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Who will Sikhs Support?

Sikhs are very brave people. They saved india from aghan invasion and destruction. We owe them a lot.

yes India_musings.Any hindu who would study the life of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji will have tears in his eyes that so much sacrifice has gone into saving india.Only thing is Sikhs are too proud to talk about this and expect at the minimal that hindus read about this and understand their sacrifces.
vadiya hoya je tussi thande jawab dena sikh gaye o..hun thande replies hi melange.

okk baii.. ah leh thode thande jawab loll

Kithe gall nu laeke jaa rehan guru...

ohhh mere bhravaa... again.... I did not do anything.. you again jumped the bandookh.. lol... would you like to quote me on taking a stand with Pakistan?? i think u like shooting yourself in the foot..

actually.... its true.. you would definitely have seem far more smarter if you agreed with me... because atleast that would mean you post a lot less.. nd the less you post, the smarter you seem.. :P

ha ha :lol:..that was expected from you bro...I know when someone does not agree with your stupid thoughts,its but obvious that you'll want to hear less of it...but stil agree with you..I am not smart..cuz you see i have been arguing with you..hitting my head against the wall...:hitwall::rofl:
there is no need of 26 pages length thread to discuss the loyalty of our sikh brothers,we have a great history of 100's to prove tat
^^^ Yeah despite of Golden Temple and Khalistan conflict, still there is a 100% way to prove how "Brotherly" your relations are.

To me it is just a stupid question. The Sikhs, and other communities in India will support India and those who are in Pakistan will certainly support Pakistan because of their ownselves. For their families etc. Its just a stupid discussion and I don't believe I am posting it.

KIT Over and Out
I must say that the Sikhs of India are the most patriotic people. They are more patriotic about India than even Hindus, even the ex-army chief of India was a sikh..for God's sake, even the Prime Minister of India is a Sikh.:flame: :bunny:
But born in Pakistan, in other words Pakistani Sikh:rofl:
there is no need of 26 pages length thread to discuss the loyalty of our sikh brothers,we have a great history of 100's to prove tat

This is a troll thread. Some elements can't digest development and progress in our Punjab. They want all to suffer.
I am surprised this thread has carried on for so long. I dont intend to have the last words but I can clear up some things.

Conceptually Sikhism is very similar to Islam. Mainly because many of the early Sikh Gurus were influenced by the mystical and tolerant version of Islam followed by the Sufi saints in Punjab.

Having said that, culturally, in India at least, Sikhs have had pretty good relations with Hindus. Except the 1984 anti Sikh riots, relations between the two communities have been great. A big indicator of that is inter-religious marriages between the two communities. While we know of several instances of weddings between a Hindus and Sikhs I have hardly seen an instance of a Sikh marrying a Muslim, at least in India.

And btw, I have to reiterate, that nobody can question Sikh support to the Indian nation. Doubts were raised due to what happened in the 80's but things are back to normal now. The last remaining sore point is the prosecution of the 84 riots accused. GoI, especially the Congress must prove that it is sensitive to the community's demands. An apology in the parliament is hardly a balm for tortured souls but coming from a Sikh PM, its like a slap on the face of us all Sikhs. The accused have to be punished and not protected.
lol.. this "kid of silly post" is giving direct citations from the Sikh holy book.. the Adi Granth... so accept it nor not we couldn't care less.. we know how much u love ure chadiwalla RSS unclejis and their BS RSS books which write jibberish about Sikhs... just showing u that reality is different... no wonder why Hindus in India don't even know 1% of Sikhi...

I can understand the sentiments of some calling himself Iqbal_Brar,lol...

So who are friends of Sikhs ,the secular congress party who massacred thousands of sikhs.

U blame chadiwalla RSS for tarneshing ur religion.Fine.
But the biggest sikh party Akali Dal is a partner of the same RSS and BJP .

Here is what prominent secular sikh writer Mr Khuswant Singh wrote about hindu fundametalist RSS activities during the sikh riots of 1984.

"RSS has played an honorable role in maintaining Hindu-Sikh unity before and after the murder of Indira Gandhi in Delhi and in other places"
"It was the Congress (I) leaders who instigated mobs in 1984 and got more than 3000 people killed. I must give due credit to RSS and the BJP for showing courage and protecting helpless Sikhs during those difficult days"

Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No u lack info.

Sardar Manmohan Singhji was born in India. And that part is now in Pakistan.

He was born in India and now ruling India, it shows our secular and democratic credentials.

JJ that is token representation, look at the comon sikh and than tell me, not the manmohan who was put to rule as Mrs sonia was reluctant due to anger of most hindu leader for her being Italian.
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I am surprised this thread has carried on for so long. I dont intend to have the last words but I can clear up some things.

Conceptually Sikhism is very similar to Islam. Mainly because many of the early Sikh Gurus were influenced by the mystical and tolerant version of Islam followed by the Sufi saints in Punjab.

Having said that, culturally, in India at least, Sikhs have had pretty good relations with Hindus. Except the 1984 anti Sikh riots, relations between the two communities have been great. A big indicator of that is inter-religious marriages between the two communities. While we know of several instances of weddings between a Hindus and Sikhs I have hardly seen an instance of a Sikh marrying a Muslim, at least in India.

And btw, I have to reiterate, that nobody can question Sikh support to the Indian nation. Doubts were raised due to what happened in the 80's but things are back to normal now. The last remaining sore point is the prosecution of the 84 riots accused. GoI, especially the Congress must prove that it is sensitive to the community's demands. An apology in the parliament is hardly a balm for tortured souls but coming from a Sikh PM, its like a slap on the face of us all Sikhs. The accused have to be punished and not protected.

Sikhism is close to hinduism body and soul,
The hinduism that based on the Vedas .

The Sikh religion is made by gurus who were hindus by birth and followers who too are khattri or jatt hindu ,later on joined by lower caste hindus.There was no conversion from islam to sikhism discounting few muslim sufi saints who coperated with sikh gurus.

The sikhs and hindu can inter marry and its not taboo.,its surprising in a caste ridden hindu .They visit each others place of worship.
U never see such collaboration among sikhs and muslims.

Just few days ago i was reading an article written By Tariq Ali, who was bemoaning how the Sikh ruled punjab and kashmir ruined were worst time in those region .And one of the reason he gave was the banning on cow slaughter ordered by sikh rulers of that time.
Sikhism is close to hinduism body and soul,
The hinduism that based on the Vedas .

If you'd read the Bani of the Gurus, and principles of Sikhism, its very different from Hinduism. But this ain't the forum to discuss it and I'd prefer continuing our discussion through PM.

The Sikh religion is made by gurus who were hindus by birth and followers who too are khattri or jatt hindu ,later on joined by lower caste hindus.There was no conversion from islam to sikhism discounting few muslim sufi saints who coperated with sikh gurus.

If we talk about the Gurus, most were of the Bedi sub-caste. In fact the first 6 Gurus were all related and of the same Bedi sub-caste, which is now classified as one of the backward classes in Punjab.

And none of the Gurus were Jatts. You do have a lot to learn about Sikhism.

The sikhs and hindu can inter marry and its not taboo.,its surprising in a caste ridden hindu .They visit each others place of worship.
U never see such collaboration among sikhs and muslims.

I talked about the same point in my post that you quoted. In terms of visiting each other's places of worship, some Sikhs do visit mazars and dargahs of Sufi saints. Faridkot hosts a major mela every year to commemorate the Sufi saint Baba Farid. Sikhs throng that mela in huge numbers.

Whatever we have talked about has hardly any significance for Indian Sikhs support to the Indian nation. Sikhs in India continue to serve their nation to their utmost capacity.
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