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Who Needs Dollars? Russia and China Are Now Dominating Global Gold Production


Apr 30, 2014
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Taiwan, Province Of China
Who Needs Dollars? Russia and China Are Now Dominating Global Gold Production

Devalued paper for gold. Not a bad deal. And in partnership with China -- an ally, BRICS member, and fellow petrodollar-dumper.

Rudy Panko
Thu, Mar 2, 2017

Cheap paper for gold. Not a bad deal. At all.

You can file this one under "Russia's economy is about to collapse".

Despite what the (Fake News) New York Times may have told you, the devaluation of the ruble has tremendous benefits for Russia's economy.

The major benefit is that a cheap ruble makes "made in Russia" highly competitive in foreign markets.

Agriculture, manufacturing -- even gold is now cheaper to produce in Russia. And Moscow is reaping the rewards:

Russia remained the world's third largest gold producer in 2016 behind China and Australia, data from the Finance Ministry showed on Tuesday.

Russia's gold mining industry has benefited from strong gold prices, up 8.5% in dollar terms last year, and the impact of domestic currency weakness, hit by a fall in oil prices and Western sanctions over Moscow's role in Ukrainian crisis.

This is really the giant cherry on top of the "Russia is about to collapse" cake.

The ruble "apocalypse" not only breathed fresh life into Russian industries -- it also allowed Moscow to convert cheap paper into gold.

Isn't that called alchemy?

China is way ahead in gold production -- 453 metric tons in 2016. And Russia isn't far behind second-place Australia with 288 metric tons.

Russia surpassed U.S. gold production for the first time in 25 years back in 2014. With cheap operational costs, expect the Russian gold rush to continue.

Russia and China are already actively dumping U.S. Treasuries for gold. And together they are now openly defying Washington's geopolitical plots.

Devalued paper for gold. And in partnership with China -- an ally, BRICS member, and fellow petrodollar-dumper.

Things are looking up!
Russia is doing great!

I think Russia economy has proven to be more resilient against economic sanctions than some barbarians anticipated when they initiated unilateral punitive measures.


Russia Prepares For Split With International Banking System

Russia has an alternative already in place in case it is cut from SWIFT — and short-term setbacks would likely be followed by long-term gains

Matthew Allen

Although Russia's alternative system to SWIFT isn't fully functional, Russia would likely come out on top in the long-term

Russia has successfully developed and implemented an alternative should it be excluded from international banking systems, according to a recent report.

As far as western sanctions go, by far Russia's largest vulnerability is in its banking sector, which for better or for worse is tied to the hip with international banking.

If Russia wishes to maintain the status quo, there's not much that can be done about this dependency. But shortly after sanctions were announced in 2014, Moscow set out to prepare for the worst-case scenario: being cut off from the Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) system.

In layman's terms, SWIFT allows for fast and (allegedly) secure international financial transfers. In fifty years when you are able to use your Bank of America debit card on the Moon (for a low fee of 2,000 moon rubles), it will be because of SWIFT or a system similar to it.

There are two issues surrounding SWIFT "cut-off" for Russia: 1. Is it likely to happen? and 2. Is Russia prepared for it?

Regarding the first question: The reality is that Washington's European poodles realize that cutting Russia from SWIFT would be a disaster. In 2015, European Central Bank policymaker Ewald Nowotny "warned against kicking Russian banks out of the SWIFT payments transfer system as part of tighter sanctions on Moscow."

According to Nowotny:

Such a move "we would see as very problematic because it could perhaps undermine confidence in this system," the governor of Austria's central bank told reporters in Brussels after meeting European Commissioner Pierre Moscovici.

Of course, this hasn't stopped Europe and Washington from threatening to pull the SWIFT plug.

We have a very low opinion of European and American geopolitical strategy; that being said, we have a hard time believing that Washington would seriously go forward with axing Russia's access to SWIFT.

If it did though, things would certainly get interesting. Which leads us to our second question: Is Russia prepared?

In the short-term: Definitely not. In the long-term it could be one of the best things to ever happen to Russia and all other nations that are tired of Washington's economic and military shenanigans.

According to a recent report:

If the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is shut down in Russia, the country’s banking system will not crash, according to Central Bank Governor Elvira Nabiullina. Russia has a substitute.

"There were threats that we can be disconnected from SWIFT. We have finished working on our own payment system, and if something happens, all operations in SWIFT format will work inside the country. We have created an alternative," Nabiullina said at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday.

She also added that 90 percent of ATMs in Russia are ready to accept the Mir payment system, a domestic version of Visa and MasterCard.

