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Who posts the most entertaining threads???

:blink: his posts are entertaining damn is he also Indian :P

I dont know but his threads are like someone who writes with IQ of >158.......Yeah he is the best thread starter not necessarily the most entertaining ones......
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AzadPakistan2009 big time dreamer guy ...his starting words are always "If we get this..." like A-10, 500 JF 17, rocket lauchers on ships

but the positive side is he never personally attacks on anyone, he comes post defense related news and thats it...looks like a clear hearted dude :cheers:

Exactly, he is nice.
i was just going to say riaz haq..havent had any of his musings lately...
my fav is idune though

another one i am missing is windjammer
1)MBI munshi(Best part about him is that he never comment on his thread. Leave it for others to fight.) I think the number of posts he made till date will be equal to number of threads he started.

2)Schinese(Immortal, Lived longer life in pdf than he deserved)(His flag helped him alot from suspension)
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Might sound like a stupid question but does anyone know how to make a thread? i cant see any options
Might sound like a stupid question but does anyone know how to make a thread? i cant see any options

when u go to a forum....for instance "members club" then just look to the top left, just above the thread list, and there should be a tab called "New Thread" just click that and there u start/post anything!
Sri Lankan for sure!....

He just copy paste anything and everything from the internet even if its already posted and then disappears..

Even starts threads based on "inside information" from his friends and "reliable" sources which even spy agencies like CIA, Mossad are envious of...

Pure Entertainment.
Who cares? Help the victims, god damn! You don't have to be a Pakistani to help the victims. If you are an Indian than donate money and Pakistanis give your time and resources!
Sad that a single Indian still has not donated, yet so many of them critique and rampage through our forum with half baked theories.

Is it a rule that one should donate before he speaks???? Then it is Not DONATION, Its CHARGING ....

And what are those half Baked theories, Replying to your quarter baked theories? Cant You stop trolling atleast for once MR?
Why are everybody crying. Indians have not donated ... Indians have not donated... we have our own flood disaster to manage.
Floods are reported in India too with thousands of people affected all over.
Let us care for our own people before helping others.
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