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Who will be Pakistan’s next Army Chief and Joint Chief of the military

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its irrespective who is gonna be the next COAS, the million dollar question is, will he be the usual American boot licker like his predecessor or will have some ghairath. I have serious doubt about the latter.
its irrespective who is gonna be the next COAS, the million dollar question is, will he be the usual American boot licker like his predecessor or will have some ghairath. I have serious doubt about the latter.

What do you want him to do? Attack amreeka?
Irrelevant , only thing what matters is Elections so Pakistani public can reclaim their country
And Kayani was not? or Bajwa isn't? :lol:

I believe it is one of the selection criteria, Khud Kaye ga tou nechay bhi khanay dai ga.
Everyone is corrupt "except" the chosen one who is the blue-eyed boy for a certain segment in Pakistan and nothing else will convince them otherwise. Why? Because a certain politician has lodged all his hopes for his second-coming with the said officer.

From top to bottom, this is a shit-show of the highest order with every Tom, Dick and Harry passing on judgements on every single officer in the running as if they are "saggay" with the officers in question.

If trash like "A lot of rumors flying around that xyz is corrupt" is the level of analysis, then it may be better to just stay quiet but in the shit-show of Pakistan today, that does not pass muster.

Perhaps, people should just let the process play out. The security establishment will get its man in the job and one thing is clear, he won't be Sharif's or Zardari's or Khan's man. He would just be the establishment's man. In this day, I think this will be the best option for Pakistan.

its irrespective who is gonna be the next COAS, the million dollar question is, will he be the usual American boot licker like his predecessor or will have some ghairath. I have serious doubt about the latter.
He will be sincere to Pakistan (every single CNC/CoAS has been till date) and dealing with Americans is part of life. American boots, along with Saudi, Russian and Chinese were licked by IK and his people too. Let's not forget that. This holier that thou nonsense has to stop.
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What do you want him to do? Attack amreeka?
No, it is just hypocrisy and double-standards. They have no qualms when IK and his people were kissing American boots for IMF support. I don't even hold that against them because that was a compulsion for Pakistan's economic needs just as it is now for the current set up. But what amazes me is that the PTI crowd never grant the same to others when they themselves have done the very same. We have kissed the boots of Russians, Americans, Qataris, Emeratis, Chinese and Saudis while IK was running the government. Where was this "ghairat" and "Khuddari" then for you to lecture others now about it? Give me a goddamned break over this new-found khuddari.

Why don't they question their party boss now as to why he did not lead Pakistan with more "khuddari" when he was in the office? Why was his CoAS making trips to these countries to prepare the ground for his subsequent trips for all the boot-licking? All that is forgotten very conveniently.

Munafiqat ki bhi hadd hoti hai.
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Who will be Pakistan’s next Army Chief and Joint Chief of the military​

January 27, 2022

General Qamar Javed Bajwa, Pakistan’s Army head, and Joint Chief General Nadeem Raza is set to retire in November. Imran Khan’s PTI-led government will have to choose the next Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee (CJCSC). While the Pandits have begun discussing the future of the country’s most powerful seat after Prime Minister Khan stated that he has not yet decided on any extension for General Bajwa.
The possible looking at the existing Corp Commanders can help us see some of the seniors and prospective contenders for the positions of COAS and CJCSC.

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Lt Gen. Sehr Shamshad Mirza

After the Army Chief and Joint Chiefs of Staff, he is the most senior lieutenant General. He is an officer of the Pakistan Army’s Sindh Regiment. So far, General Mirza has had a distinguished career. Lt. Gen. Sahir Shamshad Mirza is now serving as the X Corps’ Commander in Rawalpindi.


He was previously the Chief of General Staff at the Pakistan Army’s General Headquarters. Prior to his CGS assignment, he served as Adjutant General. Vice Chief of General Staff (A), Director General Military Operations, and General Officer Commanding at Dera Ismail Khan were among his previous positions. He led the 40th Infantry Division throughout his time at Military Operations.

Lt. Gen Azhar Abbas

General Abbas is the army’s 35th Chief of General Staff. After the army chief, the CGS is regarded as the most powerful position inside the army. The Directorates of Military Operations and Military Intelligence are responsible for operational and intelligence affairs at General Headquarters under the command of the CGS.


Abbas was commissioned into the Baloch Regiment’s 41st Battalion. He formerly held the positions of Commandant School of Infantry and Tactics in Quetta, Division Commander in Murre, Brigade Commander in the Operations Directorate, and Personal Secretary to General Raheel Sharif, the former Chief of Army Staff. Interestingly, five CGS have been named CJCSC thus far.

Lt. Gen Nouman Mahmood Raja

He is President of the National Defence University in Islamabad. He was previously the Corp Commander of Peshawar. In On 1987, General Raja was commissioned into an Infantry Battalion. He attended the Command and Staff College in Quetta, Egypt, as well as the Command and Staff College in Cairo and the National Defence University in Islamabad.


Brigade Major of an Infantry Brigade, Commanding Officer of an Infantry Regiment, Brigade Commander of two Infantry Brigades, Chief of Staff of a Corps, General Officer Commanding of an Infantry Division, Director General (Analysis), Directorate General ISI, Inspector General Communication & Information Technology Branch General Headquarters Rawalpindi, and Corps Commander of a Corps are among his various Command, Staff, and Instructional assignments.

Lt. Gen Faiz Hameed

At the moment, he is the Commander of the XI Corps in Peshawar. He served as the 24th Director-General of the Intelligence Agency ISI. He was commissioned in the Baloch Regiment. Previously, Faiz served as Adjutant General in Rawalpindi’s General Headquarters (GHQ). Also, in his military career, he was the chief of the ISI’s counter-intelligence wing.

Pakistan's next Army Chief's next Army Chief

He was also the Chief of Staff to then-Corps Commander Rawalpindi, General Bajwa, who is currently the COAS. Only three XI Corp Commanders have ever been promoted to four-star general rank: General Sawar Khan, General Mirza Aslam Baig, and General Ahsan-ul-Haq. Gen. Faiz as DG ISI remained in limelight.

He also visited Kabul soon after the Afghan Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. Many circles are talking about the positioning of Gen. Faiz as possible next COAS. However, only the exact time will decide the future command of the Pakistan Army.

Lt. Gen Muhammad Amir

He is currently serving as Corp Commander of the Gujranwala Corps. Before this, he served as Advocate General. As a Major General, Amir served as GOC 10 Infantry Division, Lahore.

Pakistan's next Army Chief's next Army Chief

He also served as DG Staff at COAS Secretariat.

Lt. Gen Muhammad Chiragh Haider

He is currently serving as Corps Commander Multan, Prior to being Corp Commander Multan, Haider was serving as DG Joint Staff Headquarters.


Previously, he also undertook responsibilities as DG Military training and GOC Infantry Division Jhelum.

Lt. Gen Nadeem Anjum
He is serving as the Director-General of Inter-Services Intelligence (DG ISI). He was commissioned in the 28th Punjab Regiment of infantry.

Pakistan's next Army Chief's next Army Chief

He has also served as Inspector-General of the Frontier Corps, Brigadier Commander Waziristan, and Kurram Agency. Anjum also served as Corp Commander of V Corps at Karachi.

The Army contenders for the future COAS are promoted by name through the outgoing Chief of Army Staff, from whom the Prime Minister selects the new COAS and CJCSC, according to protocol. Now it’s up to Prime Minister Imran Khan to decide whether to stick to the seniority list or choose any senior official from the list who meets his criteria.
Who cares?

We want someone that cares for Pakistan. Sadly who is that amongst this batch?
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