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Which country do Indian think you shall get closer tie with?

which country you prefer to make better friendship

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Are you that naive to think West will look at you as trade option? even when BRICS common currency is done? Why would West want to lose its superiority or the lifestyle they maintian? They will do everything in their power to scuttle sucha project, already they tried a lot to scuttle EUROPEAN UNION AND Euro.
once their Dollar loses power they lose their bargaining power.

First dont use the term WEST WEST as per ur convenient first go check which countries comes in WEST
boss come to 21st century there is only TRADE IMPORTANCE not LIKE THEY WANT HEGEMONY/SUPERIORITY/bla bla bla has no meaning
exactly,only a fool or naive person will think otherwise

once the BRICS bank comes into being we will be perceived as enemy to their hegemony
The reason West keeps Asia not united or settle their differences is they fear once they settle their differences peacefully, they will lose their No.1 Spot in the world. That is the reason it regularly keep the pot boiling by engaging wars in Asia, or turning one country against another, this is precisely the trick used by British to control India,Divide and conquer, if we haven't learnt yet from our history then history will repeat itself.
Just look at Kashmir issue, On one hand west says its all for it to be resolved peacefully, but supplies weapons to Pakistan which it knows are primarily aimed at India and sells weapons to India creating another boogeyman,West is running with the hares and hunting with the hounds.

First dont use the term WEST WEST as per ur convenient first go check which countries comes in WEST
boss come to 21st century there is only TRADE IMPORTANCE not LIKE THEY WANT HEGEMONY/SUPERIORITY/bla bla bla has no meaning
I used the term West to denote the NATO alliance, they dont consider mexico,south america as west only the Nato alliance and its members.
as this is deference forum, i will consider Russia and China.
actually i hate Chinese PDF member's but China because only we both can keep western countries out of Asia.
hope you guys understand.

thats the need of the hour

usa can turn against us at any moment as the history suggests.

its the ally of japan,south korea,saudi arabia etc at a huge cost

it has its military bases in all these countries
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So most ppl think USA not reliable,stupid policies....etc i dont say usa doesn't have but IF INDIA ANTAGONIZE USA then usa for her strategic need pamper PAK/LANKA/BURMA/BANGLA by giving tech/arms freely to these countries then u will see 1980 picture of india same sh** hole

allow me to give long but honest answer.

the common person of india has no qualm with china, infact hearts of heart see it as a bigger brother. we look up to economic reform and policy of deng despite your cold war alliance with nixon. admire and respect independent standpoint of china today but at same time wary of limited border war so we build up defensive measure in case (but no territory ambition in reality, only flared rhetoric for political purpose). honestly, many are discontented as india could not achieve what china has done with four fold economic progress than us, but it is no hard feeling.. only want to learn and try to emulate. it's the failure/mismanagement by our political class.

here on forum some indian may make fun of made in china and some chinese member maybe laugh at indian as low iq or dark skin, but in real life the only people who help indian in my experience are the east asian and east european. even meet for first time at work or college they help whereas others tend to ignore on first impression. other civilizations get little mention in our vedic texts but chin (qin) is written as great people with rich culture across the mountains.

there are some indian with inferiority complex and so try to whitewash our colonial past or cold war enmity with america/west, and try to adopt their culture and forget our culture because of brainwash. you can see other asian countries experience this also. but there is a strong constituency for closer ties with china and russia, and to remain apprehensive of the west which always backstabbed us. now with this incident hopefully it will become more clear for the braindead sheep.

RIC (Russia, China and India) Trilateral is what nato fears most and always try to sabotage it by infiltrating and buying off our corrupt politicians. but we boot them out soon, dont worry. they already start trumpeting about modi human right before he elected, just like they did with putin and uncle Hu. but if he come in power you will see new dawn in China relations with India. He is right wing so would settle border dispute without much opposition (such as accept present ground positions as border- you keep aksai chin, we keep arunachal). Also would persuade tibetans to accept as part of china as this is only solution in long term (middle path).

We are part of Asiatic realm, and always have been. we are not arab/muslamic/middle east like pakistan or afghanistan. Slowly we will realize where our geographic realities and future is, but until then you will have to be tolerant of some foolish politician on our side.
I would like to say your statement is excellent with profound vision there. I think China and India shal get closer if the border dispute could be solved in the future. Hope Xi and Modi will work on it in a both-accpeted way. Very logical analysis and nice writing skil.

