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White American's fear of Indian IT workers


Dec 14, 2008
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United Kingdom
Samuel Frost
My experience with Indian IT workers
They are friendly and humble when they are in small number. On the surface, they would smile at you and be real friendly. When behind you, they will sabotage your career and try to take over. Once their percentage in the organisation increases, they will meet up regularly in groups to discuss strategy to take over. For example, an Indian manager would keep an underqualified Indian workers employed regardless of whether he does anything. Or he would move competent workers out of a project which is going well and put Indian workers in to take credit for the success. When it comes to performance review, an Indian manager would always find excuse to undervalue non Indian employees to sabotage them and writes shining reviews for his Indian staff.
Once Indians have taken over an organisation, they would establish a caste system of Brahmin priest caste as senior managers. The Brahmin would act all civilise as vegetarians non meat eaters while appoint lower caste Indians as middle management along with the Sikhs. The middle management Indians would be the ones who brutalise workers and do the bullying while the Brahmins just smiles and silently approve their discriminatory behaviour. The organisation will turn into a caste system as follow
Brahmin Indians
Middle caste Indians + Sikh Indians
Older whites
Young whites
Non Indian minorities.
Harassment of non Indians staff, in particular sexual harassment is not uncommon. Non Indians are deprive of career opportunities while bully to quit just so the Indians can import more Indians into the workplace using immigration loophole.
In the end they aim to take over our IT industry and replace all workers with Indians.

View 63 upvotes
Not Gonna lie, Indians have done great in America and its society. I know there are many who hate Pakistani's but I found many young/old/successful/labor (like me) to be extremely good people.

Here, I must share one personal experience, When I was moving to Florida from SC, I left SC very late and at around 9ish pm, I started to feel tired and exhausted, so much so that I feel that I can't drive anymore, after looking for a hotel for 2 hours while keep driving I finally found a hotel to spend the night and the guy was Indian, he told me he has no Room and last of his hotel room is booked and someone would be coming, When I told him that I am so tired and I am unable to drive he not just give the room he canceled the booking from the other person which I assume were some boys who were Traveling to Florida for Spring Break, he have me park my car in his private space so nothing would be stolen, and I was suppose to check out at 10 but he let me sleep until 10:30 and I left room at around 11:30ish, he also share some short cut routes with me, and his father and I talked about little politics between the countries.

I also met one Indian guy in Samsung Plant in SC, he was also pretty nice guy even though he often come to Samsung for special visits, he was one of the Engineer who designed and put standards for Samsung Washing Machine/Dryer Parts for Quality checks, he is always in hurry and often told me that we need to talk but we never get chance because when he comes to Plant for some changes I am working and by the time he leave then they tell us what changes are done and we have keep an eye on them.

Again, doesn't mean that there are all good Indians, there are always many haters and back bitters, and the hate they carry for Pakistan has no limit and for them I have nothing but Middle Finger.
Samuel Frost
My experience with Indian IT workers
They are friendly and humble when they are in small number. On the surface, they would smile at you and be real friendly. When behind you, they will sabotage your career and try to take over. Once their percentage in the organisation increases, they will meet up regularly in groups to discuss strategy to take over. For example, an Indian manager would keep an underqualified Indian workers employed regardless of whether he does anything. Or he would move competent workers out of a project which is going well and put Indian workers in to take credit for the success. When it comes to performance review, an Indian manager would always find excuse to undervalue non Indian employees to sabotage them and writes shining reviews for his Indian staff.
Once Indians have taken over an organisation, they would establish a caste system of Brahmin priest caste as senior managers. The Brahmin would act all civilise as vegetarians non meat eaters while appoint lower caste Indians as middle management along with the Sikhs. The middle management Indians would be the ones who brutalise workers and do the bullying while the Brahmins just smiles and silently approve their discriminatory behaviour. The organisation will turn into a caste system as follow
Brahmin Indians
Middle caste Indians + Sikh Indians
Older whites
Young whites
Non Indian minorities.
Harassment of non Indians staff, in particular sexual harassment is not uncommon. Non Indians are deprive of career opportunities while bully to quit just so the Indians can import more Indians into the workplace using immigration loophole.
In the end they aim to take over our IT industry and replace all workers with Indians.

