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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

If anyone thinks LeT was behind Lahore attacks then they are just plain retarded.

LeT has no problems with Pakistan, their problem is with India and India's occupation of Kashmir.

LeT even refused to fight Pakistani security personnels in FATA, and then Taliban threatened to kill LeT just a few weeks ago. Theres a thread on that article in this forum.

aaah Indians and their wet dreams...never end. Peace loving nation, who sponsored terrorism in Bangladesh 71.
Mr. Haider has pointed, in my opinion, he's spot on, to a very basic problem among otherwise thinking Pakistanis -- and I have brought this up on this forum to be forum adm and mods as well -- we confuse what this "freedom of speech" business really means, and the source our confusion is that we assume that all things are EQUAL -- this is a basic distortion in socialist democratic thought - -the idea that we need to free ourselves of assigning values or identifying values in the idea of "freedom of speech" --- we seem to be saying that the insurrgents/extremists/terrorists, call them what you will, are the EQUAL of the government and it's exclusive right to coersion.

This is the major reason Pakistanis seem so confused and the reason they are in constant denial about the threats they face.

India are a threat, but they are relatively distant and therefore all to easy to rage about, the real threat, disguised as "no muslim could do this" is close and so real and the populace so terrorized and in such denial that even when we realize that it is who we all know who has done this, we cannot get ourselves to say it out loud and then do what must be done. Easier to hurl abuses at the distant indian.

Interesting that we have not heard any "sovereignty" arguments as yet -- soon we may hear that these terrorists are the "real" nationalists, looking out for Pakistan's Muslim Honor and such.

It seems to me that Al-Qaida is desperate to get India and Pakistan fighting, they may realize that in a span of a year or two, Pakistan will begin more serious operations in the areas that they now enjoy "santuary" in - that they have usurped Pakistan's sovereignty there will be left to "democractic forces" to legitimize -

Mr. Haider points out that the failure of security -- After being hammered for more than 7 years, Pakistan remains ready willing and able to take even more hammering, don't believe me, look at the hammering it's politicians are dishing out, demoralized and confused security forces and general populace, led by myopic klepto politicians, kept busy at each others throats, all the while friends advice of caution and swift action is met by "demands" that $$$ can save Pakistan (read politicians) and that action demands even more $$$; pathetic.

But please don't let any of this get in the way of a good show, give the Indian hell or at least imagine it, even if just as an escape from the hell the islamist is giving you. Being the sporting ladies and gentlemen they are, Islamists like cricket too.
How is it that these groups are able to garner so many recruits who are willing to die in brazen attacks of these sorts (that they got away today because luck favored them is a different matter altogether).

CONFUSION -- that's how they garner recruits, Pakistanis are very confused people, they cannot tell right from wrong, they do not know how. This is the real victory of maoist Islamist millenarians and the intellectuals who further their ideas in society. I want you to imagine as soberly as possible, a religious scholar, imagine the years of training, the battles, struggle to have FAITH, imagine the how solemn the duty, the responsibility to then teach, to spead the light of FAITH, imagine the relationship between the words God and good -- now look at the reality-- you may not read it hear or hear it spoken, but most people think of religious scholars as pederasts whom they would not have in their home nor share a meal with across a table - which may be why they send donations and meals to the masjid, God forbid they may have to interact with them.

Honestly think how outrageous, how demented it is that these can be thought of as "religious" -- and yet significant numbers among Pakistanis think of these as "religious" -- what does that say about the moralic content of that "religion"?? hain ji??

Khufia haanth? Sure possibly? the possible is infinite -- more than likely? we all know.

The business about them getting away -- excellent police work, apparently it's new and improved technique which the minster of the interior has assured the nation will lead to major breakthroughs (in what must remains a mystery for a while longer)

Tha's right mofo, they got away in a city of more 10 million, what do you not get about that!! yes, we are suppose to buy that line - gosh darn injun!
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Foreign hand involved: Malik

ISLAMABAD: Interior Adviser Rehman Malik on Tuesday said Pakistan was in a state of war and he suspected that foreign elements were involved in the Lahore terrorist attack. Talking to reporters at the Parliament House, Malik, however, declined to name any country without having substantive evidence. He said a few arrests had been made and intelligence agencies had gathered sufficient information about the terrorists. Malik said a major breakthrough would be achieved in the next few days. The interior adviser did not comment on the possibility of India’s involvement in the attack, denying reports that weapons recovered from the crime scene were Indian. But he said the technique of the terrorists in Lahore appeared similar to those involved in the Mumbai attacks. muhammad bilal

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
I would like to make a point of making the title of this thread ir relevant.

