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Who was the most influential leader of 20th century?

Who was the most influential leader of the 20th century?

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WTF...did you even read your own OP title????
Who waʃ the moʒt influential leader of 20z̪͆ century?

Sorry. I can't hear you.

From all what we know about this mysterious leader's description, the Forensic Artist can put together a sketch of the criminal:

Aged 25 to 50, 150 - 190 cm, heavy build or flimsy, blond or black hair, dark or blue eyes, light or brown skin, European or Asian, spoke English well and fluent Japanese, PhD in Physics and Medicine (see composite picture):


http://archive.vn/HHqiC/bbc3aaf1d34d4deb61759f2197b2cbeac48ad3a8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HHqiC/2674b54625259bde821464ed75566eaed82c49e4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200617213329/https://i.imgur.com/aBlvUUy.jpg
1. Composite picture of the criminal: notice the face is unknown, only for illustration purpose.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
Sorry. I can't hear you.

From all what we know about this mysterious leader's description, the Forensic Artist can put together a sketch of the criminal:

Aged 25 to 50, 150 - 190 cm, heavy build or flimsy, blond or black hair, dark or blue eyes, light or brown skin, European or Asian, spoke English well and fluent Japanese, PhD in Physics and Medicine (see composite picture):


http://archive.vn/HHqiC/bbc3aaf1d34d4deb61759f2197b2cbeac48ad3a8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HHqiC/2674b54625259bde821464ed75566eaed82c49e4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200617213329/https://i.imgur.com/aBlvUUy.jpg
1. Composite picture of the criminal: notice the face is unknown, only for illustration purpose.




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation
I am really sorry, but are you sure you arent high on something? Because your posts just dont make any sense and arent even related to the Iranian section. You might want to take them somewhere else.
Mao. He reunited China and brought back Deng Xioping, who carried the reforms that led China to become the power it is today.
I am really ʃorry, but are you ʒure you arent high on z̪͆omeʃing? Becauʃe your poʒtz̪͆ just dont make any ʃenʒe and arent even related to the Iranian z̪͆ection. You might want to take them ʃomewhere elʒe.

Sorry. I can't hear you.


If one think that the identity of the most powerful leader of the 20th century, and possibly of the 21th century as of June 2020, and perhaps even of the entire human history as of June 2020, is in no way related to Iran, then one can't be saved anymore. :lol:

Think about it, this unnamed rogue putschist leader as I claim, is able to the mind-control all Iranians' brains, making them forget who they are.

Consequently, for these lost souls, there are reportedly more than 4'000 trans-gender operations carried out in Iran every year and most are subsidised by the government.

The Islamic Republic legalised transsexuality in 1987 and is second only to Thailand in its number of trans surgeries.

One doctor told they carry out 30 to 40 surgeries every MONTH – and sometimes up to three procedures per day.

Indeed, this most powerful puppeteer of the world is even making Russia cave from the inside, until the final collapse and disintegration of the Russian Federation by 2035!

1. Hidden puppeteer causing the final collapse of the Russian Federation by 2035. Video Скандальный Ролик в Поддержку Поправок в Конституцию, posted 3 June 2020.


From all what we know about this mysterious leader's description, the Forensic Artist can put together a sketch of the criminal:

Aged 100 to 125, 150 - 190 cm, heavy build or flimsy, blond or black hair, dark or blue eyes, light or brown skin, European or Asian, spoke English well and fluent Japanese, PhD in Physics and Medicine.

Particular sign: has four canine teeth of bloodsucker vampire cannibal (see composite picture):


http://archive.vn/HHqiC/bbc3aaf1d34d4deb61759f2197b2cbeac48ad3a8.jpg ; https://archive.vn/HHqiC/2674b54625259bde821464ed75566eaed82c49e4/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200617213329/https://i.imgur.com/aBlvUUy.jpg
1. Composite picture of the criminal: notice the face is unknown, only for illustration purpose.

Notice the tyrant is holding in his arms a Persian cat, symbolizing all the puppet leader strawmen of the world he wire pulls.