View 63 upvotes

Wow this is exactly what happens as I have friends in Silicon Valley.

No Indian manager - when he gets to that post, will ever hire even other subcontinental folks like Pakistanis or Bangladeshis.

If they are compelled to - they MAY hire whites, but this is a one in a hundred situation.

These H1B people cry about prejudice and discrimination, but they are quite biased and discriminatory in hiring other non-Hindu people themselves, I am sorry to say.

Out of the dozen or so Bangladeshi friends I have working in Silicon Valley (almost all are highly placed brilliant a-listers from MIT/Harvard/Yale), all have had hundreds of mid-level manager interviews with companies like TCS, Infosys, WIPRO but never did even "one" land anything with Indian outsourcing companies. US contracting customers don't hold these backoffice people to hiring discrimination standards, which IMHO they should. These Indian companies are being paid for contract personnel which is easily 70% of the entire workforce of Silicon Valley. One type of visa (H1B) and only one country monopolizing it, India.

Of course my friends are not serious about working for these scammer outfits anyway. They know Indians will never give them jobs nor pay them proper salaries. These entire group of Indian back-office companies are just body-shops, and that too for cheap people who will only work at half the going rate.

I'd ask @RiazHaq bhai respectfully - to comment on this situation for Pakistanis in Silicon Valley as well.
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These caste system stories from American IT industry are certainly intriguing as hell. Of course there is no smoke without fire and there may have been cases of discrimination, but it is certainly blow out of proportion.

My wife is the CFO of a mid sized IT company in India and their constant headache is not getting enough people to staff. Heck, they will hire a crocodile if it can code. Being selective about staff is unheard of in India. If you suggest something like this on LinkedIn people will be aghast and will troll you for spreading nonsense. Caste discrimination is virtually absent in the private sector in India. Other forms of favouritism may be present, like regionalism, but only in small companies nowhere close to being endemic.
The quora article as well as the supportive comments here are completely uncalled for.
Many whites have been in the past affected by outsourcing but anyone who really knows how companies outsource know that really skilled and valuable workers are almost NEVER let go because of that. They're either retained or rebadged.
Many American companies have a huge problem of letting go of people with inappropriate skills or otherwise do not pull their weight. These people are the first ones listed out with outsourcing which helps reduce risks of litigation. Such people ofcourse believe their ouster is because Indians took their jobs.

My companies have hired Pakistanis BDs Srilankans Chinese Nigerians S.Africans Brits Irish Russians ...you name it. Origin race etc are never even mentioned .

Complete bogus allegation

Samuel Frost
My experience with Indian IT workers
They are friendly and humble when they are in small number. On the surface, they would smile at you and be real friendly. When behind you, they will sabotage your career and try to take over. Once their percentage in the organisation increases, they will meet up regularly in groups to discuss strategy to take over. For example, an Indian manager would keep an underqualified Indian workers employed regardless of whether he does anything. Or he would move competent workers out of a project which is going well and put Indian workers in to take credit for the success. When it comes to performance review, an Indian manager would always find excuse to undervalue non Indian employees to sabotage them and writes shining reviews for his Indian staff.
Once Indians have taken over an organisation, they would establish a caste system of Brahmin priest caste as senior managers. The Brahmin would act all civilise as vegetarians non meat eaters while appoint lower caste Indians as middle management along with the Sikhs. The middle management Indians would be the ones who brutalise workers and do the bullying while the Brahmins just smiles and silently approve their discriminatory behaviour. The organisation will turn into a caste system as follow
Brahmin Indians
Middle caste Indians + Sikh Indians
Older whites
Young whites
Non Indian minorities.
Harassment of non Indians staff, in particular sexual harassment is not uncommon. Non Indians are deprive of career opportunities while bully to quit just so the Indians can import more Indians into the workplace using immigration loophole.
In the end they aim to take over our IT industry and replace all workers with Indians.

