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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

What evidence you have against the RAW. As far as I know, there is none, apart from ludicrous speculations and inane conjectures.

i was talking about the involvement of RAW in Afghanistan and FATA, if u really want to look for evidence you will find pleanty of if if you look around.
Heck enough of this incompetent govt, destroying country to the maximum.:angry:
One thing is hard to understand why the people of pakistan have gone quiet over continouse lack of concentration of govt and its negligence harming the national interest of pakistan.
At that time, you were pals not now. Taliban is been hunted by pakistan reluctantly under pressure from US and they have turned against you too. Remember those attempts against Mushraff?

Srilankan cricket team was not Musharaff nor the enemy of taliban, the point ur missing here is who will get benefit out of this whole fiasco, no one else just INDIA.
How the terrorists duped security

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: A telephone call from an unknown phone number by an unknown man just before the Sri Lankan team started its journey towards the stadium was the sole reason behind the sudden change of route earlier fixed for the visiting team, which landed all of them in the deadly trap.

Reliable sources in the Interior Ministry said the law enforcement agencies were yet to recover from the shock of the deadly attack when a statement from Governor Punjab Slamaan Taseer created panic among them after he disclosed to the broadcast media that the Sri Lankan players inside the stadium were being airlifted by military helicopters. The governor had little idea that this disclosure might further endanger the lives of the Sri Lankan players as the attackers had the ability to shoot down the copter.

The sources claimed newly-inducted IG Punjab Khalid Farooq and Chief Secretary Najeeb Malik, having no clue to what was going on, were seen desperately contacting the corps commander Lahore for “guidance”.

Top-level sources in the Interior Ministry claimed that a secret agency had warned the Punjab government on Saturday that terrorists might carry out an attack within the next 48 hours. It was a general warning about the terrorist activity. But the official report was ignored by the Lahore administration led by the new chief secretary and the inspector-general police who were said to be more interested in making the MPs fall in line to form a PPP government in the province. The agency has now sent a very hostile report against the CS and the IG for ignoring its report and working on the political agenda of the governor and others, the sources claimed.

According to information obtained from the Interior Ministry sources, when the police escort was ready to take the Sri Lanka team to the stadium, an unknown caller told the cops to change the route and use the Gulberg road instead of the earlier fixed route of the Ferozpur road. The police, without verifying the identity of the caller, followed the new route. But they soon realised that they have fallen into the trap. These cops bore the brunt of the firing but saved the lives of the Sri Lankan players.

The most shocking aspect of this tragic incident was that only one police van was deputed for the security of the Lankan team though the government had ordered the security officials to provide VVIP security to the visiting team during its stay in Pakistan. The intelligence agencies had given warnings even in January that the Sri Lankan team could be a potential target of the terrorists.

According the rickshaw driver whose vehicle the terrorists used to flee, three young men asked him to rush to the bus stop. The driver told the investigators that they kept on pushing him to accelerate, as they seemed in big hurry. According to him these guys were local people, who were communicating in Punjabi.
So far the investigators have not been able to establish whether “outside forces” were involved. The sources said the investigators were in a blind alley as unlike the Indian security forces, which had managed to capture Ajmal Kasab alive along with the recovery of mobile SIMs, the Pakistani investigators seemed to be totally clueless and confused. The only clue they have is that these terrorists were hiding in the Firdous market where the rickshaw driver had dropped them.

The sources said the major reshuffle in the bureaucracy followed by the induction of political appointees in Punjab after the imposition of governor’s rule had created a huge void, which the terrorists exploited.

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If this is really done by RAW, then I must say "it is the finest success imaginable".

I think Pakistan will see RAW in their dreams for days.
How the terrorists duped security

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

By Rauf Klasra

ISLAMABAD: A telephone call from an unknown phone number by an unknown man just before the Sri Lankan team started its journey towards the stadium was the sole reason behind the sudden change of route earlier fixed for the visiting team, which landed all of them in the deadly trap.

Reliable sources in the Interior Ministry said the law enforcement agencies were yet to recover from the shock of the deadly attack when a statement from Governor Punjab Slamaan Taseer created panic among them after he disclosed to the broadcast media that the Sri Lankan players inside the stadium were being airlifted by military helicopters. The governor had little idea that this disclosure might further endanger the lives of the Sri Lankan players as the attackers had the ability to shoot down the copter.

The sources claimed newly-inducted IG Punjab Khalid Farooq and Chief Secretary Najeeb Malik, having no clue to what was going on, were seen desperately contacting the corps commander Lahore for “guidance”.

Top-level sources in the Interior Ministry claimed that a secret agency had warned the Punjab government on Saturday that terrorists might carry out an attack within the next 48 hours. It was a general warning about the terrorist activity. But the official report was ignored by the Lahore administration led by the new chief secretary and the inspector-general police who were said to be more interested in making the MPs fall in line to form a PPP government in the province. The agency has now sent a very hostile report against the CS and the IG for ignoring its report and working on the political agenda of the governor and others, the sources claimed.

According to information obtained from the Interior Ministry sources, when the police escort was ready to take the Sri Lanka team to the stadium, an unknown caller told the cops to change the route and use the Gulberg road instead of the earlier fixed route of the Ferozpur road. The police, without verifying the identity of the caller, followed the new route. But they soon realised that they have fallen into the trap. These cops bore the brunt of the firing but saved the lives of the Sri Lankan players.

The most shocking aspect of this tragic incident was that only one police van was deputed for the security of the Lankan team though the government had ordered the security officials to provide VVIP security to the visiting team during its stay in Pakistan. The intelligence agencies had given warnings even in January that the Sri Lankan team could be a potential target of the terrorists.

According the rickshaw driver whose vehicle the terrorists used to flee, three young men asked him to rush to the bus stop. The driver told the investigators that they kept on pushing him to accelerate, as they seemed in big hurry. According to him these guys were local people, who were communicating in Punjabi.
So far the investigators have not been able to establish whether “outside forces” were involved. The sources said the investigators were in a blind alley as unlike the Indian security forces, which had managed to capture Ajmal Kasab alive along with the recovery of mobile SIMs, the Pakistani investigators seemed to be totally clueless and confused. The only clue they have is that these terrorists were hiding in the Firdous market where the rickshaw driver had dropped them.

The sources said the major reshuffle in the bureaucracy followed by the induction of political appointees in Punjab after the imposition of governor’s rule had created a huge void, which the terrorists exploited.

Friend! What we need to do is not jump to the conclusion that attackers were local. Even if they were local we need to find out the mastermind behind this. After all if something happens in India tomorrow and if locals are involved does it mean that the attack is carried out by India??
Any update on investigation aspects....

...its seems that the issues is dying down with Indian News Channels and the media...
Is it for real?

The police, without verifying the identity of the caller, followed the new route. But they soon realised that they have fallen into the trap. These cops bore the brunt of the firing but saved the lives of the Sri Lankan players.

see this guys:

Blue Book: VVIP Security Superintendent of Police (SP) Cap (r) Ghulam Azfar Mahesar told Daily Times that he had just joined the office and was not sure about providing VVIP security to the Sri Lankan cricket team. He also said the Blue Book security was provided to individuals and not groups, and cricket teams did not fall in the category.
why no one is doubting MOSSAD's or CIA's hand???
isn't there a chance that these agents would have carried this???
why it is not ISI and army to weaken the Govt. of Pakistan and take over the power from the GoP???

if you say Police are dead... spys will kill their own people for their goodwill...it's part of spying
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