But for Iran, this is nothing new. This is only another century of humiliation for the sick man of the Middle East, following the 20th century, with Ahmad Shah Qajar starting as the puppet leader of the British imperialist.


https://defence.pk/pdf/data/attachments/606/606971-4da8f03445e88663321d2851483e3208.jpg ; http://i2.wp.com/mmbiz.qpic.cn/mmbi...WuV9M5HZibRD3dh2sH3URn7vJQde1Iw/0?wx_fmt=jpeg ; http://www.ifuun.com/a20176163011310/ ;
2. British imperialists' asset: the Manchu QIN Dynasty Xuantong puppet Emperor. 兒時的溥儀,三歲登基,那會兒啥都不懂呢,莫名其妙就坐上了皇位


https://i.imgur.com/TLr6hGT.jpg ; https://imgur.com/a/C4okFqR
3. British imperialists' asset: the puppet Shah (King) of Persia Ahmad Shah Qajar.


https://defence.pk/pdf/attachments/...monochrome-photography-dalai-lama-jpg.425409/ ; https://i.pinimg.com/236x/0e/50/1f/...5d7ccf--monochrome-photography-dalai-lama.jpg ; https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/156359418285450131/
4. British imperialists' asset: the puppet Dalai Lama of Tibet Lhamo Thondup.


https://koreaexpose.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/2011100100208_0.jpg ; https://koreaexpose.com/who-is-kim-han-sol/
5. U.S. imperialists' asset: the puppet heir of North Korea Kim Han Sol.

And today the puppets are no longer that young but mostly very old and even centenarians!




Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation

Last edited:
What kind of ʒatire iz̪͆ thiʃ?
Don't ʒend horz̪͆eʃhit threadʒ to Iranian z̪͆ection. It iʃ a diʒrez̪͆pect.

Alʃo pleaʒe pleaz̪͆e pleaʃe change your ʃignature lineʒ and picturez̪͆ or you will look 16.

Sorry. I can't hear you.


Indeed smaller 2.5 Petabytes memory can't even understand what a 10 years old should.

That is why We, educators have to simplify. For you feeble minded.


With underground military facilities dug to a depth of four kilometers below surface, the Islamic Republic of Iran will be the victor!

- H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad President of the Republic of Iran

And literally from Dr. Ahmadinejad quote, the countermeasure to the U.S. mind-control warfare, the cause of Iran's LGBT casualties, also sometimes called by the media falsely 'GAY BOMB' to mislead the world masses.

The 24/7/365 brainwashing through intrusive thoughts, remotely uploaded by the U.S. 20'000 orbital mind-control satellites, process illustrated in the movie Movie 43 (2013)'s Beezel segment, was correctly assessed by Dr. Ahmadinejad.

Therefore Iran has already the ability to protect its people and thwart the U.S. mind-control warfare. In theory.

Iran begins producing rare earth for first time

Tuesday, 28 January 2020 11:45 AM [ Last Update: Wednesday, 29 January 2020 12:22 PM ]

Mining in depths of 3,000 meters

Iran is tapping its mines and metals deposits like never before as it feels the pressure of the American sanctions that have hampered its access to normal oil revenues.

That comes as the United States has specifically targeted Iran’s trade and production of metals with a series of bans since May 2018.

Gharibpour said Iran currently has in place deep-level mining on its agenda. IMIDRO subsidiary Iran Minerals Production and Supply Company (IMPASCO) is now exploring minerals in depths of up to 3,000 meters in central Iran, he said.



http://archive.vn/PkMSo/1c7c5dd48f89acdfac00eaaf4ecb5cacb288049e.png ; https://archive.vn/PkMSo/9ed13c647f79958c200432ff49d993ae7e441f9c/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200724140504/https://i.imgur.com/r0xlHit.png ; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2ARBbyWF4Q
1. Iran is now exploring minerals in depths of up to 3,000 meters in central Iran.





Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation

Joseph Stalin. Is is because of him Colonial era came to an end and Asian and African countries are free.
Joseph Stalin. Is is because of him Colonial era came to an end and Asian and African countries are free.

That is way out of the mark. By 1947, Stalin himself along all the leaders of the Big Five powers (Harry S. Truman, President of the United States, Clement Attlee, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Vincent Auriol, President of France, Chiang Kai Shek, Chairman of the National Government of China) were already under the total mind control of the Secret Leader.
Not to mention minor puppets such as Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India or Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran.