Izvestia daily reported that as of January 2016, 330 Russian banks had been connected to the SWIFT alternative, the system for transfer of financial messages (SPFS).

The alternative system is far from fully functional, however: "It doesn’t work from 9pm to 5am Moscow time and costs up to five cents per wire transfer, which is regarded expensive."

And using Crimea as an example (Western banks refuse to transfer foreign currency payments from Crimea via the SWIFT transaction system), there would be numerous headaches that would likely last a very long time.

But as Naked Capitalism wrote back in November, 2014:

etting up a payments channel outside SWIFT can enable Russia to establish a financial system for those who don’t want to be subject to US dictates.

Banks that did business with Iran, both before and after the SWIFT sanctions, were hit with money-laundering sanctions. The payments were dollar payments and were cleared thought the banks’ New York branches, making them subject to US law.

All dollar transactions between banks are settled at the end of the business day in New York; interbank payment systems ultimately depend on a central bank backstop, and many large payments run over the Fed’s interbank system, Fedwire.


In addition, there are likely businesses in Europe that are not keen about how complying with the EU sanctions against Russia is hurting their business. It isn’t clear how many would be willing to walk on the wild side and defy sanctions, but processing transactions through a Russian-controlled payment system would be far less susceptible to detection than through SWIFT.

In other words, this measure is intended to reduce the effectiveness of using the dollar dominance in payments as a weapon. Whether the Russians can launch a robust enough system quickly is an open question, but this is a sensible defensive and potentially offensive measure. It may have longer-term ramifications if other countries that are not happy with the US decide to employ it for practical or political reasons.

For Washington, any short-term gains from cutting Russia off from SWIFT would almost certainly be followed by long-term economic and strategic benefits for Moscow.

We know this because every attempt to "sanction" Russia has had a similar result.

Yuan Clearing Bank Opens in Moscow as Russia, China Dump Dollar in Bilateral Trade

Russia and China accelerate local currency cooperation

RI Staff

goodbye dollar, hello renminbi

Moscow and Beijing took another step towards de-dollarization with the announcement of the opening of a renminbi clearing bank in Russia on Wednesday.

Local currency transactions were first used in both countries' border regions. Today, more and more Chinese and Russian financial institutes and enterprises are using local currencies to invest and settle accounts, as the yuan-ruble trade platform is becoming more established and the transaction network is expanding amid deepening China-Russia economic and financial cooperation.

The yuan clearing bank in Moscow will greatly accelerate trade in local currencies:

Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) officially started operating as a Chinese renminbi (CNY) clearing bank in Russia Wednesday, a move set to facilitate the use of the currency and cooperation in various fields between the two countries.

"Under the guidance of the governments and central banks of both countries, ICBC's Moscow branch will effectively fulfill its responsibility and obligation as a renminbi clearing bank by taking further advantage of its leading edge in renminbi businesses, providing customers with safe, high quality and convenient clearing services," said Hu Hao, ICBC's deputy governor, at the opening ceremony.

"Financial regulatory authorities of China and Russia have signed a series of major agreements, which marks a new level of financial cooperation," said Dmitry Skobelkin, deputy governor of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

"The launching of renminbi clearing services in Russia will further expand local settlement business and promote financial cooperation between the two countries," the official added.

With the continuous deepening of the Russia-China comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in recent years, the two countries are now starting to enhance local currency cooperation.

At the end of 2015, the Russian central bank announced the inclusion of the renminbi in its national foreign exchange reserves, making it Russia's officially recognized reserve currency.

During Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to China in June last year, the central banks of the two countries signed a memorandum of cooperation in starting renminbi clearing services in Russia, just three months before ICBC's Moscow branch was appointed by China's central bank as the clearing house for settling renminbi transactions there.

It's no secret that Russia and China have employed a number of methods to slowly wean themselves off dollar dependency.

Russia became China's largest energy exporter in February of last year after it agreed to accept payment in yuan.

The dollar is slowly losing its privileged place in international transactions.

We're sure Washington is less than thrilled.
Russia is doing great!

By being in economic recession?

Who Needs Dollars? Russia and China Are Now Dominating Global Gold Production

Devalued paper for gold. Not a bad deal. And in partnership with China -- an ally, BRICS member, and fellow petrodollar-dumper.

Rudy Panko
Thu, Mar 2, 2017

Cheap paper for gold. Not a bad deal. At all.

You can file this one under "Russia's economy is about to collapse".

Despite what the (Fake News) New York Times may have told you, the devaluation of the ruble has tremendous benefits for Russia's economy.