Hello boss come to 21st century WEST or any developed nation look EVERYONE AS A TRADE OPTION
Hello boss come to 21st century border dispute aside i stand what i said with CCP no closer ties possible look at china ties with pak/nkorea just CCP MASTERS AND :p:
FYi, the recent relationship between CHina and North Korea is like Sh$t because Kim refused to reform and open market. China won't agree North Korea possessing nuclear weapon to threat the stability of the Korean peninsular. CCP now is not somewhat like it was 60 years ago. We share more common value with South Korea than North Korea as of now. All Chinese yong generation wants democracy in China, but we have our own way to envolve without sacrificing the stability of the giant country. Hope you could understand.
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So most ppl think USA not reliable,stupid policies....etc i dont say usa doesn't have but IF INDIA ANTAGONIZE USA then usa for her strategic need pamper PAK/LANKA/BURMA/BANGLA by giving tech/arms freely to these countries then u will see 1980 picture of india same sh** hole

u must get few lessons in english first before commenting here
thats the need of the hour

usa can turn against us at any moment as the history suggests.

its the ally of japan,south korea,saudi arabia etc at a huge cost
it has its military bases in all these countries
India is a great country who refuse to let USA station army on its land to show a determination for being independant. Without the instigation and verbal promise from USA and Soviet Union, how Nehru made his mind to push foward policy against CHina?? Every leader has his aspiration to expand, but Nehru was cheated by those bada$$, it leads to the pathetic relationship between China and India in the last 60 years. I always looking foward to a better relationship with India, as some Chinese members here deems me as treason.

A fine relationship with India is extremely important cause we are firendly nation in the last thousand years. 1962 was just a glitch, just let it go. Even brothers fight for interest some time, so as India and Pakistan.
FYi, the recent relationship between CHina and North Korea is like Sh$t because Kim refused to reform and open market. China won't agree North Korea possessing nuclear weapon to threat the stability of the Korean peninsular. CCP now is not somewhat like it was 60 years ago. We share more common value with South Korea than North Korea as of now. All Chinese yong generation wants democracy in China, but we have our own way to envolve without sacrificing the stability of the giant country. Hope you could understand.

dont say cock &bull stories without china support NKOREA stupids dont have a capability to RULE NKOREA for a week

common values :rofl::rofl: liberalisation/democracy/free media..... 100 i can say

u know i always think china has a capability to challenge usa but not with CCP look at taiwan... for sake think 1.3 bn taiwaneese r there in china. and china will become a giant tech wonder but with CCP:suicide2::suicide:
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India is a great country who refuse to let USA station army on its land to show a determination for being independant. Without the instigation and verbal promise from USA and Soviet Union, how Nehru made his mind to push foward policy against CHina?? Every leader has his aspiration to expand, but Nehru was cheated by those bada$$, it leads to the pathetic relationship between China and India in the last 60 years. I always looking foward to a better relationship with India, as some Chinese members here deems me as treason.

A fine relationship with India is extremely important cause we are firendly nation in the last thousand years. 1962 was just a glitch, just let it go. Even brothers fight for interest some time, so as India and Pakistan.

What is the general sentiment vis a vis Sino-Indian relations on the Chinese parts of the Internet?
dont say cock &bull stories without china support NKOREA stupids dont have a capability to RULE NKOREA in a week

common values :rofl::rofl: liberalisation/democracy/free media..... 100 i can say
Trip to Korea and they will tell you how they percieve Chinese.

What is the general sentiment vis a vis Sino-Indian relations on the Chinese parts of the Internet?
Due to the current tension along the border, central mendia sometimes broadcast some negative news about India. In the goverment level, the relationship is improving. We people never hate Indians and we don't have any specific mention of India vs China conflict in 1962. As long as India shows some sincere desire to improve relationship, i think CCp will very much like to respond positively. We treated Indian friendly in China, not like Japanese.
I chose China as I feel our dispute here is just a clash of egos and can be solved in a meaningful way. Better ties with China ARE POSSIBLE. As for Russia and US, we already have good relations with them. And Pakistan? LOL.
dont say cock &bull stories without china support NKOREA stupids dont have a capability to RULE NKOREA for a week

common values :rofl::rofl: liberalisation/democracy/free media..... 100 i can say

u know i always think china has a capability to challenge usa but not with CCP look at taiwan... for sake think 1.3 bn taiwaneese r there in china. and china will become a giant tech wonder but with CCP:suicide2::suicide:
Cold war mentality, time has changed.

I chose China as I feel our dispute here is just a clash of egos and can be solved in a meaningful way. Better ties with China ARE POSSIBLE. As for Russia and US, we already have good relations with them. And Pakistan? LOL.

The reason why you hate pakistan so much? any room for improvement?
Although we got off on the wrong feet, but now both goverment become more mature than 1962. I think the relationship will keep improving if India goverment could get rid of the cold war mentality. How do Indian members percieve Modi's standing when it comes to China?

yes time&NAME also changed now it is called CONTAIN CHINA
Contain China or Contain India is never gonna be possible. They just try to slow down the growth of both countries by instigating them containing each other. Who doesnt know the dirty plot of those westerners?
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