14 July 2020

In a nutshell, it is the sentient Matrix SKYNET that rules the world as a tool of the Secret Leader, like no other dictators before in the entire human history. No democracy, no freedom at all. To the point that one can't even decide of it's own sexual orientation!

As for Israel, approximately 25% of Tel Aviv’s population identifies as gay, which considering the city’s population is about 400,000 that means that some 100,000 people in the city identify themselves as LGBTQ.

And this as a result of the 24/7/365 brainwashing through intrusive thoughts, remotely uploaded by the U.S. 20'000 orbital mind-control satellites. Movie 43 (2013)'s Beezel segment has illustrated this process in a movie. A film that took almost a decade to get into production as most studios rejected the script. A film that was also panned by critics, with some considering it to be one of the worst films ever made.

Proof that Israel is no exception, so don't lecture others when it comes to freedom, which you totally lack.


The existence of the hypothesize U.S. 20'000 orbital mind-control satellites, guesstimated to have been launched into space starting from mid-1946* onward, is now officially validated by popular movies such as Carol (2015), based on biography set in the 1948s.

It is clearly stated that homosexuality is the product of space [warfare]:

Full transcript:

Carol (2015)

00:23:08,720 --> 00:23:10,848
What a strange girl you are.

00:23:11,000 --> 00:23:13,048

00:23:15,160 --> 00:23:17,288
Flung out of space.
01:17:48,720 --> 01:17:49,960
My angel.

01:17:53,240 --> 01:17:55,163
Flung out of space.


http://archive.is/BHffN/139d3d553bc9022c963f24448a03fd4bacb68b1f.jpg ; https://archive.is/BHffN/f48ad8bb0bbc2d1d03929c7b0b63af5e35681288/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200728154635/https://i.imgur.com/HJ0ZZHy.jpg
1. Carol (2015): Flung out of space.


*The U.S. first satellite by 1946

The U.S. is known to have captured more than several thousands (~3'000) German rocket engines of A4 ballistic missiles after May 1945.
With a thrust of 264.90 kN or vacuum thrust of 311.800 kN each, a simple cluster of four engines in a core stage would have been able to deliver 80 ton-force of thrust. For the steering, four graphite jet vanes would have been retained one for each engine nozzle.
With a military-industrial complex already well oiled and at full capacity in 1945, converting the assembly line used to churn 9 feet diameter fuselages of the Boeing B-29 Superfortress strategic bomber, would have allowed the U.S. to produced 2.74 meter diameter rocket stages, and by the thousands.
Doable within 6 months after the end of WWII.

Moreover, the German engineers at Zentralwerke had already begun development of an improved V-2 engine in 1945. Through relatively simple measures the thrust was increased to 30 metric tons.

Furthermore the U.S. engineers (that is Dr Dornberger's team in New Mexico) could have found that by using 96% alcohol fuel in place of the V-2's 75%, the basic engine would deliver 37 metric tons thrust.

The increased-thrust engine allowed the rocket to be stretched, with a lift-off mass 50% greater than the V-2.


In this case, an upgraded core booster of a first generation U.S. satellite carrier could have developed 148 metric tons thrust.
That is as much as the current Iranian Safir-2 or Simorgh Satellite carrier! Depending on the second and third stage performance, it is no less than several hundreds of kilograms up to a ton of payload mass into LEO!
Doable within 12 months after the end of WWII.

For the first large size military mind-control satellites, the payload capacity would have needed to reach several tons, and no less than 5 to 10 meters in size.
For this, to increase five folds the payload mass, all the U.S. had to do was to cluster 4 more boosters around the core stage. The way the Soyuz is built today. That is about 5 tons into LEO.

To carry more propellants, larger diameter of 3.5 meters could have been envisaged by upgrading the Boeing's assembly lines.
Doable within 18 months after the end of WWII.

Finally, to conduct a full trajectory tracking and monitoring from ignition to orbital insertion, of the first experimental satellite launches without the world suspecting, least reporting the secret U.S. space activities, the U.S. military junta is suspected to have used the entire occupied Pacific Ocean, made of captured former Japanese possessions.
Thus benefiting of thousands of kilometers of private military test ground.
Doable within 24 months after the end of WWII.

The subsequent launches of the 20'000 orbital military satellites could also have been carried from the Pacific Ocean.
Several tens of launch pads working 24/7/365 were probably constructed, if not a hundred.
Thus unnoticed by the other Big Five Powers until it was simply too late.
Doable within 36 months after the end of WWII.


