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Whiteness of Shaheen Shah Afridi put under the spotlight by world's biggest alt-right website

Lol... Indian attractiveness is something that everyone is extremely familiar with world wide...Creating false reasons to make your self feel better won't change your height , facial look or skin color.
Skin colour of my people is lighter than 90% of you guys ...
Search Herrlich (1937) == mountain indid
Almost every attractive women have good jaws. It is a sign of healthy face... No one likes recessed chin , double chin.

But I don't blame you , when you are surrounded by women with no chin or jaw , everything other than that seems abnormal.

That's exactly what I'm saying.

Your racial version of beauty you are born into and grew up with culturally is what we call manly and frankly androgynous.
That's exactly what I'm saying.

Your racial version of beauty you are born into and grew up with culturally is what we call manly and frankly androgynous.
you arent familair with pakistani women than , if you think they are manly
Lol... Indian attractiveness is something that everyone is extremely familiar with world wide...Creating false reasons to make your self feel better won't change your height , facial look or skin color.
you shouldnt be insulting indians bro , everyone likes his own race and people, just like we like pakistanis , they like themsleves and beauty is subjective at the end of the day.
So you admit thing that make you different from afghans are little indian genes given by us ..
pakistan is diverse , you cant generalize us we have people as dark as tamils to as light as lightest afghans

There are two whole threads on this forum with your prettiest ladies.

And we see your common people on videos as well.
are you exposed with the full range in real life in flesh? if not you shouldnt be taking about it tbh.
pakistan is diverse , you cant generalize us we have people as dark as tamils to as light as lightest afghans

Case in point.

Katrina Kaif and Kareena Kapoor are two Indian girls who look like Pakistanis.

Take a poll of Indians to see how many of us think they are pretty.

Versus you know ...
pakistan is diverse , you cant generalize us we have people as dark as tamils to as light as lightest afghans
Ok but you can generalize
A tamil with a naga ..
A marathi with a dogra ...
A sikh man with a malabar christian ...
A andamanese tribal guy with a bhaiiya from up
Haan ?
We've won more international beauty competitions , women as well as men, than most traditional good looking countries.

Face it bro.

You are a land of weird white man faced women.

Lol , those competitions are not reflective of reality.

Are you telling me a shit skin ugly indian women like her ( https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url...ved=0CA0QjhxqFwoTCJCe8tWY4ugCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAI)

is better than an avg white american https://www.dreamstime.com/young-am...g-black-sleeve-low-cut-t-shirt-image119420921
pakistan is diverse , you cant generalize us we have people as dark as tamils to as light as lightest afghans

are you exposed with the full range in real life in flesh? if not you shouldnt be taking about it tbh.

Man how many of you are exposed to "full range" of Indian girls "in flesh"?
Case in point.

Katrina Kaif and Kareena Kapoor are two Indian girls who look like Pakistanis.

Take a poll of Indians to see how many of us think they are pretty.

Versus you know ...

Lol ... Both of these women have Pakistani genes in them.

One is a muslim and another is married to a muslim.

These women are anomalies and it is no wonder why they are so famous in bollywood.
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