It does not matter so much who was behind the attacks of Lahore & Mumbai. What matters more I feel is what lies ahead ?

Are we going to remain sitting ducks for any one to come & attack our citizens & guests or will we do something concrete about it . If so what & how ?

I was sorry to watch the Lahore policeman on TV was said he was resigning coz he felt that no one as much as bothers for him & his fallen colleagues..we need to encourage those responsible for security not weaken them at times like this.
I would like to make a point of making the title of this thread ir relevant.

It does not matter so much who was behind the attacks of Lahore & Mumbai. What matters more I feel is what lies ahead ?

Are we going to remain sitting ducks for any one to come & attack our citizens & guests or will we do something concrete about it . If so what & how ?

I was sorry to watch the Lahore policeman on TV was said he was resigning coz he felt that no one as much as bothers for him & his fallen colleagues..we need to encourage those responsible for security not weaken them at times like this.

Very good post. Unfortunately incompetent government tops in the country therefore apart from condemning and giving few lakhs to the victims. No necessary actions will be taken.
He is saying right, he is RAW agent he is sharing his view, he knows well what a country can get by attacking there own country.

He is saying this all bcoz he knows what indian govt got by planing attacks in india, including mumbai attacks, samjhota express, indian parliment.

Guys dont blame him, its a common thing that if one do something thing then he will think that the other one is also doing that.

So he took advantages from mumbai attacks, and other attacks, now he thinks that pak govt is same as of indian govt!!


It was only the answer to post #13. Don't try to pull humor out of it. I was pretty serious when I posted it.
well so far no one is sure who was behind the attacks and also its too early to make any claims. later if someone else is found involved then we will gettin embarassed. however the only thing which hurts me is how indian leadership is behaving. instead of condemning the attacks they are targetin pakistan. then our indian friends argue that y do we hate india. atleast every single pakistani condemned 26/11 while some also took out rallies as well to condemn it. if indians cant say anything gud then atleast they should stay quiet....

Why you think like this?

Everyone has condemned the attack. The statements about security in Pakistan came later.

Also, on this forum, you can check the first reaction of every Indian member. The debate broke out AFTER Pakistani members started blaming RAW.
Who would want to hurt Sri Lankan cricket players?

Certainly, it is not India.

Who would want to hurt Sri Lanka's and Pakistan's friendship?

Everyone knows the friendships between two nations cannot be damaged in this way. I am sure RAW is capable of thinking this.

Who would want to eliminate Pakistan from World Cup 2011?

Pakistan was never going to host it. Please refer to ICC statements BEFORE the attack. Also, BCCI doesn't need any 'attack' to make ICC do anything. Bitter, but truth.

Who wants Pakistan to be isolated from the international community?

Who wants to destabilize Pakistan more than anything?

Who wants to ruin Pakistan's economy more than anything?

Who wants to ruin Pakistan's image in the eyes of the world?

Who wants Pakistan to be declared a terrorist state more than anything?

The answer maybe not that obvious to you but it is to me, its Pakistan's 61 year old enemy India (a.k.a hindustan bharat).

ALL these points can be raised about Pakistan, when any attack takes place in India. Are you ready to take the blame?
I think India/RAW becoming reckless in staging the two latest atrocities to hit the region. The Lahore cricketer attack and the BDR Mutiny shows a new level of aggressiveness by RAW. How to tackle these?

The main reason of failure of GoB and GoP is 'they always tend to hit at wrong spot'.

No proofs of RAW involvement, even the respective governments are not convinced, and you are thinking of 'tackling RAW'!!

Best luck!
Certainly, it is not India.

Everyone knows the friendships between two nations cannot be damaged in this way. I am sure RAW is capable of thinking this.

Pakistan was never going to host it. Please refer to ICC statements BEFORE the attack. Also, BCCI doesn't need any 'attack' to make ICC do anything. Bitter, but truth.

ALL these points can be raised about Pakistan, when any attack takes place in India. Are you ready to take the blame?

Read the indian articles i provided in my previous posts on this same thread.
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