Conclusion, not only the Colonial era did not 'came to an end in Asia and Africa', but the Golden Age of Colonization has since enslaved the entire world, including the Big Five powers!!





Spaceship One Starts 《Weltraumschiff 1 startet...》 (1937), Battle of the Japan Sea 日本海大海戦 (1969), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974), Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean ローレライ (2005), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), Little Fish (2005), Turks in Space 《Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam'in Oglu》 (2006), Democrazy (2007), My Way 《마이 웨이》 (2011), Contagion (2011), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), The Host (2013), Movie 43 (2013), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Carol (2015), Lost in the Pacific 蒸发太平洋 (2016), Sky Hunter 《空天猎》 (2017), High Life (2018), Tik Tik Tik 《டிக் டிக் டிக்》 (2018), Crazy Alien 疯狂的外星人 (2019), Ad Astra (2019), The Wandering Earth 流浪地球 (2019), Ananda : Rise of Notra (2019)

It is obvious that the most influential leader of the 20th century was Joseph Stalin.

Why? Because:

1) Soviet Union under Stalin was crucial in defeating Axis powers (especially Nazi Germany) and establishing New world order after WWII

2) entire 20th century was about communism and Stalin made communism survive and expand into Eastern Europe and Asian countries-- from Cuba and East Germany and up to China, North Korea and Vietnam

3) Entire Cold War of the second half of 20th century was the result of Stalin's ability to turn USSR into a communist superpower

4) as an absolute dictator that ruled one of the two superpowers and controled 1/6 of world's land--Stalin was also the most powerful person of the 20th century
Stalin 100%

Obvious denial mode.

From someone who had previously claimed to leave the forum on 15 February 2020 for a better 'Arab Forum' and returning several months later beyond recognition, as a new staunch Stalinist...

And indeed, it is not only in the Hollywood's depictions that LGBT is presented as a space warfare.

Even in the former Soviet Union, the pop culture has already acknowledged the fact that Stalin himself was under threat from someone as early as the summer of 1942!


Stalin vs. Martians


Stalin vs. Martians is a parody real-time strategy video game developed by Black Wing Foundation, Dreamlore and N-Game, released on April 29, 2009.

Obviously, the main concept behind the game is pretty much clear if you can see its name. It just speaks for itself. The fact that such game exists is quite an event. It doesn't really matter what's behind the name or if the game is playable at all. The concept is enough. Simply makes your brain explode.

Meanwhile, we decided to move a little bit further than making up a bizarre concept and product's weird name. Stalin vs. Martians is also a good real-time strategy game. Probably one of the best in years and years. You can quote us on that.

The game is more or less plot-driven, so we're working on a script wild enough to fit into our concept. In short, the outline looks like this:

Year 1942. Summer. The martians suddenly land somewhere in Siberia and attack the glorious people of Holy Mother Russia. It is a hard time for USSR as you might know from the history books if you ever attended school. The situation is really fucked up, so comrade Stalin takes the anti-ET military operation under his personal control. The operation is a top secret and virtually nobody knows about the fact of extraterrestial intervention.

— Well, that's it. Under the Stalin's command we must take control over Red Army forces and kick some alien ***. What shocks the most is that the martian forces look like a gay parade of Nintendo-styled cartoonish creatures.


Stalin vs. Martians is a real-time strategy designed for people. No more madness with ammo supplies, no dozens of info pages on every artillery unit or other wargaming features that lately sneaked into the genre. Stop drooling on machineguns and toy soldiers, just play the game.

Our precious Stalin is a fast, furious, funny and very simple real-time strategy game. We even think about releasing it to the arcades. The mechanics is simple and intuitive, but effective and with some smart innovative twists. Let us show you what we're talking about.

— No city-building and technology trees. You can buy reinforcements and offmap special abilities. But no "build the barracks > buy the troops > upgrade the town hall". The only resources you can find on the map are power-ups. They look like they should: like shiny rotating coins with bright colors.





