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Who Runs India's Media Offensives?

Wait.. one of your links says that Media is sold to congress.. But Media played a huge role in exposing 2G scam and CWG scam. How was it possible??
It's reverse psychology. This is also RAW propaganda,just to show that the media is free. RAW controls all, RAW sees all :lol:
He is the real mastermind........

Nah, I am just laughing at your remarks. Yes I agree that Indian Media is definately being used for a few propaganda purposes , but compared to Mainstream media like China, PRK, USA its nothing. They are the true propaganda machines.
I have rights to laugh of suggesions that our media is controlled by RAW without even a single evidence.
More laugable was your comment about Indian trolls where the real trollers are you.

Indians are famous of their bla bla and worthless nonsense everywhere in the world, sorry about that! No wonder they are the best trolls ever. And are you in your mind that RAW or any other intelligence agency will openly declare that we are using jobless Indians to troll media and forums as our propaganda claptrap?

Haha epic trol :lol:

Indians dont need 2cents from our govt to defend our nation.They will do it until their last breathe selflessly.

Bravo..... first Indian who has accepted as an unofficial Indian troll :lol:...troll man, till last breath :rofl:

There you go....some more trolls, easy to find, more coming. Am done! :lol::lol:
How come a nobody like you know this fact if its not widely known ?

See the hole in your argument ?

Dear me have a look on neutral media

That is a very good question. The Indian Media is a really well organised and formidable propaganda force. Their propaganda is almost on Israel's level.
I too am curious to see who leads it. It's pretty possible that it's just a 'jump on the bandwagon' thing in India but it's also a possibility that a little 'consortium' of rich businessmen and media owner leads the assaults. The very article you linked to shows the extent of India's propagandist 'warfare'.
A little research shows how politicized it is, however, like in most political situations, no definite answers can be found.
Indian Journalism Under Increasing Political Control | Committee to Protect Journalists
Monstrous Musings: Indian Media sold to Congress : An Overview
BBC News - Why are India's media under fire?
The above links are all pretty informative on this topic.

Find it , if you can...It can be a good research work.
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Soon you will see a herd of trolls bashing Pakistanis from all across in this thread, just wait. Somewhere I read Israel paying students and internet users for propaganda and trolling. No wonder if this is also the part of Indian policy adopted from their Israeli pimps for a very well established propaganda war.
A big Lol mate!We don't need money to defend the honor of our own Motherland even in the internet.There are millions of patriots in our country who will do anything to stop these kinds of propaganda against our country and believe me the Govt. of India has nothing to do in this matter.We will do everything in our might to fight against the enemies of our country even in case of a propaganda war in the internet:coffee:.
Indians are famous of their bla bla and worthless nonsense everywhere in the world, sorry about that! No wonder they are the best trolls ever. And are you in your mind that RAW or any other intelligence agency will openly declare that we are using jobless Indians to troll media and forums as our propaganda claptrap?

Bravo..... first Indian who has accepted as an unofficial Indian troll :lol:...troll man, till last breath :rofl:

There you go....some more trolls, easy to find, more coming. Am done! :lol::lol:

Jeez. I just found another BDian here with amazing level of intelligence. Really you posses ALADEEN level of IQ. No evidence, no factual content whatsover to back your claims & still you trollout all guns blazing.
Stop you bs, come up with something relevent then we can have a proper discussion.
By the way, about -ve rating you got, well deserved.
From next time, before coming out with your nonsense do back up your claims with evidence else keep on trolling till you
get banned.
Jeez. I just found another BDian here with amazing level of intelligence. Really you posses ALADEEN level of IQ. No evidence, no factual content whatsover to back your claims & still you trollout all guns blazing.
Stop you bs, come up with something relevent then we can have a proper discussion.
By the way, about -ve rating you got, well deserved.
From next time, before coming out with your nonsense do back up your claims with evidence else keep on trolling till you
get banned.

A highly intellectual,respected and learned pakistani (Frm. Ambassador of pakistan to US) Mr. Hussain Haqquani Launching a must read book
Noting to do with CIA, Mossad and RAW.@mike_brando
A highly intellectual,respected and learned pakistani (Frm. Ambassador of pakistan to US) Mr. Hussain Haqquani Launching a must read book
Noting to do with CIA, Mossad and RAW.@mike_brando

will read it
Indians are famous of their bla bla and worthless nonsense everywhere in the world, sorry about that! No wonder they are the best trolls ever. And are you in your mind that RAW or any other intelligence agency will openly declare that we are using jobless Indians to troll media and forums as our propaganda claptrap?

Bravo..... first Indian who has accepted as an unofficial Indian troll :lol:...troll man, till last breath :rofl:

There you go....some more trolls, easy to find, more coming. Am done! :lol::lol:

Gunsnroses probably Afghanweed also . :drag: :drag:

will read it
@Gunsnroses @Rohit Patel @Anonymous @TejasMk3

Just have a loot and let all my friends come up with their esteemed idea on it. Its a research that the PA itself helped and provided data. The Haqqani had being a pakistani Ambassador . IS he also a troll or agent of some country to malign pakistan.
I am not here to promote the book but to contradict our pakistanis friends point of view.
A highly intellectual,respected and learned pakistani (Frm. Ambassador of pakistan to US) Mr. Hussain Haqquani Launching a must read book
Noting to do with CIA, Mossad and RAW.@mike_brando

Hussain Haqqani, respected by whom? Indians, Americans? Spare us Pakistanis please.

Jeez. I just found another BDian here with amazing level of intelligence. Really you posses ALADEEN level of IQ. No evidence, no factual content whatsover to back your claims & still you trollout all guns blazing.
Stop you bs, come up with something relevent then we can have a proper discussion.
By the way, about -ve rating you got, well deserved.
From next time, before coming out with your nonsense do back up your claims with evidence else keep on trolling till you
get banned.

Just like you internet warriors have relevance and much evidence to throw mud, why can't we coin the same analogy, what's wrong there buddy for a thought which might not be true? I don't care about -ve rating given by an INTELLECTUAL Indian :lol: out of rage and zero tolerance level just because he didn't like my post without mentioning specific reason despite asking. Most of you guys have posts worst than mine defaming our country and degrading our religion and we are tolerant enough to host unlike you. So worry not, you are still one level ahead in -ve rating of my ALADEEN level IQ :rofl:
As usual pakistani showing their inability to look at things objectively, and when confused, blaming the jew or the hinduuuu...

Intellectually very substandard behaviour.

Try to think rationally macho men, yes Indian media is huuuggggeeee... about 10,000 news sources, There is tremendous competition... that leads to some pluses and some minuses.

Plus - when Indian media talks, people take notice. Example, Kargil. Pakistanis were stunned by the power of our media. (actually they were stunned by the one more white lie their govt told them and the world only to hand over the egg to indian media to throw on their collective face... NVM)

Minus - when Indian media talks, people take notice. Example, individual rape cases (thousands take place daily all over the world). Its amusing when BBC publishes individual rape stories on front page - why??? Because thousands of indian sources decided that was the flavor of the day...

Pakistanis are whining for no reason. They also benefit from Indian media. Indian media tells them everything about our defence deals, research successes and failures. Sometime incorrectly and sometimes correctly criticizes our institutions and it gets wide attention. Its not like China or Pakistan where everything has 100% success rate :)

So tell me, which countries control their media, country that reports stingingly on scores of failures or countries that only report successes (unless a commando leaks some stuff in a book for selling it ;))

So the question pakistanis should be asking is, who controls pakistani media???
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