View 63 upvotes
Samuel Frost ? Ha ha ha ..
Samuel Frost (January 14, 1765 – October 31, 1793[1]), was an American murderer who was acquitted of murdering his father, and later convicted of murdering a man named Captain Elisha Allen. He was then hanged at his highly publicized execution on October 31, 1793
Pakistani or not, I don't know. But 100% disgruntled desi. The way 'he' has described the levels of staffing by caste reeks desi.
the obsession is real. Look at how the thread has been started , off a quora comment.
Losers trying to bring Indians down instead of trying to improve themselves. Cant blame them , their culture is toxic.
the obsession is real. Look at how the thread has been started , off a quora comment.
Losers trying to bring Indians down instead of trying to improve themselves. Cant blame them , their culture is toxic.

Indian IT industry and manpower is huge. Some bad apples will always be there. I find it intriguing how Americans know the caste of the oppressors, beneficiaries and the victims, when many Indians themselves won't know.

The truth is that successful Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the IT industry will never badmouth other communities. Only the losers will. I follow both Syed Balkhi (a Wordpress guru) and Sal Khan (a teaching legend) on LinkedIn. Syed is a Pakistani and Sal a Bangladeshi. Nothing that they ever post has the remotest hint of resentment. This forum either has many losers who couldn't make it, or people who have nothing to do with the IT industry and talk on anecdotal nonsense. In fact IT is an industry that you can remotely comment upon only if you have worked in it. Conversely, if you haven't, the lack of understanding is betrayed immediately.
Wow this is exactly what happens as I have friends in Silicon Valley.

No Indian manager - when he gets to that post, will ever hire even other subcontinental folks like Pakistanis or Bangladeshis.

If they are compelled to - they MAY hire whites, but this is a one in a hundred situation.

These H1B people cry about prejudice and discrimination, but they are quite biased and discriminatory in being generous in hiring others, themselves, I am sorry to say.

Out of the dozen or so Bangladeshi friends I have working in Silicon Valley (almost all are highly placed brilliant a-listers from MIT/Harvard/Yale), all have had hundreds of mid-level manager interviews with companies like TCS, Infosys, WIPRO but never did even "one" landed anything with Indian companies. US contracting customers don't hold these people to hiring discrimination standards.

Of course my friends are not serious about working for these scammer outfits anyway. They know Indians will never give them jobs. These entire group of companies are just body-shops, and that too for cheap people who will only work at half the going rate.

I'd ask @RiazHaq bhai respectfully - to comment on this situation for Pakistanis in Silicon Valley as well.

Racism, caste-ism and Islamophobia are very prevalent among upper caste Hindus in Silicon Valley.

Both caste and religious discrimination are rampant among Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley. Back in 2009, there was a religious discrimination lawsuit filed against Vigai, a South Indian restaurant in Silicon Valley. In the lawsuit filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court, Abdul Rahuman, 44, and Nowsath Malik Shaw, 39, both of San Jose, alleged they were harassed for being Muslim by Vaigai's two owners, a manager and a top chef — a violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News.

According to the complaint, restaurant personnel regularly used ethnic slurs such as "Thulakkan," a pejorative term for Muslims in Sri Lankan Tamil dialect, to harass the two Muslim cooks. Also according to the complaint, restaurant staff were encouraged to call the plaintiffs by names such as "Rajan" or "Nagraj" under the pretext of not wanting to upset customers who might stop patronizing the restaurant if they heard the men referred to by their Muslim names.

"Dominant castes who pride themselves as being only of merit have just converted their caste capital into positions of power throughout the Silicon Valley," says Thenmozhi Soundarajan of Equality Labs. Vast majority of Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley support India's Islamophobic Prime MInister Narendra Modi. Modi held a huge rally at a large venue in Silicon Valley where he received a rousing welcome in 2015.

Do Indians really ruin a lot of western companies or they are just scapegoats?