Stalin vs. Martians received scathing reviews from critics. It has an average score of 23.41% on GameRankings as well as 25% on Metacritic. GameSpot awarded the game 1.5/10, calling it "perhaps the worst RTS game ever created". The site also named it 2009's Flat-Out Worst Game. IGN, which rated the game a 2/10, noted the game's total lack of any RTS-related elements and asked whether it was 'made in 1994 and sealed into a vault until 2009' given how dated the visuals looked. Resolution, awarding the game 35%, warned readers not to purchase the game, but conceded that it is occasionally "incredibly amusing". Rock, Paper, Shotgun called the game "rubbish" but admitted: "there’s certainly car-crash value, especially if you tie yourself in theoretical knots deciding exactly how much of the game is satire". The Escapist was more positive, noting that "Whatever it was, it's clear that the development team had a very fun time making the game, and filling it with as many Soviet clichés as possible." and "The presentation can be funny, and it's so absurd at times that you really have to experience it for the sheer audacity of it, but ... the game itself is below average at best". Russian MTV programme Virtuality and its spin-off portal Games TV were quite enthusiastic about the game and its humour.



Obviously, this 2009 video game does not explain what was behind this threat hidden behind a convenient 'space alien' smokescreen.

Moreover the Empire of Japan never engaged in any military activities after the Soviet Union signed on 13 April 1941 a non-aggression Pact only to curry favour with the Nipponese, hoping that by doing so, the Axis would destroy the Allies and reward in return the Soviet Union with the former British India as a colony!

But a 2008 Russian movie did present in a documentary a year earlier more solid clues, clear indication of mind-control research.

Philosophy of a Knife (ナイフの哲学) (2008)

Philosophy of a Knife is a 2008 Russian-American horror film written, produced, shot, edited, and directed by Andrey Iskanov. It covers the Japanese Army's Unit 731, mixing archival footage, interviews, and extremely graphic reenactments of experiments performed there.

The film is four hours long, is presented in two parts (Part one and Part two), is in English, and shot in black and white. The interviews are shot in color and have English subtitles.


Philosophy of a Knife was shown at the 2008 Sitges Film Festival. TLA Releasing and Unearthed Films released the unrated film on DVD in July 2008. For a short time, Philosophy was available on Netflix, but was taken down without a given reason. The film is also accessible in its two parts via YouTube.


The film features Manoush and Cyanide Savior's song "Dead Before Born" as well as a song by A. Shevchenko, "Forgive Me", with Manoush speaking the introduction to the track.



A 0 out of 5 was given by Dread Central's Scott A. Johnson, who concluded, "As a reviewer, one tries to find a few positive things to say about each film.



The only on-screen interview subject is Anatolky Protasov, a military translator and doctor of medicine who was born and studied in Harbin and was a contemporary drafted in to assist with the investigation into what took place there, studying papers and interpreting for those suspected of war crimes. I have done no research into the truth behind these stories but Protasov speaks authoritatively and naturally. This is not scripted dialogue; these are real time responses. He certainly believes what he reports and too many of the details are too surprising to come from one man's imagination. Having said that, Protasov will contradict himself in time. In the aftermath section of the interview at the close of Philosophy Of A Knife he will recount how the lead microbiologist, a sick bastard named Dr Ishii will instruct his assistants to commit suicide and yet later will recall instead that they travelled with him on the escape boat. He will also recount how the paper evidence is destroyed and then tell a different story as Ishii falls into American hands and the grim research is inherited by the US (to negative ends) and yet there was still another copy that could stay home playing its part in the improvement of Japanese medicine to this day. The version in which Ishii was adopted by the military and transferred to America to continue his research appears to be a fantasy that Protasov may, over the years, have convinced himself of, in a likening to 'Operation Paperclip' which saw Werner Braun's scientific know-how put to use in the American aerospace programme, despite his role in decompression experiments in Nazi Germany.


Andrey Iskanov

September 17, 2015

One man from the former Soviet Union who is fighting against the grain, having devoted his entire life to the pursuit of artistic gratification is Andrey Iskanov. This complex and elusive filmmaker has remained somewhat of a mystery amongst the horror community. His work, however, has become a thing of infamy.

Andrey Iskanov’s movies contain some of the most shocking sequences committed to modern film. There is a surrealistic element to them which accentuates the brutality and horror which he showcases in his work. His films are a journey into the unmitigated darkness that exists at the heart of mankind; all told from a very unique standpoint. Ever a controversial and divisive figure, he has been involved in public spats with online critics who have lambasted his work, and has no difficulty in standing up for what he believes in.



