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Who are the Arain?

My family came to Punjab from Afghanistan long time ago.

Jadran - Jatland Wiki

According to my online research, I'm related to the Haqqanis !!! :D

Jadran also called Zadran is one of the largest karlani/ghilzai pasthun tribes in Paktia, khost and paktika provinces of afghanistan. Indeed Haqqanis are Zadran pasthuns and as you know are "strategic assets" of pakistani establishment in afghanistan. It is quite surprising that your jadran clan has assimilated among jatts probably among muslim jatts of indian punjab instead of aligning with other pashtun tribes of punjab such as lodhi or niazi. It could be that your jadran clan was probably of agricultural background rather than of military background.
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Is it true Arain are just like sheikhs?- very kanjoos?-

And and

Arain and Khokhars are mortal enemies?-

Well there is saying that "Sheikh rupay piche mar jaay ga, Arain rupay piche maar de ga" :p:

regarding enemies - it's not general as rivalries are local level and will change area to area, i.e. vs Rajpoots, vs Jats, vs Dogars etc.
I am a Muslim first, then a Pakistan, then something else. You can call me whatever you wish, but my ancestors have always married Arain women, and I guess about a dozen generations have passed. Like I told you, adoption of a tribe by an individual, family or clan is an accepted practice among Semites, and apparently among those who would like to consider themselves Semites.

The village of Chak Bamu was founded by my Jat ancestor, but it was a village of Arains. Genetics plays absolutely no role in my identity.

If i had the chance to give you sir 10 positive ratings, i would ask to give you 100 + ratings for your posts. You are a very homegrown Pakistani by heart and i enjoy hearing from you.

Arains are very open people, welcoming. They are one of the communities that represent the true spirit of Punjab and Islam in Punjab. After all, they produced the teacher of Hazrat Sayyid Abdulla Shah Qaderi [ Bulleh Shah RA ], that is, Hazrat Shah Inayat Qaderi RA

I am not trying to raise an issue here. When I first said that I don't care about this, it was because I consider myself a Muslim first. Pakistani a close second, and everything else is afterwards. You should appreciate your Jatt ancestry, but I come from Arains. We did not have converts in my lineage. I am proud of my people, but I am not looking down on anyone else. I respect Jatts, Awan, Gujjar, and Rajputs. All are my equal. To be honest, I don't really immerse myself in these types of threads, but I figured that we Arains deserve at least one thread too. Arains are not jahil people, we are very religious. These kind of things are small talk to us, but I was just curious about Arain origins.

ma sha Allah, excellent post!
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I am light skinned Pakistani sher!

Look at me as a kid!

Share pics of yourself as a Kid!

My cousin on the left is a little bit feminine. Actually, a lot of Pakistani guys make fun of my family for being like this, but we would **** them for their batameezi. Being fair skin gets you many insults in Pakistan. Pakistani girls like darker faced guys, so I spent a lot of time in my village to get a more golden/brownish color.

:omghaha: a natural tan you mean
Afghan Pashtuns are funny people. They hate Punjabis although they don't live together with Punjabis.
Pakistani Pashtuns live together with Punjabis and we have nothing against Punjabis.

On the other hand Afghan pashtuns hate every ethnics in Afghanistan especially Tajiks and hazara.

So I don't know whats wrong with those people.

It is actually very clear.

Punjabis, Tajiks, and Hazaras are perceived threats to Afghan [ Pashtun ] hegemony. But they are mistaken if they believe india is their friend.

@Malik Abdullah @DESERT FIGHTER
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