Companies ruined or almost ruined by Indians;
  • Adaptec - Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
  • AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
  • AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
  • Apple - R&D CLOSED in India in 2006.
  • Apple - Foreign guest worker "Helen" Hung Ma caused the disastrous MobileMe product rollout.
  • Australia's National Australia Bank (Outsourced jobs to India in 2007, nationwide ATM and account failure in late 2010).
  • Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
  • Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
  • Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)
  • Caymas - Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
  • ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
  • Dell - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Delta call centers (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Fannie Mae- Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty.
  • GM - Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
  • HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
  • Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
  • Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
  • Microsoft - Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it's lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
  • Microsoft - Lian Yang, Microsoft-Contracted Engineer, Arrested in Smuggling Plot After Another FBI Sting in Portland in 2010
  • MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
  • PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
  • Qantas - See AirBus above
  • Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
  • Rolls Royce (Sent aircraft engine work to India in 2006, engines delayed for Boeing 787, and failed on at least 2 Quantas planes in 2010, cost Rolls $500m).
  • Skype ( Yarlagadda fired)
  • State of Indiana $867 billion FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
  • State of Texas failed IBM project.
  • Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, has to be sold off to Oracle).
  • United - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
  • Visium Asset Management - Sanjay Valvani Insider trading
  • World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).
Racism, caste-ism and Islamophobia are very prevalent among upper caste Hindus in Silicon Valley.

Both caste and religious discrimination are rampant among Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley. Back in 2009, there was a religious discrimination lawsuit filed against Vigai, a South Indian restaurant in Silicon Valley. In the lawsuit filed in Santa Clara County Superior Court, Abdul Rahuman, 44, and Nowsath Malik Shaw, 39, both of San Jose, alleged they were harassed for being Muslim by Vaigai's two owners, a manager and a top chef — a violation of the Fair Employment and Housing Act, according to a report in the San Jose Mercury News.

According to the complaint, restaurant personnel regularly used ethnic slurs such as "Thulakkan," a pejorative term for Muslims in Sri Lankan Tamil dialect, to harass the two Muslim cooks. Also according to the complaint, restaurant staff were encouraged to call the plaintiffs by names such as "Rajan" or "Nagraj" under the pretext of not wanting to upset customers who might stop patronizing the restaurant if they heard the men referred to by their Muslim names.

"Dominant castes who pride themselves as being only of merit have just converted their caste capital into positions of power throughout the Silicon Valley," says Thenmozhi Soundarajan of Equality Labs. Vast majority of Indian-Americans in Silicon Valley support India's Islamophobic Prime MInister Narendra Modi. Modi held a huge rally at a large venue in Silicon Valley where he received a rousing welcome in 2015.

Well put Riaz bhai. As always - we depend on you as a source for how discriminatory Hindutva is unfortunately spreading like an epidemic even in a liberal place like Silicon Valley and how Indian managers are keeping it prevalent as a widespread practice despite US labor laws completely against such practices. Indians have done a fine job of pulling the wool over White American eyes on how discriminatory and prejudiced they really are, but now it is our job as non-Indians to lift off that mask and show the world how they really are.

If needed - we can join forces with certain disgruntled American groups who have faced replacement of employment at the hands of Indian Americans. I will find their contact information and send it to you.

We should make this as visible as possible in various Silicon Valley companies by contacting the EEOC. Of course EEOC laws are sub-par (enforcement and audits for minority employment ratios in companies certainly are) but public demonstrations, sit-ins and other mechanisms (along with disgruntled non-Indian and Indian under-caste minorities who make a great spectacle and news story) will help.

Here is the EEOC's address. They are a loser organization of course, but they are responsible.

