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No there must be a reason because gen. akhtar abdur rehman is relatively unknown person and hardly many people even recognize this picture of him. I doubt some random person will use such a picture for his dp unless he is related to this person in some way or the other.
Anyone who has read Soviet war in Afghanistan.He knows him very well.
Personally I am not who belong to economics field but understand it due to my own business nature. I want discuss problem & their solutions.

I found one of Indian person on PDF I think @Nilgiri he is really good but somehow I found him biased regarding Pakistan.

I just want to follow them and want to read their comments & solution and what they think. That's it.

Just tag me wherever you want for economics related matter...and I will give the most unbiased account on it that I can.

Yes general thread convo (economics or not) I will tend towards some bias like everyone generally (and only everyone else can really gauge the bias rather than individual himself).

But generally for out of the blue tagging for specific input/analysis, I will be as neutral as possible.
Just tag me wherever you want for economics related matter...and I will give the most unbiased account on it that I can.

Yes general thread convo (economics or not) I will tend towards some bias like everyone generally (and only everyone else can really gauge the bias rather than individual himself).

But generally for out of the blue tagging for specific input/analysis, I will be as neutral as possible.
Thanks I really wanted your reply. Actually you are my favorite on economic. I will defiantly tag you with the hope you would be a neutral and not bias as you said.
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