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Who else should be part of China russia alliance?

Be realistic you have the largest diaspora living in GCC countries sending more remittances than any other country. We get zero remittances from china or Russia and so far our economic cooperation is based on unlimited supply of loans not investment. Despite what the tell you on TV almost 90% of Chinese investment is in the form of loans otherwise your FDI would be sky rocketing by now. I for one want these loans to be capped at the current position and we should refer to world bank, IMF or ADB even if we have to pay commercial rates for these loans.

If you ask me honestly. All this is 70+ years of G Sir syndrome, which is biting Pakistan. It would continue to bite it. Indians have more expats in the GCC, they don't get those threats. Why!!

The crooks Nawaz and Zardari have caused untold damage to Pakistan.
Pakistanis do not understand that their loot is one side, but because of their loot is stacked in UAE, Europe, USA, they are easy to be blackmailed by these countries. When you know someone is up for sale, or can be pressed hard and blackmailed due to their acts, it is easy to use the leverage.

UAE and SA is now realising the same could not be done to Imran Khan, that's why they are trying to bring back corrupt Nawaz. All Pakistanis should stand firm and respond to their threats and blackmails.

Pakistan has to stand up with its full might and strength. You have to show to the world you are not a pushover. Until that is changed, these countries would keep pressing Pakistan.

I don't like Shah Mehmood, he is a man without much spine , he stutter and fumbles, instead of clear and firm. Most Pakistanis don't know how to talk to the foreigners, that is Pakistan's dilemma.
Russia, China, Turkiye, Iran & Pakistan.

It will be Pentagon.

Pentagon greater than Quad.
Yes Nuclear powers if united, then its mean Danger because you never knows where they will attack you. If area wise Asia 1st (Russia), 2nd (China), 6th (Iran) ,9th (Pakistan) and 10th (Turkey) united then it is very scary situation for any enemy
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first irregardless isn't a word regardless is enough lol but lots of people get that wrong.
second, Russia has helped China tremendously last decade and Chinese military from its 5th gen aircrafts to its type-99a main battle tanks are all western standards+. In time China and Russia tech will overtake western tech as we can see that China has made massive progress and has taken the lead innovator title in many tech worlds and weapons from phone apps to stealth drones.
Just because your vocabulary is limited, doesn’t imply that the world has a lower capacity than actual to articulate. Irregardless is a classy word that is subtly different from regardless.
Rest of your post is speculation which will be tested in the days to come.
Just because your vocabulary is limited, doesn’t imply that the world has a lower capacity than actual to articulate. Irregardless is a classy word that is subtly different from regardless.
Rest of your post is speculation which will be tested in the days to come.
Irregardless is not a word everyone uses regardless its dumbasses who failed year 9 that say that word

Wikipedia straight up says its omitted in dictionary because its a dumbass made up word for people like you

Now dont try to double down on stupid because u got caught out using a red neck made up word and i wont get into it no more because google is ur friend

Back on topic anyways
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Russia, China, Turkiye, Iran & Pakistan.

It will be Pentagon.

Pentagon greater than Quad.
TUrkey cant be allowed in until it leaves NATO, which it wont, so Turkey cant join. sorry.
The more us presses china the more likely china says yes to alliance and starts new cold war. China and russia and allies can not be defeated. Main reason ussr lost the cold war was because china switched sides
Irregardless is not a word everyone uses regardless its dumbasses who failed year 9 that say that word

Wikipedia straight up says its omitted in dictionary because its a dumbass made up word for people like you

Now dont try to double down on stupid because u got caught out using a red neck made up word and i wont get into it no more because google is ur friend

Back on topic anyways
You use wikipedia as your source of truth while I use a fit for purpose and respected English dictionary as mine. It’s clear who the dumbass is. We can share competitive exam scores if you are still not convinced. I can settle for GMAT or PTE scores.

some other non-wikipedia sources for you:

You use wikipedia as your source of truth while I use a fit for purpose and respected English dictionary as mine. It’s clear who the dumbass is. We can share competitive exam scores if you are still not convinced. I can settle for the GMAT or PTE scores.
Bro i aint wasting time with you. Its not a word and it does not appear in dictionaries just google it. The fact that u have to attack someone straight up shows that ur an insecure mental midget so im not wasting time on betas like u.
Pakistan has two separate alliances. One strong alliance with China, another strong alliance with Turkey and Azerbaycan.

What Pakistan wants is for the two alliances is to come together and form a bloc, naturally since Central Asian countries are close to all 4 of us, they would be included, and Afghanistan under Taliban is a strong ally of Pakistan.

Iran has already put in with India, and our ties are in free fall since Zanabiyoun, Kulbushan Yadav, and targeted hits of Sunni scholars in Pakistan.

Russia considers itself a historical foe of Pakistan, and still views us with suspicion since we were the major factor in the fall of the USSR.

Our Arab friends have chosen to go farther into the US lap and even shake hands with Israel, which is indigestible by us Pakistanis.

I think Pakistan will have to rely on its own strength and support from China and Turkey. We cannot depend on anyone else.

Ties between Pakistan and the US will continue to deteriorate after the coming winter war, in which India will face a terrible defeat. US plans to turn Kashmir into a satellite state will be undone, in sha Allah. That is the main reason for Galwan.
Bro i aint wasting time with you. Its not a word and it does not appear in dictionaries just google it. The fact that u have to attack someone straight up shows that ur an insecure mental midget so im not wasting time on betas like u.
Haha! What do you think Miriam Webster is?
Indulging in personal attacks is weak, irregardless of the flurry of adjectives you used in your post 😂

p.s - for someone who tries to be a grammar nazi, you made grammatical mistakes in your last post.
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