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WHO WAS BEHIND LAHORE 3/3 Terror Attacks

If anyone that is living in a state of denial are those Pakistani friends who with their eyes closed believe that every wrong doing in Pakistan is done by Taliban. A bit of reminder for them, how about the Indian consulates in Afghanistan, as one senior analyst put it on tv, are not there to fly kites and by the way the government has raised this issue over and over specially in Musharraf time with the US. If every thing is done by taliban and India is an angel as some senior think thank members like to put it, then how come GOP thinks otherwise. The only issue is we are not raising the issue like we need too. A leaf should be taken out from an India book in this case.
We are chasing the wrong enemy here. Taliban were there all along, never did we face anything like what we are facing today, don't we get it, how naive can one be? the example of 71 is right there in front of us. Were Taliban responsible for that too?
Come on people wake up, this so called buggy of AQ and Osama and taliban is kept alive to keep people like us busy and divert our attentions from where it should be i.e India. We need to wake up before India causes more damage to Pakistan, already they have caused enough and our image tarnished from which it will take years before any team if ever decides to come to Pakistan to play. Just imagine the loss of money yet along the reputation.
India has a motive, they want Pakistan to be declared a terrorist state, taliban do not have this agenda and moreover they prefer suicide bombing over what we saw i.e a very well planned assault and that is exactly why the moment this incident occurred India was the first one to start poisoning with their loud mouth Mukhar ji saying we need to remove the terror infrastructure in Pakistan, while our government was still wondering and president sb sleeping and had actually no clue to what happened or what to say. This kind of attitude from our government will lead us to the path of destruction. God bless Pakistan and let some sense prevail in Pakistanis at least once for a change.
What happend is over-- Question is ----
What happens now ?????
Will people just let it go ?
will there be a change ,
will there be change in approach about security of a nation and its pride?
I hope pakistan wont forget it- it was an attack on their pride. There has to be some response to it. People deserve more than whats been provided by their government.
PAKISTAN Need to learn a bit from india after 26/11 and may be take it step forward.
A bit of reminder for them, how about the Indian consulates in Afghanistan, as one senior analyst put it on tv, are not there to fly kites and by the way the government has raised this issue over and over specially in Musharraf time with the US.

Exactly. The biggest threat to Pakistan is indian consulates in Afghanistan. India knows the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan was never as secure as the borders between Pakistan and India and indians are taking advantage of that.

I read a report of someone in Lahore saying that the gunmen looked Pashtun. There's Pashtuns in Afghanistan too...I think India is working with some Afghanis against Pakistan.
It seems some of the Pak members here have already decided everything.

They have first declared India and RAW is responsible for everything, and then they are trying to find the reasons.

Talking without any proofs will only damage Pakistan's image even more.
Exactly. The biggest threat to Pakistan is indian consulates in Afghanistan. India knows the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan was never as secure as the borders between Pakistan and India and indians are taking advantage of that.

I read a report of someone in Lahore saying that the gunmen looked Pashtun. There's Pashtuns in Afghanistan too...I think India is working with some Afghanis against Pakistan.

You are overstretching the threads trying to connect them.
Ice cold word of my mouth ppl here are really forgetting the real enemy what the west/India says our Pakistani brothers accept it West says Islam is violent and there most of Pakistan are now believing that elements comes from Islam for spreading terror this is obnoxious..Where were these so called terrorists after 91 Gulf war??till 2001 before Sep 11 everything was Ok no terrorism as such was in Pakistan why did it start after 2001?? there are questions that needed to be answered instead of directly jumping at those who are fighting to stop Indian aggression inside Kashmir and West and Indian interests inside Afghanistan i believe some of these so called Islamic groups which are really not Islamic were funded by US/indians to weaken Pakistan and were part of 9/11 plan to come at the end of day to Pakistan. Why did we not see any bomb blasts and any violence or terrorism or targets inside Denmark when they published those blasphemous cartoons or any other counties that sent troops to Afghanistan??? forget individual killings over all these countries weren't touch by so called Islamic groups but Pakistan is a target that it sides US.. Sorry confusing speech but at the end of day as Ice cold said the real enemy is US/India that is destabilizing Pakistan not most of the Islamic groups not Taliban..so wakie wakie instead of listening to USA whatever the **** She says u guys believe in it. Verdict is some of the militant terror groups are pre organized funded and trained by Indians US before 9/11 to operate for long run to destabilize and destroy Pakistan.
It seems some of the Pak members here have already decided everything.

They have first declared India and RAW is responsible for everything, and then they are trying to find the reasons.

Talking without any proofs will only damage Pakistan's image even more.

That coming from you(an Indian), dose not suit you.:lol::lol:
It seems some of the Pak members here have already decided everything.

They have first declared India and RAW is responsible for everything, and then they are trying to find the reasons.

Talking without any proofs will only damage Pakistan's image even more.

Not trying to find, we have every reason to believe this is an Indian doing and with 100% certainty. India is the only country that will gain out of it the most and so far they have been successful in achieving just that thanks to the GOP.
Pakistan is at the center of attention.

Be careful while talking friends. Same goes for GoP. May be RAW wanted you to do this.

