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Who Runs India's Media Offensives?

Hussain Haqqani, respected by whom? Indians, Americans? Spare us Pakistanis please.

Just like you internet warriors have relevance and much evidence to throw mud, why can't we coin the same analogy, what's wrong there buddy for a thought which might not be true? I don't care about -ve rating given by an INTELLECTUAL Indian :lol: out of rage and zero tolerance level just because he didn't like my post without mentioning specific reason despite asking. Most of you guys have posts worst than mine defaming our country and degrading our religion and we are tolerant enough to host unlike you. So worry not, you are still one level ahead in -ve rating of my ALADEEN level IQ :rofl:

Okey kiddo, I know your frustrated. Still try to be somewhat rational. Back your claims by reliable links, we will appreciate you.

@sandy_3126 please take back your negative rating if you can sir.
As usual pakistani showing their inability to look at things objectively, and when confused, blaming the jew or the hinduuuu...

Intellectually very substandard behaviour.

Try to think rationally macho men, yes Indian media is huuuggggeeee... about 10,000 news sources, There is tremendous competition... that leads to some pluses and some minuses.

Plus - when Indian media talks, people take notice. Example, Kargil. Pakistanis were stunned by the power of our media.

Minus - when Indian media talks, people take notice. Example, individual rape cases (thousands take place daily all over the world). Its amusing when BBC publishes individual rape stories on front page - why??? Because thousands of indian sources decided that was the flavor of the day...

Pakistanis are whining for no reason. They also benefit from Indian media. Indian media tells them everything about our defence deals, research successes and failures. Sometime incorrectly and sometimes correctly criticizes our institutions and it gets wide attention. Its not like China or Pakistan where everything has 100% success rate :)

So tell me, which countries control their media, country that reports stingingly on scores of failures or countries that only report successes (unless a commando leaks some stuff in a book for selling it ;))

So the question pakistanis should be asking is, who controls pakistani media???

Well said my friend. Lets use this forum for increasing people to people interactions and free views, instead of blaming each other. Indian media is the fourth pillar of the our Secular, Sovereign, Democratic, Republic Country; and is free and fair media.

Thanks Iron man!!! You are good fellow. I've observed you have mastered cable warfare :)

Okey kiddo, I know your frustrated. Still try to be somewhat rational. Back your claims by reliable links, we will appreciate you.
@sandy_3126 please take back your negative rating if you can sir.

WHY take back negative ratings? If such language is not discouraged then some indian is going to call China pakistan's pimp etc etc... where does that take us? Atleast the pakistani has a chance of making TTA or admin one day...
Well said my friend. Lets use this forum for increasing people to people interactions and free views, instead of blaming each other. Indian media is the fourth pillar of the our Secular, Sovereign, Democratic, Republic Country; and is free and fair media.

@Gunsnroses read the post carefully, sums up our country including our media well.

WHY take back negative ratings? If such language is not discouraged then some indian is going to call China pakistan's pimp etc etc... where does that take us? Atleast the pakistani has a chance of making TTA or admin one day...

Just trying to be modest mate.
Okey kiddo, I know your frustrated. Still try to be somewhat rational. Back your claims by reliable links, we will appreciate you.

@sandy_3126 please take back your negative rating if you can sir.

No need babe, I had my say already. Frustrated??? :lol: I have already predicted about a frustrated herd impressed by pimps not long ago don't you remember..You guys soooo predictable. Now carry on babe, am off :agree:.
No need babe, I had my say already. Frustrated??? :lol: I have already predicted about a frustrated herd impressed by pimps not long ago don't you remember..You guys soooo predictable. Now carry on babe, am off :agree:.

Good choice kiddo. Invest your time in something usefull other than ranting.
Hussain Haqqani, respected by whom? Indians, Americans? Spare us Pakistanis please.


Dear me why do you say so?
The Haqqani family is close to the pakistani establishment, are not they?
Do not take it otherwise .Let me know if I am wrong?
@Gunsnroses @Rohit Patel @Anonymous @TejasMk3

Just have a loot and let all my friends come up with their esteemed idea on it. Its a research that the PA itself helped and provided data. The Haqqani had being a pakistani Ambassador . IS he also a troll or agent of some country to malign pakistan.
I am not here to promote the book but to contradict our pakistanis friends point of view.

Yup I have heard a lot of haqqani's talks, he is frank about the current situation in Pak, but gets called a U.S spy by Pakistanis. CFair has been very vocal about Paks role in spreading terror in the region, and this has made the Pakistanis hate her too. In fact they even accuse her of being a raw agent at one of her speeches.

But ultimately we must remember that these people represent their own sides, Hussain Haqqani is now speaking a more sensible tone, previously, it was about "India resolving the Kashmir dispute", now he talks about letting go of the dispute and bettering economy, the change is purely due to the situation over the last 5-10 years in Pak.
Christine fair on the other hand whitewashes the u.s of any wrong doing in the region and also seems to (implied from her tweets...like "the reality of development in Gujarat") take the typical western view of Modi as a "hindu fascist", but tweets more or less positively about Doval because it suits her current situation. So while these people are finally seeing our viewpoint and realizing what Pak is (and this has gotten them many fans in India) it is important to remember why.
Dear me why do you say so?
The Haqqani family is close to the pakistani establishment, are not they?
Do not take it otherwise .Let me know if I am wrong?

Haqqani was appointed as ambassador to US by the request/pressure of US on Peoples Party. He was a spokesperson of US more than of Pakistan. This made him a very controversial figure even inside Peoples Party. Subsequently, his views are not considered as impartial but speaking more of American agendas. Mostly, he is considered as traitor by a vast group of people.

My opinions are not good for him, but of course of less value. May be someone more knowledgeable chimes in to contribute and I stand corrected.

Good choice kiddo. Invest your time in something usefull other than ranting.

You too babe, rather than ejecting out of bed if something not inline with your motives and thoughts. Learn to tolerate and I agree any claim has to be backed up by relevant proof, so back up your claims too with proofs when you guys attempt to debunk anything.
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You too babe, rather than ejecting out of bed if something not inline with your motives and thoughts. Learn to tolerate and I agree any claim has to be backed up by relevant proof, so back up your claims too with proofs when you guys attempt to debunk anything.

First entry...a definite troll.

Start counting....
Also count who 'thank' them..

Yeah because making ridiculous and infinitely stupid comments (media is controlled by RAW) WITHOUT ANY form of proof is so mature and nothing to lol at.

Same goes for this genius .......

India's mainstream media is an integral part of India's statecraft. India's ability of doing propaganda is second to may be only Israel and US. When it comes to important national issues and foreign policy the media acts as spokesmen India's security and intelligence apparatus and this has been the case since british times. Hindus have mastered the art of propaganda from their british masters.
In the original article I posted, the author called for India to launch a "media offensive" across print, social and electronic networks.

Apart from journalists themselves -- who write articles for publication in well-known outlets and can easily be influenced by Indian politicians etc. -- , who else is the author expecting to respond to his call for an "offensive" across "social and electronic networks"?

In a standard military offensive, one needs "boots on the ground". Does a media offensive not also require "trolls in cyberspace"?
India's mainstream media is an integral part of India's statecraft. India's ability of doing propaganda is second to may be only Israel and US. When it comes to important national issues and foreign policy the media acts as spokesmen India's security and intelligence apparatus and this has been the case since british times. Hindus have mastered the art of propaganda from their british masters.

And what about converted muslims?? Why they dnt learn that from their british masters.

On topic: Media in both country is almost same, you cant say that media in Pakistan is totally unbiased and clean
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