Andrey Iskanov's Philosophy of a Knife (2008) is a Russian documentary representing artistic thus crude and gory but inaccurate reconstitution of Lieutenant-General Shiro Ishii's Unit 731 of the Kwantung Army most notorious experiments on live human subjects.

Nipponese neuroscience research on the human central nervous system in the 1940s

Of special interest are two scenes of pioneering experiments:
Nipponese space medicine in the 1940s


It is obvious that the most influential leader of the 20th century was Joseph Stalin.

Why? Because:

1) Soviet Union under Stalin was crucial in defeating Axis powers (especially Nazi Germany) and establishing New world order after WWII

2) entire 20th century was about communism and Stalin made communism survive and expand into Eastern Europe and Asian countries-- from Cuba and East Germany and up to China, North Korea and Vietnam

3) Entire Cold War of the second half of 20th century was the result of Stalin's ability to turn USSR into a communist superpower

4) as an absolute dictator that ruled one of the two superpowers and controled 1/6 of world's land--Stalin was also the most powerful person of the 20th century
View attachment 656499
Conclusion, Stalin as one slave among the thousands then millions of other puppets mind-controled by the Secret Leader since circa 1946, is not at all responsible for the release of the 200 new nations from the European colonial powers.

In the movie Manifesto (2015), the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema!


http://archive.vn/gv7GJ/d59b9aa946b746db12e4d4fe34db1dd64f08c0d7.jpg ; https://archive.vn/gv7GJ/708eaa99a5fe8c44a8236cae397eaf0c2e19b172/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200730012238/https://i.imgur.com/qvV31t1.jpg
3. Screen capture image from the movie Manifesto (2015) showing world leaders as puppets.


http://archive.vn/Ybqme/ca53eab3f6eb65757035d4b5e8acf0e056e2647c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Ybqme/90cdf30cd97cd0e2b953d0c26979270c02bd3e8a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200730012657/https://i.imgur.com/bAPhhlH.jpg
4. In the movie Manifesto (2015), the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema!






Spaceship One Starts 《Weltraumschiff 1 startet...》 (1937), Battle of the Japan Sea 日本海大海戦 (1969), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974), Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean ローレライ (2005), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), Little Fish (2005), Turks in Space 《Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam'in Oglu》 (2006), Democrazy (2007), Philosophy of a Knife (2008), My Way 《마이 웨이》 (2011), Contagion (2011), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), The Host (2013), Movie 43 (2013), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Carol (2015), Manifesto (2015), Lost in the Pacific 蒸发太平洋 (2016), Sky Hunter 《空天猎》 (2017), High Life (2018), Tik Tik Tik 《டிக் டிக் டிக்》 (2018), Crazy Alien 疯狂的外星人 (2019), Ad Astra (2019), The Wandering Earth 流浪地球 (2019), Ananda : Rise of Notra (2019)

Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation, Stalin V Martian

Obvious denial mode.

From someone who had previously claimed to leave the forum on 15 February 2020 for a better 'Arab Forum' and returning several months later beyond recognition, as a new staunch Stalinist...

And indeed, it is not only in the Hollywood's depictions that LGBT is presented as a space warfare.

Even in the former Soviet Union, the pop culture has already acknowledged the fact that Stalin himself was under threat from someone as early as the summer of 1942!


Stalin vs. Martians


Stalin vs. Martians is a parody real-time strategy video game developed by Black Wing Foundation, Dreamlore and N-Game, released on April 29, 2009.

Obviously, the main concept behind the game is pretty much clear if you can see its name. It just speaks for itself. The fact that such game exists is quite an event. It doesn't really matter what's behind the name or if the game is playable at all. The concept is enough. Simply makes your brain explode.

Meanwhile, we decided to move a little bit further than making up a bizarre concept and product's weird name. Stalin vs. Martians is also a good real-time strategy game. Probably one of the best in years and years. You can quote us on that.

The game is more or less plot-driven, so we're working on a script wild enough to fit into our concept. In short, the outline looks like this:

Year 1942. Summer. The martians suddenly land somewhere in Siberia and attack the glorious people of Holy Mother Russia. It is a hard time for USSR as you might know from the history books if you ever attended school. The situation is really fucked up, so comrade Stalin takes the anti-ET military operation under his personal control. The operation is a top secret and virtually nobody knows about the fact of extraterrestial intervention.

