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Who are China's good friends in the Future?

i am sorry about the death in urumqi but just don't be blinded by the western media. do some google or ask the question to other pakistan netizens, they will tell the truth.


dont feed the troll
Every nation is (or potentially) good friends with China. And China is good friends with all nations of the world.

Do you see any unfair or bully tactics by China? NO.

Furthermore, seeing other nations as enemies who are hopeless of reforming is unhealthy.

- Take for example Israel, I see they can reform and co-exist happily with the international community.

- Take for example Iran, I don't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly.

- Take for example Africa and her vast resources are enough for all Africans. Africa can benefit by multiple partnerships with many, many peoples of the world.

Do not let greed or fear consume you. Let's take the worst situation in which the Earth cannot sustain all people. When that time comes, we must accept that some of us will die -- that is Nature. If we fight each other, hoarding riches -- that will only lead to much more people suffering than would be if we accept fate/reality. Empty your mind of unnecessary fears. Be fluid like water, now water can creek or drip or crash. Be water my friend!
Every nation is (or potentially) good friends with China. And China is good friends with all nations of the world.

Do you see any unfair or bully tactics by China? NO.

Furthermore, seeing other nations as enemies who are hopeless of reforming is unhealthy.

- Take for example Israel, I see they can reform and co-exist happily with the international community.

- Take for example Iran, I don't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly.

- Take for example Africa and her vast resources are enough for all Africans. Africa can benefit by multiple partnerships with many, many peoples of the world.

Do not let greed or fear consume you. Let's take the worst situation in which the Earth cannot sustain all people. When that time comes, we must accept that some of us will die -- that is Nature. If we fight each other, hoarding riches -- that will only lead to much more people suffering than would be if we accept fate/reality. Empty your mind of unnecessary fears. Be fluid like water, now water can creek or drip or crash. Be water my friend!

Very nice post.
But alas....this seems more of a theory rather than a reality. I am not being pessimistic but I do not see this happening in near future. I hope one day we would achieve this.:cheers:
the shanghai cooperation organization IMO is a very good initiative taken by china and russia...it is a window into a new and powerful Asia.
the SCO's sphere of operations should be expanded and both India and Pakistan should be offered full membership.


SCO and the sub continent (SAARC) countries can together form a formidable body like the NATO if we stop acting like real jerks and think of ourselves as inhabitants of the same region of the world, brothers and children of Asia.

I cant even think, however, how long it will take to become a reality, probably never :frown: :disagree:

still, lets hope for the best, :)

SCO and the sub continent (SAARC) countries can together form a formidable body like the NATO if we stop acting like real jerks and think of ourselves as inhabitants of the same region of the world, brothers and children of Asia.

I cant even think, however, how long it will take to become a reality, probably never :frown: :disagree:

still, lets hope for the best, :)

The latest string of strategic moves (Indian moving troops, China responding, etc) are only used by both sides to negotiate the best value for each side. Just like when you haggle at a open market. You find small imperfections in the product, and pretend you don't really want it, so to garner a lower price. The shopkeeper boasts of its quality and of its rarity to boost up what he can get for it. That's what is happening between India and China, and between India and Pakistan. This is normal negotiation manuveurs only! :)

I see SCO + SAARC + ASEAN + Iran + East Asia becoming a reality much sooner. :agree:
I see SCO + SAARC + ASEAN + Iran + East Asia becoming a reality much sooner. :agree:

May those words become True in the best sense of the word! :agree:

If that ever were to happen, the combined economic power of Asia will be a thousand times more Potent, viable and dynamic.

The world will see an age of peace and prosperity the likes of which it has never seen before.

Humanity will truly enter into the age of Development.

However, those who dont want this, "and there are many of those" :disagree:

will make sure nothing of the sort ever comes to fruition. :disagree:
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from a historical point of view, i vote for Japan . the determinant factor of the Japan-china relationship is the US influences, so if the US influences fade out eventually their relationship will return to what it used to be for almost 2000 years. at this point, both countries seems to be awared of this, that is why china denied the US "G2" proposal and accepted the Japanese "East Asia Union" proposal.
from a historical point of view, i vote for Japan . the determinant factor of the Japan-china relationship is the US influences, so if the US influences fade out eventually their relationship will return to what it used to be for almost 2000 years. at this point, both countries seems to be awared of this, that is why china denied the US "G2" proposal and accepted the Japanese "East Asia Union" proposal.

You have some good posts, Mr. Guest - I have come across a number of them. But here I think you are off.