Do Indians really ruin a lot of western companies or they are just scapegoats?
Companies ruined or almost ruined by Indians;
  • Adaptec - Indian CEO Subramanian Sundaresh fired.
  • AIG (signed outsourcing deal in 2007 in Europe with Accenture Indian frauds, collapsed in 2009)
  • AirBus (Qantas plane plunged 650 feet injuring passengers when its computer system written by India disengaged the auto-pilot).
  • Apple - R&D CLOSED in India in 2006.
  • Apple - Foreign guest worker "Helen" Hung Ma caused the disastrous MobileMe product rollout.
  • Australia's National Australia Bank (Outsourced jobs to India in 2007, nationwide ATM and account failure in late 2010).
  • Bell Labs (Arun Netravalli took over, closed, turned into a shopping mall)
  • Boeing Dreamliner ES software (written by HCL, banned by FAA)
  • Bristol-Myers-Squibb (Trade Secrets and documents stolen in U.S. by Indian national guest worker)
  • Caymas - Startup run by Indian CEO, French director of dev, Chinese tech lead. Closed after 5 years of sucking VC out of America.
  • ComAir crew system run by 100% Indian IT workers caused the 12/25/05 U.S. airport shutdown when they used a short int instead of a long int
  • Dell - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Delta call centers (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Fannie Mae- Hired large numbers of Indians, had to be bailed out. Indian logic bomb creator found guilty.
  • GM - Was booming in 2006, signed $300 million outsourcing deal with Wipro that same year, went bankrupt 3 years later
  • HSBC ATMs (software taken over by Indians, failed in 2006)
  • Intel Whitefield processor project (cancelled, Indian staff canned)
  • Lehman (Spectramind software bought by Wipro, ruined, trashed by Indian programmers)
  • Microsoft - Employs over 35,000 H-1Bs. Stock used to be $100. Today it's lucky to be over $25. Not to mention that Vista thing.
  • Microsoft - Lian Yang, Microsoft-Contracted Engineer, Arrested in Smuggling Plot After Another FBI Sting in Portland in 2010
  • MIT Media Lab Asia (canceled)
  • PeopleSoft (Taken over by Indians in 2000, collapsed).
  • Qantas - See AirBus above
  • Quark (Alukah Kamar CEO, fired, lost 60% of its customers to Adobe because Indian-written QuarkExpress 6 was a failure)
  • Rolls Royce (Sent aircraft engine work to India in 2006, engines delayed for Boeing 787, and failed on at least 2 Quantas planes in 2010, cost Rolls $500m).
  • Skype ( Yarlagadda fired)
  • State of Indiana $867 billion FAILED IBM project, IBM being sued
  • State of Texas failed IBM project.
  • Sun Micro (Taken over by Indian and Chinese workers in 2001, collapsed, has to be sold off to Oracle).
  • United - call center (closed in India because Premji's conmen don't even know how to use telephones, let alone computers)
  • Virgin Atlantic (software written in India caused cloud IT failure)
  • Visium Asset Management - Sanjay Valvani Insider trading
  • World Bank (Indian fraudsters BANNED for 3 years because they stole data).

The primary reason is Resume Fakery by Indians.

I am sorry - but I have seen no better masters at resume padding than most Indian H1Bs. They lie at every turn whether during a job interview or while trying to keep a job.

Of course they have nothing to lose, looking at where they come from, where dog-eat-dog is the norm of business in India.

Every risk is acceptable, including lying through your teeth to get a CEO post and all the way up to sinking a company.
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Indian IT industry and manpower is huge. Some bad apples will always be there. I find it intriguing how Americans know the caste of the oppressors, beneficiaries and the victims, when many Indians themselves won't know.

The truth is that successful Pakistanis and Bangladeshis in the IT industry will never badmouth other communities. Only the losers will. I follow both Syed Balkhi (a Wordpress guru) and Sal Khan (a teaching legend) on LinkedIn. Syed is a Pakistani and Sal a Bangladeshi. Nothing that they ever post has the remotest hint of resentment. This forum either has many losers who couldn't make it, or people who have nothing to do with the IT industry and talk on anecdotal nonsense. In fact IT is an industry that you can remotely comment upon only if you have worked in it. Conversely, if you haven't, the lack of understanding is betrayed immediately.
I have lived with INDIAN ROOMMATES
I still live with 2 INDIAN ROOMMATES
Trust me when above article says INDIANS ARE VIRUS INFESTED FULL OF HASTE especially to PAKISTANI's

Also while I was employed by IT company, the Indians were trying to purge me & few other Pakistanis
but they failed, I left that company on my own.
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