know they had a king.

probably some cleric

That is Simranjit Singh Mann.. he was a very high ranking police officer and commander of the Punjab Armed Police (the specialized branch of Punjab Police) in the 1980s... when Operation Blue Star happened he resigned from his position and joined the seperatists.. and ended up spending several years in Jail.. now he is the leader of the Akali Dal (Amritsar) party....

As for the Anand Karj Act, than yes, everybody applauds Pakistan for bringing that law into power in their country... because in India Sikhs have been fighting to have Anand Karj Act passed for over 60 years and Indian government is denying that right to Sikhs.. until today the government defines Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains as "Hindus" and puts them under Hindu act.. article 25b of constitution.. Sikhs have been fighting to get that change and even went to supreme court.. despite supreme court agreeing with Sikhs that article 25b discriminates against them.. Indian government still didn't change... and Sikhs of Pakistan now enjoy that law where Sikhs of India are still fighting for it....
Will Sikhs support and fight against India in case of all out war between India and Pakistan?

i dnt understand y talking bout such things and some people saying that we met few sikhs and they were against India..sikhs r a very prosperous community living peacefully in India and hold various prominent position in Indian political and military establishments..pakistan tried to stir a major sikh rebellion back in the late 80's but they failed..Indian prime minister, chief of army staff had been sikhs...few pro khalistan activists hiding in pakistan doesnt means
sikhs r against India..its totally irrelevant to discuss about it at present..even i can say that i met few pushtoons in mideast and they all were totaly against pakistan or i met various shia muslims in dubai and they hate pakistan...:what::what:
If you'd read the Bani of the Gurus, and principles of Sikhism, its very different from Hinduism. But this ain't the forum to discuss it and I'd prefer continuing our discussion through PM..

Thats because of u dont understand Hinduism.Well,there is such thing
as called Hinduism,its a mere English word encompassing many strands of Satana dharma.I'm sure the Sikh gurus had never heard anything called "Hinduism".They didn't deliberately tried to teach
something different from Hinduism.Sikh holy books name often Ram and Shiva as god and are heavily influenced by the "Vedas".

Guru Nanak was part the Bhakti movement at a time which saw many other gurus such as Santa Kabir ,Guru Ram das and other Sufi saint who were all influenced from each other.

Guru Nanak and others tried to bring religious reform in the Hindu practices which have wild with blind believes ,social ills like caste exploitations.Its was spiritual movement which preached spirituality in simplicity beyond Braminical ritualistic approach.

[If we talk about the Gurus, most were of the Bedi sub-caste. In fact the first 6 Gurus were all related and of the same Bedi sub-caste, which is now classified as one of the backward classes in Punjab.

And none of the Gurus were Jatts. You do have a lot to learn about Sikhism.
Many of the followers of Sikhism are of Punjabi khatries and Jatt caste . Guru Nanak was of Khatri caste and so do other gurus.Rest of the Sikhs were lower caste. Hindus

FYI,Bedi sub caste and other Sodhi, Trehan and Bhalla castes are part of the Khatri clan .

I talked about the same point in my post that you quoted. In terms of visiting each other's places of worship, some Sikhs do visit mazars and dargahs of Sufi saints. Faridkot hosts a major mela every year to commemorate the Sufi saint Baba Farid. Sikhs throng that mela in huge numbers

well lot of Hindus also do visit Sufi darghas including me.

but how many Hindus or Sikhs go for Friday prayers in a mosque or how many Muslims come to Gurudwaras or Hindu temples to do arti??

On the other hand Sikhs and Hindus visit each others place of worship like temples and Gurudwaras

Whatever we have talked about has hardly any significance for Indian Sikhs support to the Indian nation. Sikhs in India continue to serve their nation to their utmost capacity

'm no expert in Sikhism,but i knew few things abouts it and see whats happened on the ground over period Sikh history and I'm against that canard spread by some Iqbal_brar that Sikhism is equally distanced from both Islam and Hindu religion which untrue.

If Punjabi Sikhs are close to anyone in both religious and cultural , then it has to be the Punjabi Hindus since the Punjabi Muslims are part of alien Arab origin Islam which is very different how its read and practiced on the ground.
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Whats that even suppose to mean?? You now have a problem with my name? Add me on facebook and we'll talk... And add me from your REAL profile, not some BS fake profile which most RSS/chadiwalla supporters always use... I'm not afraid to use my real name unlike you...

haha... you are so funny!! :rofl::rofl:
Thats because of u dont understand Hinduism.Well,there is such thing
as called Hinduism,its a mere English word encompassing many strands of Satana dharma.I'm sure the Sikh gurus had never heard anything called "Hinduism".They didn't deliberately tried to teach
something different from Hinduism.Sikh holy books name often Ram and Shiva as god and are heavily influenced by the "Vedas".

