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Which side should Pakistan support in Russia-Ukraine war?

Which side should Pakistan support in Russia-Ukraine war?

  • Support Russia-China alliance

    Votes: 28 21.9%
  • Support NATO-Turkiye-Ukraine Alliance

    Votes: 12 9.4%
  • Stay Neutral

    Votes: 88 68.8%

  • Total voters
Wrong analogy, We like Rus and UKR yes were part of single state in past however unlike us, Russia views entirety of Ukraine as its rightful historical territory with both countries originating from historic state of Kievan Rus. Russia wants Ukraine (as well as all other slavic countries) to remain in its sphere of influence as head of slavic world either as part of Russian Federation or a client state. The thought of any of those countries would ally with its enemies against their Slavic brethen is blasphemous for Russia. We ( Ind & Pak ) don't have that level of sentiments.
How’s that any different from Akhand Baharat?

And India claiming the IWC, and all the other civilisations that were centred in Pakistan?
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The thought of any of those countries would ally with its enemies against their Slavic brethen is blasphemous for Russia. We ( Ind & Pak ) don't have that level of sentiments.

There is not much common between Pakistan and India. We are more closers to Persians and Turks.
There is not much common between Pakistan and India. We are more closers to Persians and Turks.
Depends on which region of Pakistan you're from, people east of Indus are closer to Indian while other side are not

All in all we are unique and not same to same with anyone one of our neighbors be it Afghan or India, it's unfair to pin our country to anyother country on earth
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Depends on which region of Pakistan you're from, people east of Indus are closer to Indian while other side are not

All in all we are unique and not same to same with anyone one of our neighbors be it Afghan or India, it's unfair to pin our country to anyother country on earth

Yes. The food, the marriage customs, the skin tones, the curse words, the jokes and much else is more common between people of north west India and Pakistanis east of Indus river--and the bulk of Pakistanis live east of Indus river. West of Indus, the people tend to be more Middle Eastern or central Asian in social norms. Most Pakistanis east of Indus are able to more understand the various languages spoken in those regions and vice versa with people of north western India. Punjabi, Urdu, Sindhi and many others. But Pashto and Baluchi languages are not that easy to follow for most of Pakistanis living east of Indus river. Lines drawn by men some 70 odd years ago won't change the geographical facts written over countless centuries.
Coming back to the topic: Of course Pakistan should stay neutral! And as some other have suggested here, China is not going to too far in supporting Russia. The big three powers--USA, China and Russia--know how to throw their weight around against each other without going too far. You know that Russia maintains 'strategic ambiguity' about its relations with the West and China--Russia can change its posture for or against the West and China as the need comes. Similarly, It is a big gain for China to have America focused on issues like Ukraine and America draining its resources in the Middle East over Israel--just as it is a gain for China to have Pakistan keeping India occupied. The Ukraine crisis is good news for China.
Also, Pakistan is still a major non-NATO ally.

Lol, with 'friends' like these, who needs enemies..

Pakistan should stay neutral, I do have sympathies for Ukraine, but it's in Pakistan's strategic interests that the global hegemony tips to the Sino-Russian favor as clearly the west is no friend of Pakistan, and thus we would benefit more from a multi-polar world. That said I do hope no war happens in Ukraine though..
Recognize Donbass because that could help you with Russia's position on Kashmir and then order some armored vehicles and AA systems to piss the Indians off. You can get Russian favor easier,because the Indians will probably not recognize Donbass and not help Russia in any way,like always.

It's your chance to get influence with Russia. You will piss off the Indians. And Ukraine is a sinking ship so don't worry.

Besides,were the Americans going to give you more F-16s or Patriot systems? F-35s? Help you in a war? No.
Recognize Donbass because that could help you with Russia's position on Kashmir and then order some armored vehicles and AA systems to piss the Indians off. You can get Russian favor easier,because the Indians will probably not recognize Donbass and not help Russia in any way,like always.

It's your chance to get influence with Russia. You will piss off the Indians. And Ukraine is a sinking ship so don't worry.

Besides,were the Americans going to give you more F-16s or Patriot systems? F-35s? Help you in a war? No.

AVs :rofl::rofl: We are loaded in arms besides russia doesn't sell high end.. We are covered as far as weapons go.. we got our industry plus china and turkey spamming tech..

We are neutral here.. India is irrelevant but it is our trade interests that come first we don't want unnecessarily trade blocks recognizing woulcd mean that and not even china will recognize and I saw it few mins ago there statement
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AVs :rofl::rofl: We are loaded in arms besides russia doesn't sell high end.. We are covered as far as weapons go.. we got our industry plus china and turkey spamming tech
But that's not the point. The point is to get deals with Russia.
There is not much common between Pakistan and India. We are more closers to Persians and Turks.
What exactly do you have in common with Turks?

AVs :rofl::rofl: We are loaded in arms besides russia doesn't sell high end.. We are covered as far as weapons go.. we got our industry plus china and turkey spamming tech..

We are neutral here.. India is irrelevant but it is our trade interests that come first we don't want unnecessarily trade blocks recognizing woulcd mean that and not even china will recognize and I saw it few mins ago there statement
Does anyone else thinks this guy is alt of @Titanium?
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