The major benefit is that a cheap ruble makes "made in Russia" highly competitive in foreign markets.

Agriculture, manufacturing -- even gold is now cheaper to produce in Russia. And Moscow is reaping the rewards:

Russia remained the world's third largest gold producer in 2016 behind China and Australia, data from the Finance Ministry showed on Tuesday.

Russia's gold mining industry has benefited from strong gold prices, up 8.5% in dollar terms last year, and the impact of domestic currency weakness, hit by a fall in oil prices and Western sanctions over Moscow's role in Ukrainian crisis.

This is really the giant cherry on top of the "Russia is about to collapse" cake.

The ruble "apocalypse" not only breathed fresh life into Russian industries -- it also allowed Moscow to convert cheap paper into gold.

Isn't that called alchemy?

China is way ahead in gold production -- 453 metric tons in 2016. And Russia isn't far behind second-place Australia with 288 metric tons.

Russia surpassed U.S. gold production for the first time in 25 years back in 2014. With cheap operational costs, expect the Russian gold rush to continue.

Russia and China are already actively dumping U.S. Treasuries for gold. And together they are now openly defying Washington's geopolitical plots.

Devalued paper for gold. And in partnership with China -- an ally, BRICS member, and fellow petrodollar-dumper.

Things are looking up!

1. Domestic production of gold doesn't mean much even for gold holdings, because gold can be sold overseas.

2. Look at any stats of international payments, wealth holdings etc.
Dollar dominates, and it's dominance has only increased over the last few years.

I know the Chinese and Russians would like to wish away the dominance of dollar, but that's not how the world works!

Rather any hope of internationalizing the yuan fell flat after capital controls were introduced on yuan.

Now my friend @TaiShang, an advice for you, from ancient Chinese wisdom:

Seek truth from facts.

Look at all facts.

Russia has been under recession now for a couple of years.

China has recently imposed harsh capital restrictions on yuan.

Dollar accounts for almost three quarters of all international payments.

There should present you with some rather clear truth.

Russia Expects to Reach Pre-Crisis Export Level With US in 2017
© Sputnik/ Sergey Pyatakov

19:13 24.03.2017(updated 19:24 24.03.2017)

Moscow hopes that its exports to the United States will reach the pre-crisis level in 2017.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Moscow expects that its exports to the United States will increase by some 11 percent and reach $11 billion this year, Russia's trade representative to the United States Alexander Stadnik told Sputnik.

"We are expecting to reach the pre-crisis exports level in 2017, which is $10.5-11 billion," Stadnik said referencing to 2013-2014 levels. "But that's the forecast in the first quarter and much will depend on how the situation develops."

According to the data of the Trade Representation, the exports from Russia to the United States in 2016 was $9.4 billion.

"We are also preparing a number of big events in various formats to realize these plans and search for new initiatives," Stadnik noted. "But to speak frankly, it's a big risk to make positive forecasts without stability and positivity in the bilateral relations."

He added that the new US president inherited catastrophic state of US-Russia relations.

"And just look how any efforts to improve the situation are met by the US Congress and the media," Stadnik added.

Russia Trade Representation Hopes for Constructive Meetings With US Commerce Department

The Russian Trade Representation in the United States is hopeful that contacts and meetings with US Department of Commerce representatives under the guidance of their new Secretary Wilbur Ross will continue after the new US administration is fully formed, Stadnik told Sputnik.

"Regular contacts with the representatives of the governmental bodies of the United States are part of our job. The new administration is currently being formed. When this process is completed, we will definitely meet with our colleagues from the Department of Commerce, trade representatives and other departments," he said. "I hope to see people I already know there and to meet new people."

Stadnik noted that Russian representatives would like to discuss a number of topics related to the World Trade Organization (WTO) and international cooperation.

The Trade Representative also pointed out that Russian diplomats in the United States continue to face various difficulties.

"All the restrictions imposed by the Obama administration in the last days of the term are still in force," he explained. "While the current conditions are not helpful for the diplomatic work, our mission is aiming at the productive work and will be carrying out under any conditions," Stadnik stated.

During a US Senate confirmation hearing in January, Ross said the Trump administration would focus on ending trade practices by China and other partners that are unfair to the United States.

Ross pledged to push US partners to practice fair trade in a more balanced manner and has stated that nations not complying with existing trade rules should be punished.


© AFP 2017/ Savo PRELEVIC

On December 29, the Obama administration imposed a series of punitive measures against Russia, including the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats and the closure of the two Russian diplomatic compounds. Obama said the measures were taken in response to Russia's alleged interference in the US presidential elections. Russian officials called the allegations absurd.