— Well, that's it. Under the Stalin's command we must take control over Red Army forces and kick some alien ***. What shocks the most is that the martian forces look like a gay parade of Nintendo-styled cartoonish creatures.


Stalin vs. Martians is a real-time strategy designed for people. No more madness with ammo supplies, no dozens of info pages on every artillery unit or other wargaming features that lately sneaked into the genre. Stop drooling on machineguns and toy soldiers, just play the game.

Our precious Stalin is a fast, furious, funny and very simple real-time strategy game. We even think about releasing it to the arcades. The mechanics is simple and intuitive, but effective and with some smart innovative twists. Let us show you what we're talking about.

— No city-building and technology trees. You can buy reinforcements and offmap special abilities. But no "build the barracks > buy the troops > upgrade the town hall". The only resources you can find on the map are power-ups. They look like they should: like shiny rotating coins with bright colors.





Stalin vs. Martians received scathing reviews from critics. It has an average score of 23.41% on GameRankings as well as 25% on Metacritic. GameSpot awarded the game 1.5/10, calling it "perhaps the worst RTS game ever created". The site also named it 2009's Flat-Out Worst Game. IGN, which rated the game a 2/10, noted the game's total lack of any RTS-related elements and asked whether it was 'made in 1994 and sealed into a vault until 2009' given how dated the visuals looked. Resolution, awarding the game 35%, warned readers not to purchase the game, but conceded that it is occasionally "incredibly amusing". Rock, Paper, Shotgun called the game "rubbish" but admitted: "there’s certainly car-crash value, especially if you tie yourself in theoretical knots deciding exactly how much of the game is satire". The Escapist was more positive, noting that "Whatever it was, it's clear that the development team had a very fun time making the game, and filling it with as many Soviet clichés as possible." and "The presentation can be funny, and it's so absurd at times that you really have to experience it for the sheer audacity of it, but ... the game itself is below average at best". Russian MTV programme Virtuality and its spin-off portal Games TV were quite enthusiastic about the game and its humour.



Obviously, this 2009 video game does not explain what was behind this threat hidden behind a convenient 'space alien' smokescreen.

Moreover the Empire of Japan never engaged in any military activities after the Soviet Union signed on 13 April 1941 a non-aggression Pact only to curry favour with the Nipponese, hoping that by doing so, the Axis would destroy the Allies and reward in return the Soviet Union with the former British India as a colony!

But a 2008 Russian movie did present in a documentary a year earlier more solid clues, clear indication of mind-control research.

Philosophy of a Knife (ナイフの哲学) (2008)

Philosophy of a Knife is a 2008 Russian-American horror film written, produced, shot, edited, and directed by Andrey Iskanov. It covers the Japanese Army's Unit 731, mixing archival footage, interviews, and extremely graphic reenactments of experiments performed there.

The film is four hours long, is presented in two parts (Part one and Part two), is in English, and shot in black and white. The interviews are shot in color and have English subtitles.


Philosophy of a Knife was shown at the 2008 Sitges Film Festival. TLA Releasing and Unearthed Films released the unrated film on DVD in July 2008. For a short time, Philosophy was available on Netflix, but was taken down without a given reason. The film is also accessible in its two parts via YouTube.


The film features Manoush and Cyanide Savior's song "Dead Before Born" as well as a song by A. Shevchenko, "Forgive Me", with Manoush speaking the introduction to the track.



A 0 out of 5 was given by Dread Central's Scott A. Johnson, who concluded, "As a reviewer, one tries to find a few positive things to say about each film.



