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Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

Re:Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

The Arabs themselves of course:
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so back on topic.

Could Chinese converts to American Indian religion lobby and justify the Chinese government to launch an invasion of the US in 1,000 years time based on the fact that they share a religion in common with those extinct American Indians?

Personally I would laugh at such idiocy.
Re:Who gave British the right to grant the land of Palestine to Jews?

The Arabs themselves of course:

That was a combination of pan arab nationalism and ultra conservative wahhabism. the thought of turkish rule by non conservative muslims horrified them.
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The focus should be on the way forward.

Splitting hair over the past is no use.

Israel is a reality, so is it's Samson doctrine. Trying to destroy Israel would mean the destruction of the whole Middle East.

A two state solution with a viable Palestinian state rid of terrorists like Hamas is the only solution.

But it is interesting to see so much noise over such a tiny strip of land!
Looks like you are not even civilised. I did not take abt your parents. I spoke abt Darwin's theory. So STFU.

well, i didn't bring darwins stupid theory into the conversation. and it looked like you support it, so you must be happy that your ancestors hence the 'father' reply was to that.
arab nationalism is a blunder and they are responsable for slaughter of muslims from chechniya to palestine to iraq.a freat gigt from saud traitors
Pakistan didn't beat india in 1965 & 1999 but crushed it & than india ran to USA to save its poor @$$.

Kashmir is part of Hindustan & Hindustan is province of Pakistan. It is all good for dreaming so post seriously on serious forum or get lost.
Kashmir is disputed territory & had been occupied by india where india army continue with its terrorism & fake encounters.

Why don't you read the bloody history? You have access to internet, there are several neutral accounts on wars between India and Pakistan. Why you keep living in denial? Pakistan crushed India, ya right! IMO Pakistan Army is waste of money.
i have never called mujahedin a freedom fighter organization, and beside it was UK that said those Israeli parties was terrorist organizations not me!

who are you to say my religion started existing afther the Prophet? it even stands in the Quran that Adem was the first Muslim and the first human in the world... get some education/knowledge before talking

think you are our god or something? "started existing..." indians started existing 2 years ago thats all

they dont have to... it all stands in the Quran!

i don't know go ask Allah, i didn't exist at that time neither did the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Dont delude yourself,islam did exist only after the prophet!You are a moron and i am not responsible for that

My ***,I exist since ever.You are allowed to delude yourself but that doesn't alter common sense
DUH! Who gave the British the right to grant the land of the Palestine to Jews? Do you think they needed to ask Palestinians for permission? DUH! lol.
The same way you claim Islam is religion? Its what happened in the past and we have to go past it peacefully!

Islam is religion of love and peace . I am happy majority of western nations realized the injustice with Palestine and hopeful they will get their home land back soon.
Why do Indians love Israel so much?

Is it because of the shared hatred towards Muslims?
very Indian viewpoint that works amongst Indians and less educated people but not amongst most people with some education.

Serbia has always been Serbian land. If Pakistanis claim they once lived in Serbia 2,000 years ago, it would be as foolish as what you claim.

i agree with you sir. but will you accept the fact that the people of pakistan were not muslims 1500 years ago. i do not want to know what faith/religion that had before muslim kings from west/middle east attacked pakistan's geographical area. then it means that over a certain period of time in last 1500 years people were converted into muslims by force or without force.......... so if this logic is working as i said, then the pashtuns, punjabis, etc all living in pakistan soil 1500 years ago had a different identity religion wise? is it possible for you to accept that they did not have muslim identity 1500 years ago, but in fact an identity which was more towards fanatic hindus??
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