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Who else should be part of China russia alliance?


Nov 16, 2007
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should we make our own Quad and have Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China? Im sure lots of other countries like Laos, Cambodia, NK, Burma, Venezuela etc want to join too as well as all central asian nations.

Russia wants alliance with China but China say not yet. If we have alliance we have new cold war. If they keep pushing us we will have alliance and destroy US imperialism!

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should we make our own Quad and have Iran, Pakistan, Russia and China? Im sure lots of other countries like Laos, Cambodia, NK, Burma, Venezuela etc want to join too as well as all central asian nations.

Russia, China, Turkiye, Iran & Pakistan.

It will be Pentagon.

Pentagon greater than Quad.
Russia, China, Turkiye, Iran & Pakistan.

It will be Pentagon.

Pentagon greater than Quad.
Not sure about Turkey man they are still in NATO lol

but we have many supporters throughout south america like bolivia, ecuador, venezuela, peru etc as well as most of africa has tied themselves with China.
Pakistan should be in a neutral position. It is ok to be a part of an economic block but military alliance is something else entirely. Jumping into a NATO style alliance means provoking west and middle east who are our trade partners as well.
China can't really be in a long term alliance with Russia. Because Russia is really just putin. in a decade or more he will be dead or way to old. There will be some major changes in Russia when that happens. like Putin's current wealth is est at $200B. who ever follows putins not going to let putin's family keep that.
China can't really be in a long term alliance with Russia. Because Russia is really just putin. in a decade or more he will be dead or way to old. There will be some major changes in Russia when that happens. like Putin's current wealth is est at $200B. who ever follows putins not going to let putin's family keep that.
Putin will appoint a successor to carry on his legacy no doubt. We will see how it all works.
China can't really be in a long term alliance with Russia. Because Russia is really just putin. in a decade or more he will be dead or way to old. There will be some major changes in Russia when that happens. like Putin's current wealth is est at $200B. who ever follows putins not going to let putin's family keep that.

Not decade but in 2021 Russia will have a new President....Putin is suffering from Parkinson...can't hold on to the presidency for long.Once he is gone, where will Russia head towards is to be seen....
Not decade but in 2021 Russia will have a new President....Putin is suffering from Parkinson...can't hold on to the presidency for long.Once he is gone, where will Russia head towards is to be seen....
Russia will continue to be nationalist as their culture is completely opposite of liberal west. Another strong man will likely take the position.
Pakistan needs to be in this alliance because India is in Quad.
My two cents - the further Pakistan goes from the west and we move closer in, the more our respective tech difference in the quality of equipment will play out. PAF, for example, has benefitted tremendously in the past from associations with the USAF, whether through combat exercises (Red Flag etal) or through common platforms.
Irregarless of how much you like China, their level of tech. adoption is no way close to what the west has and after decades it is for the first time that Pakistan and India's alliances have swapped between the Eastern and Western powers.
There is a reason as to why China is pushing a lot of resources into IP theft - from military suppliers to University research programs.
The switching of camps, while was necesary for Pakistan, will degrade the quality of what would be considered as "cutting edge" in the years to come.
Pakistan should be in a neutral position. It is ok to be a part of an economic block but military alliance is something else entirely. Jumping into a NATO style alliance means provoking west and middle east who are our trade partners as well.

And what West and Middle Eastern country do for Pakistan, issue threats !!
Ask and dictate Pakistan!!
Let the SA and UAE suffer the anxieties of facing Iran. They have already racked up the hardware, but from where would they get the men to fight the wars for them!!
USA is not going to scarifies their soldiers for ME.
They had been killing ME citizens with impunity in last 2 decades.
And what West and Middle Eastern country do for Pakistan, issue threats !!
Ask and dictate Pakistan!!
Let the SA and UAE suffer the anxieties of facing Iran. They have already racked up the hardware, but from where would they get the men to fight the wars for them!!
USA is not going to scarifies their soldiers for ME.
They had been killing ME citizens with impunity in last 2 decades.

Be realistic you have the largest diaspora living in GCC countries sending more remittances than any other country. We get zero remittances from china or Russia and so far our economic cooperation is based on unlimited supply of loans not investment. Despite what the tell you on TV almost 90% of Chinese investment is in the form of loans otherwise your FDI would be sky rocketing by now. I for one want these loans to be capped at the current position and we should refer to world bank, IMF or ADB even if we have to pay commercial rates for these loans.
My two cents - the further Pakistan goes from the west and we move closer in, the more our respective tech difference in the quality of equipment will play out. PAF, for example, has benefitted tremendously in the past from associations with the USAF, whether through combat exercises (Red Flag etal) or through common platforms.
Irregarless of how much you like China, their level of tech. adoption is no way close to what the west has and after decades it is for the first time that Pakistan and India's alliances have swapped between the Eastern and Western powers.
There is a reason as to why China is pushing a lot of resources into IP theft - from military suppliers to University research programs.
The switching of camps, while was necesary for Pakistan, will degrade the quality of what would be considered as "cutting edge" in the years to come.
first irregardless isn't a word regardless is enough lol but lots of people get that wrong.
second, Russia has helped China tremendously last decade and Chinese military from its 5th gen aircrafts to its type-99a main battle tanks are all western standards+. In time China and Russia tech will overtake western tech as we can see that China has made massive progress and has taken the lead innovator title in many tech worlds and weapons from phone apps to stealth drones.
In an alliance, the weakest will be attached firstly and toughly, so consider it carefully. I don't suggest other part of the alliance. Maybe Mogolia and Kazakhstan are good choices.
It's just an illusion because russia is selling everything to India as long as this is true this alliance is nothing more than a sham.
russia wants to have choprian aur do do
It won't work.
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