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Who Runs India's Media Offensives?

No matter what we say. Indian media is based on TRP And sensation.

They do create war hysteria and show Pakistan and China in very bad light.

And like any other Indian I would hate Pakistan as run by its govt, Policy or anti Hindu wadi extremist approach.

But I am not just confident but sure about the fact that normal generic people of Pakistan are as innocent, beautiful(not just physical), loving, and forward looking. More so than Indian.

This all fed up bullshyt by media govt and previous establishment. That other side of border lives demons and blood sucking flesh eating creatures.

I don't hate Pakistani yes some time i dont like Pakistan as established. But there are problem everywhere some place small some places big.

Don't give up to this media propaganda from either side. Listen to them search for truth and still apply your heart and brain to judge.
Do we control pakistani media as well. After their world famous Gullu Butt being coined as a term in english (like Guru , Pandit, Bobbitized ) today BBZ and pakistani media have nomenclatured and coined a new term- youthia ...

have a look.
Tonight With Jasmeen (Bilawal Bhutto Attacked With Eggs, Tomatoes During ‘Million March’ in London) – 27th October 2014
aar har har har har har kha kha kha ( yep that's me laughing xD ). so RAW controls Pak media too ? Wow great achievement I'd say . :v
Wait.. one of your links says that Media is sold to congress.. But Media played a huge role in exposing 2G scam and CWG scam. How was it possible??
It doesn't say the whole of Indian Media is controlled by congress. According to it, different channels are controlled by different parties. However, I am not counting those links as definitive or completely correct, just as a starting point if anyone wants to research. I'm sure you can find articles that say the exact opposite, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle (or maybe something entirely different).
It doesn't say the whole of Indian Media is controlled by congress. According to it, different channels are controlled by different parties. However, I am not counting those links as definitive or completely correct, just as a starting point if anyone wants to research. I'm sure you can find articles that say the exact opposite, the truth is probably somewhere in the middle (or maybe something entirely different).
Each network is owned by a party which brag about them and bash the opponent. Even the regional parties own the regional media / news . That's Indian media .
Wrong.More sensationalism and rating that is their policy.And it would only happen if they inject hypernationalism in media presentation .Same propoganda force lynch UPA in the name of corruption.
Indians are nationalists so its media also.
That's more like Indians are insecure so its media always shows stuff that cures its insecurity. Look, if you're so nationalistic and proud and happy about your nation, why do you constantly need to compare yourself to a much smaller country, which, according to you, is vastly inferior?
I don't deny that India is ahead of Pakistan. However, I don't believe the Indian propaganda that constantly says Pakistan is a 'failed state' and this is wrong there and that is wrong there and whatnot. I mean, you people criticise Pakistan as if you're Gordon Ramsay and it's some food you're talking about.
One can't help but think it's some sort of propaganda offensive.
That's more like Indians are insecure so its media always shows stuff that cures its insecurity. Look, if you're so nationalistic and proud and happy about your nation, why do you constantly need to compare yourself to a much smaller country, which, according to you, is vastly inferior?
I don't deny that India is ahead of Pakistan. However, I don't believe the Indian propaganda that constantly says Pakistan is a 'failed state' and this is wrong there and that is wrong there and whatnot. I mean, you people criticise Pakistan as if you're Gordon Ramsay and it's some food you're talking about.
One can't help but think it's some sort of propaganda offensive.
Indians say it because they hear it from other international medias .
Here's some source .
Pakistan's failing state is too weak to tackle the Taliban
List of countries by Fragile States Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reminds me of a story(might not be true) about a soviet leader asking an american mayor who is responsible for bread in the city. Mayor gave a puzzled look, and said nobody, companies produce and people buy it.
The soviet leader said.. do you think I am stupid. A city of millions who need enough bread to live but not too much of it so that its not wasted. Are you telling me nobody is managing all these, deciding how much is bread is needed and when, based on current and future demand trends. How can a city work like that?

Indian media is mostly run by corporates. Many of them are aligned to political parties of all sorts. Then political parties also have media channels. And they are competing with each other.
What appears to be a full frontal attack on pakistan, is better understood as TRP war. The sane media loses in the war and has no way other than using similar eye grabbing tactics.
Something that can be adequately explained by capitalism and consequence of it, does not need any conspiracy theory. You can get yourself in some news if you pay for it. Many journalists are too lazy to do any investigative journalism and will directly copy govt's version.
So RAW does not need to pay, journalists will directly lift verbatim govt press notice and show it as truth.

One of the TV channels I always liked (NDTV) has more or less changed just to keep pace with competition.
Many of them are shouting to the mike like Rajdeep Sardesai of IBN(similar to sky news of USA) now a days because apparently viewers like 'energy'.

end of rant.. :)

LOL, for the first link
Author =

Ashok Sharma
An Indian who is writing propaganda on international sites. Proves my point even more.

Not to mention how full of BS the article is, typical Indian propaganda about Pakistan's Army and full of incorrect statements about Pakistan's internal politics. It then goes on to refer to Farzana Bibi's murder as ''another chilling indication of the fragility of the rule of law in Pakistan''
The worst thing you can do is read an article about Pakistan that is written by an Indian. That's like going to a homeless man for advice about buying homes :lol:

For the second one, well, you know an index is totally stupid when it says SYRIA is more stable than the IVORY COAST :laughcry:

The Video? A Pakistani journalist is criticising his state. Happens everywhere. Do you want me to post videos of Indian journalists saying India is a rapist state? Just because a journalist says it doesn't mean its absolutely true. And he didn't even say ''we are a failed state''. He said ''nakam riasat kaha ja raha hai'' i.e we are being CALLED a failed state.
That's more like Indians are insecure so its media always shows stuff that cures its insecurity. Look, if you're so nationalistic and proud and happy about your nation, why do you constantly need to compare yourself to a much smaller country, which, according to you, is vastly inferior?
I don't deny that India is ahead of Pakistan. However, I don't believe the Indian propaganda that constantly says Pakistan is a 'failed state' and this is wrong there and that is wrong there and whatnot. I mean, you people criticise Pakistan as if you're Gordon Ramsay and it's some food you're talking about.
One can't help but think it's some sort of propaganda offensive.

You can heard that song only when
there is some ceasefire violation
Otherwise they just dont care.
Sensation thats all.
You can heard that song only when
there is some ceasefire violation
Otherwise they just dont care.
Sensation thats all.
I am pretty sure I have been reading Indian blatantly anti-Pakistan posts, articles and news for a long time, even when there is no ceasefire violation. However, I understand what you mean when you talk about sensationalism though I don't agree that's the only reason behind the propagandistic media.
I am pretty sure I have been reading Indian blatantly anti-Pakistan posts, articles and news for a long time, even when there is no ceasefire violation. However, I understand what you mean when you talk about sensationalism though I don't agree that's the only reason behind the propagandistic media.
Nope How many of your news channel travel to border/LOC and capture gun firing?
I am pretty sure I have been reading Indian blatantly anti-Pakistan posts, articles and news for a long time, even when there is no ceasefire violation. However, I understand what you mean when you talk about sensationalism though I don't agree that's the only reason behind the propagandistic media.

First of all I was quoting about Electronic media.They need sensationalism and jingoism especially for rating.Now if you mentioned about internet then we should also check the articles of peoples from our westrrn nation arent we?whenit comes to foreign policy and security issue your entire subject would be threat from India and K word.
But that doesnt reflect reality.
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