Taliban were there all along, never did we face anything like what we are facing today, don't we get it, how naive can one be? the example of 71 is right there in front of us. Were Taliban responsible for that too?

At that time, you were pals not now. Taliban is been hunted by pakistan reluctantly under pressure from US and they have turned against you too. Remember those attempts against Mushraff?
Govt was warned about attack but did nothing

ISLAMABAD: The Crime Investigation Department (CID), Punjab, had accurately warned the Punjab government on Jan 22, 2009 about an Indian plan to target the Sri Lankan cricket team during its visit to Pakistan.

The CID, while referring to a source report, said this terrorist attack would be carried out by the infamous RAW, especially while the Sri Lankan team would be travelling "between the hotel and stadium or at hotel during their stay".

And the incident, which the whole world saw on March 3, precisely happened the same way, raising a hundred-million dollar question as to why the Punjab government, under Governor Salmaan Taseer, let it happen so easily despite a clear warning from the intelligence agencies of the country.

Copy of this fabulous work of the CID, which was wasted by the government in the Punjab in a sheer show of criminal negligence harming the national interest, shows that Additional Inspector General of Police, CID, Punjab, Malik Muhammad Iqbal, shared this report with all concerned in the federal and provincial governments.

The report tagged "SCRET/IMMEDIATE" with subject "SOURCE REPORT" reads: "It has reliably been learnt that RAW (Indian intelligence agency) has assigned its agents the task to target Sri Lankan cricket team during its current visit to Lahore, especially while travelling between the hotel and stadium or at hotel during their stay.

2. It is evident that RAW intends to show Pakistan a security risk state for sports events, particularly when the European and the Indian teams have already postponed their proposed visits considering it a high security risk to visit Pakistan.

3. RAW has also collected photographs of leaders of Jamaatud Daawa (proscribed) and its establishments to target them.

4. Extreme vigilance and heightened security arrangements indicated."

The above report was sent to Syed Kamal Shah, interior secretary, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad, Javed Mehmud, Chief Secretary, Punjab, Lahore, Dr Syed Tauqir Shah, Secretary to Chief Minister, Punjab, Lahore, and Nadeem Hassan Asif, Home Secretary, Government of Punjab, Lahore, on Jan 22 with the covering letter of Additional IGP, CID, Punjab, Lahore, Malik Muhammad Iqbal.

The same covering letter also included a note announcing that the Capital City Police Officer (CCPO), Lahore, and the Lahore commissioner were being informed separately for necessary action.

The same day on Jan 22, the issue because if its sensitivity was brought into the notice of the then-chief minister Shahbaz Sharif on whose instructions an urgent and confidential note was sent to the IGP Punjab, the Lahore commissioner, the CCPO Lahore, the chief secretary and the home secretary.

On behalf of the chief minister, it was said: "The chief minister has seen the enclosed source report and has desired that every effort may be made for the security of the Sri Lankan cricket team during its current visit to Lahore. He has further desired that extreme vigilance and heightened security arrangement may be made to avert any untoward incident."

On the very next day on Jan 23, a meeting was held on the subject under the chairmanship of commissioner, Lahore, Khusro Pervaiz Khan, and attended by IB Director Mirza Tamraiz M Khan, DIG (traffic) Muhammad Ghalib Bandesha, Military Intelligence rep Col Saqib, Director ISI (Lahore) Ashraf Khan, DCO, Lahore, Sajjad Ahmad, district emergency officer, Lahore, Dr Ahmad Raza, SP/CID Lahore Azmatullah, Protocol Officer c/o DG Protocol, Lahore, Noorul Hassan, SP (traffic) Lahore Muhammad Asif Khan, SP City Lahore Rana Abdul Jabbar and others.

In the said meeting, the provincial government under Shahbaz Sharif took extremely tight security measures for the one-day international match between Pakistan and Sri Lanka, which was held on Jan 26, 2009.

Minutes of the meeting, as available with this correspondent, show how minutely the authorities at that time discussed each and every aspect of the terrorism threat and the security measures to be taken.

These minutes show the evolution of a comprehensive security plan and contingency plan to pre-empt the possible threat of terrorism by RAW.

The then-IG, Punjab, Shaukat Javed, personally visited the whole route of the cricket team for the one-day match and even talked to cops deployed there. The then-CCPO, Pervez Rathore, also visited the site more than once.

However, after the recent imposition of governor's rule, not only the chief secretary and the inspector general police were changed but also the whole lot of police officers in Lahore, including the CCPO, SP (operations) and six other SPs, who were replaced by officers some of whom enjoy highly stinking reputation.
There is no explanation offered so far by any government authority as to why the warning of the CID was overlooked this time when the Punjab was ruled by Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer.

A two-day visit of this correspondent to Lahore shows the civilian bureaucracy there talking of how the civilian administration and police have been (mis)used by the provincial administration for political wheeling-dealing since the imposition of governor's rule in the Punjab.

"Keeping in view the CID source report, the terrorist attack on the Sri Lankan cricket team is a clear FIR against the Punjab governor and his administration," one of these officials commented.

There's evidence, dnt think that RAW are angels, and they have never committed a sin.

What evidence you have against the RAW. As far as I know, there is none, apart from ludicrous speculations and inane conjectures.
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