The only on-screen interview subject is Anatolky Protasov, a military translator and doctor of medicine who was born and studied in Harbin and was a contemporary drafted in to assist with the investigation into what took place there, studying papers and interpreting for those suspected of war crimes. I have done no research into the truth behind these stories but Protasov speaks authoritatively and naturally. This is not scripted dialogue; these are real time responses. He certainly believes what he reports and too many of the details are too surprising to come from one man's imagination. Having said that, Protasov will contradict himself in time. In the aftermath section of the interview at the close of Philosophy Of A Knife he will recount how the lead microbiologist, a sick bastard named Dr Ishii will instruct his assistants to commit suicide and yet later will recall instead that they travelled with him on the escape boat. He will also recount how the paper evidence is destroyed and then tell a different story as Ishii falls into American hands and the grim research is inherited by the US (to negative ends) and yet there was still another copy that could stay home playing its part in the improvement of Japanese medicine to this day. The version in which Ishii was adopted by the military and transferred to America to continue his research appears to be a fantasy that Protasov may, over the years, have convinced himself of, in a likening to 'Operation Paperclip' which saw Werner Braun's scientific know-how put to use in the American aerospace programme, despite his role in decompression experiments in Nazi Germany.


Andrey Iskanov

September 17, 2015

One man from the former Soviet Union who is fighting against the grain, having devoted his entire life to the pursuit of artistic gratification is Andrey Iskanov. This complex and elusive filmmaker has remained somewhat of a mystery amongst the horror community. His work, however, has become a thing of infamy.

Andrey Iskanov’s movies contain some of the most shocking sequences committed to modern film. There is a surrealistic element to them which accentuates the brutality and horror which he showcases in his work. His films are a journey into the unmitigated darkness that exists at the heart of mankind; all told from a very unique standpoint. Ever a controversial and divisive figure, he has been involved in public spats with online critics who have lambasted his work, and has no difficulty in standing up for what he believes in.



Andrey Iskanov's Philosophy of a Knife (2008) is a Russian documentary representing artistic thus crude and gory but inaccurate reconstitution of Lieutenant-General Shiro Ishii's Unit 731 of the Kwantung Army most notorious experiments on live human subjects.

Nipponese neuroscience research on the human central nervous system in the 1940s

Of special interest are two scenes of pioneering experiments:
Nipponese space medicine in the 1940s


Conclusion, Stalin as one slave among the thousands then millions of other puppets mind-controled by the Secret Leader since circa 1946, is not at all responsible for the release of the 200 new nations from the European colonial powers.

In the movie Manifesto (2015), the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema!


http://archive.vn/gv7GJ/d59b9aa946b746db12e4d4fe34db1dd64f08c0d7.jpg ; https://archive.vn/gv7GJ/708eaa99a5fe8c44a8236cae397eaf0c2e19b172/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200730012238/https://i.imgur.com/qvV31t1.jpg
3. Screen capture image from the movie Manifesto (2015) showing world leaders as puppets.


http://archive.vn/Ybqme/ca53eab3f6eb65757035d4b5e8acf0e056e2647c.jpg ; https://archive.vn/Ybqme/90cdf30cd97cd0e2b953d0c26979270c02bd3e8a/scr.png ; http://web.archive.org/web/20200730012657/https://i.imgur.com/bAPhhlH.jpg
4. In the movie Manifesto (2015), the last screen capture image indicates that these puppets are indeed playing in the Golden Age of the Japanese Cinema!






Spaceship One Starts 《Weltraumschiff 1 startet...》 (1937), Battle of the Japan Sea 日本海大海戦 (1969), Thunderbolt and Lightfoot (1974), Lorelei: The Witch of the Pacific Ocean ローレライ (2005), Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005), Little Fish (2005), Turks in Space 《Dünyayi Kurtaran Adam'in Oglu》 (2006), Democrazy (2007),
Philosophy of a Knife (2008),
My Way 《마이 웨이》 (2011), Contagion (2011), Star Trek Into Darkness (2013), The Host (2013), Movie 43 (2013), The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014), Carol (2015),
Manifesto (2015),
Lost in the Pacific 蒸发太平洋 (2016), Sky Hunter 《空天猎》 (2017), High Life (2018), Tik Tik Tik 《டிக் டிக் டிக்》 (2018), Crazy Alien 疯狂的外星人 (2019), Ad Astra (2019), The Wandering Earth 流浪地球 (2019), Ananda : Rise of Notra (2019)

Hearts Of Iron IV, Rebel Inc: Escalation,
Stalin V Martian

How long did you spend doing this dude? Stop taking this so serious and respect opinions.
I mean Soheil cheated us with some faked life threatening illness (to curry sympathy), then you shocked us with a simulated departure that never happened!
I left for a few months, and came back because this is the only english speaking forum that has a lot of Arab members. I use other forums much more often then this forum.
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