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Who are the most chill Pakistanis?

Who are the most chill Pakistanis?

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I have yet to chill with any Faisalabadis now that you mention it... I look forward to that...

Don't know about Canada, but in London/Birmingham, you will find many of them.

In Pakistan a lot of Punjabi stage drama actors have Faisalabadi origins.

The way they speak, and how they crack joke in almost every sentence, thats simply hilarious, :lol:
ewww that is what you call chill ????!! Heck ! man its just waste of everything

Haha yup, I'll be the first to admit the aforementioned group of my Pakistani friends are sort of easily entertained. I still love em for it though...

Then there's the badminton boys, but all we do is strike shuttlecocks, or study, so I wouldn't exactly consider that chilling...

My linguist friends are quirky though. We do things like cook and entertain ourselves by translating absurd English pickup lines like

"you're almost as cute as my sister, except that with her it'd be illegal!"

But alas the latter are mostly Japanese and don't really have a dog in this race

Speaking of which how do we not have a poll about this yet?
Punjabis are most chill and fun people.......the karachiites are opposite of punjabis in my opinion
If by chill you mean a non-violent demeanor and a tendency to not fight, then I'd say Kashmiris(not the Azad Kashmiri "Paharis", who are almost the exact opposite), Multani and Lahoris are the most chilled out people. In Lahore, you can be a Karachiwala and call them "paindoo" for not speaking 100% urdu in the busiest round about, and they still won't bitch slap you right across the face. The rest of the Punjab is not like that though.

The least chilled out people in the world; Indians minus the Sikhs and South Indians. They are "passively aggressive". Like behind your back, they tend to be very aggressive.
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In my personal experience, the most chilled Pakistanis are some of the educated ones, especially the girls. I have a good friend who I chat with most everyday. Not had the courage yet to call her up though. Scared. More from our own people than theirs to be honest.
In my personal experience, the most chilled Pakistanis are some of the educated ones, especially the girls. I have a good friend who I chat with most everyday. Not had the courage yet to call her up though. Scared. More from our own people than theirs to be honest.

Be vary though. It can be a guy pretending to be a girl.
Be vary though. It can be a guy pretending to be a girl.

Believe me bro, I KNOW she's a girl. :pakistan:

She's also wholly the reason why I find it impossible to badmouth you guys or indulge in the normal India-Pakistan stuff. It embarrasses me to think what she would think of if she read any of it.
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