From a very historical point of view, the exact opposite conclusion is reached. The best and most one can expect of Sino-Japanese relationship into the future is one of "cordiality".

So there is this "talk" of "East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" 2.0. You should know the context of this talk, which has virtually nothing to do with China, but everything to do with Japan's own complex psychology.

It's also a way to get Uncle to pay attention to the Geisha, who is not feeling what she wants to feel ...

We all know 1.0 was a bloodbath, and 2.0 is, well, propaganda.

End of story.

China will stick to Pakistan, barring "X-factors" that are in the hands of the Almighty. And if India stands down with Pakistan, then China will turn to India, too.

That's of course, assuming all three countries survive their respective internal instabilities well into the future ... China's internal cohesion is not something to be taken for granted.
You have some good posts, Mr. Guest - I have come across a number of them. But here I think you are off.

From a very historical point of view, the exact opposite conclusion is reached. The best and most one can expect of Sino-Japanese relationship into the future is one of "cordiality".

So there is this "talk" of "East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere" 2.0. You should know the context of this talk, which has virtually nothing to do with China, but everything to do with Japan's own complex psychology.

It's also a way to get Uncle to pay attention to the Geisha, who is not feeling what she wants to feel ...

We all know 1.0 was a bloodbath, and 2.0 is, well, propaganda.

End of story.

China will stick to Pakistan, barring "X-factors" that are in the hands of the Almighty. And if India stands down with Pakistan, then China will turn to India, too.

That's of course, assuming all three countries survive their respective internal instabilities well into the future ... China's internal cohesion is not something to be taken for granted.

first of all, i don't speak any japanese at all, so i don't how they name the proposal in japanese. but i believed the japanese won't be that silly to use the name they used in WW2 again.

secondly, there is nothing wrong for the japanese to list their own interest only. that is exactly the way how negotiation goes.
Japanese said: i want a,b,c,d,e,f,g
and then chinese said: i want A,B,C,D,E,F,G and no b,d,f
this goes on and on ......
finally, they make an agreement: the japanese got a,c and the chinese got A,C
no problem making friend with japan if they are willing to face up to the history as germans ,but the reality is unacceptable ,so many japanese are still worshiping their “hitler” ,so far there is nothing between the two country but close economic ties.
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from a historical point of view, i vote for Japan . the determinant factor of the Japan-china relationship is the US influences, so if the US influences fade out eventually their relationship will return to what it used to be for almost 2000 years. at this point, both countries seems to be awared of this, that is why china denied the US "G2" proposal and accepted the Japanese "East Asia Union" proposal.

come on ,man ,if japan is the best friend of China,that means there is no enemy for China,dude.
many chinese died in ww2 in china,and japanese dont think they r wrong deeply in heart
in japanese national temple,the fu#king killers in ww2 are still there,and there top leader often show up to :tup: them

i dont think french ,russian,biritish or :usflag:will forgive Genmany if genman top leader show :tup::yahoo:to Hitler and those killers

not only China,north or south Korea,and other Asian countries would feel sad about that
and i am happy :usflag:control japan,you know,i dont mind them :cheers:
even their relationship would hurt China sometimes,but i trust :usflag: more than japan
i do feel sorry for the giant on the sub-continent which your did not mentioned in your post.

The Giant is very much there in the initiating post Bro.

Indians are just too unlike Chinese and Pakistanis. Think Indians can be taken out of the list. The rest of course may or may not stay, as they like.

About SCO, last time I read Indians were limiting there presence in SCO.

An old Goldman Sachs study 2003 perhaps suggested India at Number 3 in world pecking order. China of course at number one but in between was US.
Japan was a distant 4th the less said about the others the better for me. Possibly EU will become a political entity by then and EU could come in at 3rd but India would be only slightly lower.

Though I think there is risk only of a short sharp war with China. CPC has a vested interested in avoiding a long drawn out esclated situatioin that is exponentially more then everbody else in the world.
I think there is going to be a huge trade expansion. The smaller countries around India should not get there hopes down. There situation is going to improve dramatically in economic sense. Politically for these smaller countries, IMO it is pretty risky to make a guess. But the First 4 will keep themselves well armed.

Also IMO, Japs are likely to get caught in the Chinese orbit. They have missed out on there true potential and every choice has a consequence.

And oh someone mentioned situation getting out of the hands of Pakistanis. Bro most Indians hold the view that Chinese dont want to deal with the Indians directly that is why they outsourced the process to Pakistan. Big countries find it difficult to leave big businesses, you see big populations to feed and big populations _ _ _ _ there govts big time if not fed well enough.
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