Relations between Moscow and the West deteriorated significantly in 2014 after Crimea voted to reunite with Russia and as military clashes escalated in eastern Ukraine.

Russia has been hit by a downturn that began in early 2015 after falling oil prices and Western anti-Russia sanctions took bite. The country's GDP fell 3.7 percent in 2015, according to the Russian Federal Statistics Service Rosstat.
If any one want to trash there $$$$ please send me,i have a recycling facility ;)
I have a question: How much interest does the Chinese gov. (central as well as provincial) pay to the PBoC if it borrows money from this institution?
I have a question: How much interest does the Chinese gov. (central as well as provincial) pay to the PBoC if it borrows money from this institution?
When governments (central as well as provincial) need to finance their fiscal deficits, they issue bonds in open markets (at market rates), not borrow from banks. PBoC as well as commercial banks are not allowed to lend to governments, read the PRC Legislation of PBoC (中华人民共和国中国人民银行法), current revision effective since 1st February 2004.
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When governments (central as well as provincial) need to finance their fiscal deficits, they issue bonds in open markets (at market rates), not borrow from banks. PBoC as well as commercial banks are not allowed to lend to governments, read the PRC Legislation of PBoC (中华人民共和国中国人民银行法), current revision effective since 1st February 2004.

Thanks for the answer.

But there arises the question why would the government have to borrow money in the open market and pay interests at market rate (in reality interestsnpaid by the tax payer) if it could borrow money for zero interest from the PBoC. Who came up with the legislation that the PBoC is not allowed to lend money to its owner, particularly the Chinese central government?
I have a question: How much interest does the Chinese gov. (central as well as provincial) pay to the PBoC if it borrows money from this institution?
For sure it's much lower than (but my very guess it's nonexistent) what the US govt pays to the privately owned Federal Reserve (Fed) :D:P

Thanks for the answer.

But there arises the question why would the government have to borrow money in the open market and pay interests at market rate (in reality interestsnpaid by the tax payer) if it could borrow money for zero interest from the PBoC. Who came up with the legislation that the PBoC is not allowed to lend money to its owner, particularly the Chinese central government?
My thought, in case of the China's central govt, going to the open market [domestically] provides the market with the highly safe financial instruments to invest and earn returns (think also the privately managed pension funds etc), also serving as a tool to prop the currency, CNY, as well as absorbing the excess liquidity from market. For the provincial govts it's a kind of responsible investment and spending, managed on market economy in consideration to the costs, risks and gains. Moreover if central govt is free to borrow from the central bank, it creates risk of unchecked spending and money printing and the consequential inflation... in short messy financial & economic management.
For sure it's much lower than (but my very guess it's nonexistent) what the US govt pays to the privately owned Federal Reserve (Fed) :D:P

My thought, in case of the China's central govt, going to the open market [domestically] provides the market with the highly safe financial instruments to invest and earn returns (think also the privately managed pension funds etc), also serving as a tool to prop the currency, CNY, as well as absorbing the excess liquidity from market. For the provincial govts it's a kind of responsible investment and spending, managed on market economy in consideration to the costs, risks and gains. Moreover if central govt is free to borrow from the central bank, it creates risk of unchecked spending and money printing and the consequential inflation... in short messy financial & economic management.

Thanks for your input!

I do see the issue of unchecked borrowing, particularly by provincial governments, so it's sensible not to allow them borrow at zero interest from the PBoC. In terms of the central gov., it could issue regulations to hinder crazy borrowing and yet avoid to pay interests, since interests to whomever is still robbing the tax payers off their money, money that could put to better use.
Thanks for your input!

I do see the issue of unchecked borrowing, particularly by provincial governments, so it's sensible not to allow them borrow at zero interest from the PBoC. In terms of the central gov., it could issue regulations to hinder crazy borrowing and yet avoid to pay interests, since interests to whomever is still robbing the tax payers off their money, money that could put to better use.
Note that such legislation revision to restrict the central govt from borrowing from the central bank did occur in 2004 :D timeline may be helpful to grasp thing

By then, I believe China already established enormous surplus accumulation of reserves and well-run economy thus had high confidence to need not to borrow money from the central bank but instead going to open market just in case there's such necessity.

If central govt does not provide any financial instrument to the domestic market to invest safely, many funds even though the conservative ones will be forced to opt more aggressive thus risky investment to earn yields. I believe there are many other considerations than just not "wasting the taxpayers' money" :P
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