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White House admits war with Iran

Iran's Quds force involvement in Iraq has been discussed in detail prior to your joining this site. Iran supplies money, training, equipment, and advisers to Shia groups in Iraq. Some of those Quds force operatives have been captured by U.S. forces. Along with papers and laptops showing Iran's involvement.

US releases Iranian Qods Force agents - The Long War Journal

"Both the Iraqi government and the US military have said Iran has backed various Shia terror groups inside Iraq, including elements of the Mahdi Army. While the Iranian government has denied the charges, Iraqi and US forces have detained dozens of Iranian Qods Force officers and operatives, captured numerous Shia terrorist leaders under Iranian command, and found ample documentation as well as Iranian-made and Iranian-supplied weapons."
what's your point?
Actually, what ceredibility do you have to say what we are allowed to do and what not to do?

You guys invented this game, we have perfected it.
cry me a river. If Canadians or the Swiss were giving me a hard time than I would back down, but you Americans need to stfu

biggest hypocrites on the planet.

Don't like the situation? Do something about it instead of bitc hing and moaning 24/7 like a bunch of 12 year old girls.
Unreasonable?..explain that.
we know jewish people like to stick up for uncle sam, but dont try and hide the truth, which usa has killed many innocent muslims.
USA saved more Muslims than any other country in the world. And keeps saving.
USA saved more Muslims than any other country in the world. And keeps saving.

US saved many muslims by invading several Islamic nations.
I love when extremists on this forum pull figures out of thing air.
Extremists? I am Christian and even 21 years after democracy I see what true capitalism is - destruction in order to get oil and opium.
Extremists? I am Christian and even 21 years after democracy I see what true capitalism is - destruction in order to get oil and opium.

"Let's launch a war so we can steal oil and opium."

"But sir, the cost of such an operation will cost a TRILLION $ and take at least a decade. We can BUY the same amount of oil on the open market for 2% of that cost. And OPIUM? WTF? We can buy all the legal opium we need from Tasmania and Turkey."

"DO IT! We are CAPITALISTS, and the world says that is what we do! We must keep up appearances!"

You must be really naive to think USA spread flowers and "freedom". Seriously, I think you must be brainwashed to think that USA fights for democracy.
Address my post then. Is there a logical flaw in it?

By definition, Capitalists seek profit. Where is the profit in spending a trillion dollars to obtain 20 billion worth of oil that is freely available on the open market? And what does OPIUM have to do with world geopolitics? There is plenty of legal opium out there for the pharmaceutical industry.

Are you implying criminal drug lords are influencing the U.S. decisions to employ the military?

Unfortunately for your theory, a simple Google search will reveal that the Iraqi oil contracts went to non-U.S. companies.
You tell me where is the profit. A simple google search will show that USA intervenes only in oil countries.

And who is talking about drug lords? Simple google search will show you that before the enduring of freedom Afghanistan never ever sold opium. Now it does.

Fortunately, even non-human thing like Google can disproof your theory.

Find a doctor A.S.AP.
You tell me where is the profit.
Nope...YOU tell US where is the profit for US from Iraq considering oil contracts were awarded to non-US companies.

A simple google search will show that USA intervenes only in oil countries.
Because as a resource, oil has global implications. Implying that there is profit does not automatically showed the parties making them.

And who is talking about drug lords? Simple google search will show you that before the enduring of freedom Afghanistan never ever sold opium. Now it does.
Now they are exercising their capitalist tendency. That does not show a direct relationship from US to opium growers.

Fortunately, even non-human thing like Google can disproof your theory.

Find a doctor A.S.AP.
Google can only present information. Exercise critical thinking A.S.A.P from what you find.
Oil is going to non - USA companies, and then goes to USA. Either way, USA is using Iraq oil.

Yeah, it shows Coallition direct relationship with the opium growers.

Presenting information can also disproof theories, don't you think like that? Exercised critical thinking long ago, maybe you should check your facts A.S.A.P?
Oil is going to non - USA companies, and then goes to USA. Either way, USA is using Iraq oil.
You gotta be kidding, right? Oil can be bought and sold through many intermediaries. By your so-called 'logic' you might as well track down every barrel of Iraqi oil and condemn the final user of that barrel.

Yeah, it shows Coallition direct relationship with the opium growers.

Presenting information can also disproof theories, don't you think like that? Exercised critical thinking long ago, maybe you should check your facts A.S.A.P?
Not from what I can see.
I don't intend to reply you anymore. Be happy with your computer running for 20 years more due to additional oil sent to USA. Good Luck.
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