Guru Nanak was part the Bhakti movement at a time which saw many other gurus such as Santa Kabir ,Guru Ram das and other Sufi saint who were all influenced from each other.

Guru Nanak and others tried to bring religious reform in the Hindu practices which have wild with blind believes ,social ills like caste exploitations.Its was spiritual movement which preached spirituality in simplicity beyond Braminical ritualistic approach.

[If we talk about the Gurus, most were of the Bedi sub-caste. In fact the first 6 Gurus were all related and of the same Bedi sub-caste, which is now classified as one of the backward classes in Punjab.

And none of the Gurus were Jatts. You do have a lot to learn about Sikhism.
Many of the followers of Sikhism are of Punjabi khatries and Jatt caste . Guru Nanak was of Khatri caste and so do other gurus.Rest of the Sikhs were lower caste. Hindus

FYI,Bedi sub caste and other Sodhi, Trehan and Bhalla castes are part of the Khatri clan .

well lot of Hindus also do visit Sufi darghas including me.

but how many Hindus or Sikhs go for Friday prayers in a mosque or how many Muslims come to Gurudwaras or Hindu temples to do arti??

On the other hand Sikhs and Hindus visit each others place of worship like temples and Gurudwaras

'm no expert in Sikhism,but i knew few things abouts it and see whats happened on the ground over period Sikh history and I'm against that canard spread by some Iqbal_brar that Sikhism is equally distanced from both Islam and Hindu religion which untrue.

If Punjabi Sikhs are close to anyone in both religious and cultural , then it has to be the Punjabi Hindus since the Punjabi Muslims are part of alien Arab origin Islam which is very different how its read and practiced on the ground.

Listen, I tell you again, no Jatt was ever a Guru. I am myself a Jatt so I'd know.

Now lets take this Sikhism's similarity with other religions to another forum. It is off-topic.
This thread is pure BS, it needs to be closed. How can anyone challenge the patriotism of Indian sikhs? Mods please close this thread.
This thread is pure BS, it needs to be closed. How can anyone challenge the patriotism of Indian sikhs? Mods please close this thread.

You are right.. this thread is stupid... Most Sikhs hold more grudges against Muslims as compared to hindus.. so ofcourse they will support Hindus and India

I don't know why some Pakistanis start such stupid threads...

and that guy biplob is annoying... trying to force his beliefs on Sikhs when Sikhs themselves are claiming again and again it is a different religion.. :disagree:
You are right.. this thread is stupid... Most Sikhs hold more grudges against Muslims as compared to hindus.. so ofcourse they will support Hindus and India

I don't know why some Pakistanis start such stupid threads...

and that guy biplob is annoying... trying to force his beliefs on Sikhs when Sikhs themselves are claiming again and again it is a different religion.. :disagree:

Well I don't mind Biplob. Irritating, but like any other noob, he's trying hard to force his opinions. I am sure he'd learn with time.
Sikhi is as different from hinduism as say buddhism or jainism.All the gurus(using the term loosely including buddha or teeranthkaras) found something wrong in the way hinduism(as we now call it) was being practised at that point in time.All religions thus have there own strands of individuality.Sikhs(talking about just them) do not want their religion to be submeresed into hinduism and want it to be distinct.The more talks out of R.S.S the more they will withdraw into themselves otherwise they had no problem with hindus, they just want to be left alone as far as their religion is concerned.I read somewhere that Ram is mentioned in the gurbani but would like to point out that the Ram that sikhi talks about is not Sri ram that hindus talk about .The ram in sikhi is more akin to the brahma of vedas(The only one).This is a very crude analogy and would require a lot more space,pls excuse if offended anybody.
The wounds of 1984 do hurt them but my 2 cent opinion is that slowly it will go into the background.Anyway if sikhi was not there in my own opinion bharat in its present form would not have been possible instead most of bharat as we know it today would have been pakistan. My grudge against the congress stems from the fact that every hindu knows gupta, maurya, chola, rajput, maratha etc but have never gone into the gurus who sacrificed so much. Everything pales in comparison.
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