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Which Bangladeshi Political Party do you support?

Seeing all BD members view it seems that same bal, bnp cycle is going to continue. Thanks to Bangladeshi peoples' gold fish memory :tongue: . Next term prince Tarek is going to rule, another record of fascism, corruption...and then again anti govt. movement. It's a cool two-party democratic :cheesy: ruling system (1st world fantasy). Of course there's still a fair election issue, if it's a fair election like 2008 (some people came to know the result in advance and exactly that was the result!!!), definitely great democratic bal will come again. Next term they have hunger for Navy and Air Force officials, only 74 army officers' lives didn't meet their thirst :no: :yahoo: .

Bro, its a well known fact that 2008 election was heavily rigged. Many people returned without
being able to cast their vote thanks to digital voter list made by MUA-FUA backed EC. BAL never
won any election free and fair. They always won by creating some abnormal situation before
elections. In 1996 it was the Janatar Moncho drama and in 2008 it was BAL's 28 august
logi-baita terror that bought the MUA-FUA regime in power. Off course all these was made
possible by BNP's incompetence and stupidity in dealing with the terror known as BAL.
Are you trying to instigate a response in kind? When BJP won election in your country did you all Indians suddenly turn into Hindu Fundamentalists?

No, that is the norm here. I did not use even a single original adjective, those words are commonly used by your compatriots here, I just repeated them. Anyone who isn't vehemently against AL is termed as a Bharti dalal by your countrymen here. It seems everything in BD politics revolves around whether you are for or against India. That may not be true but that's the impression one gets from the posts of most of the BD members on this site.
No, that is the norm here. I did not use even a single original adjective, those words are commonly used by your compatriots here, I just repeated them. Anyone who isn't vehemently against AL is termed as a Bharti dalal by your countrymen here. It seems everything in BD politics revolves around whether you are for or against India. That may not be true but that's the impression one gets from the posts of most of the BD members on this site.

The odd one attracts attention and we ignore the nine everyday normal guys - this is natural. Btw, so far I've seen only one BD poster objecting to Tagore's works. Otherwise his literary works are very popular among the educated class irrespective of the level of religiosity.
The odd one attracts attention and we ignore the nine everyday normal guys - this is natural.

That is not true, it's actually the other way round and ironically the guy who thanked your post is one of the biggest Indophobe and Hinduphobe here. :lol:
Seeing all BD members view it seems that same bal, bnp cycle is going to continue. Thanks to Bangladeshi peoples' gold fish memory :tongue: . Next term prince Tarek is going to rule, another record of fascism, corruption...and then again anti govt. movement. It's a cool two-party democratic :cheesy: ruling system (1st world fantasy). Of course there's still a fair election issue, if it's a fair election like 2008 (some people came to know the result in advance and exactly that was the result!!!), definitely great democratic bal will come again. Next term they have hunger for Navy and Air Force officials, only 74 army officers' lives didn't meet their thirst :no: :yahoo: .

I think our national psyche can be put in the same category as that of sub-saharan Africans. This idolizing mentality and loyalty to dynasties is sickening.

Being a small country is no excuse. Look at the East Asian small countries (minus NK). Far more progressive societies with virtually no inclination towards religious statehood.

Being born as a country only recently is no excuse. Vietnam was in tatters during the 70s. Today they're attracting a whole lot of FDI and their GDP/capita is 4 times ours.

This very same politics exists in Pakistan and India to a lesser extent, but then again I don't see these countries as the best examples. But learning from India would be a good start because we have a similar social fabric.
I think our national psyche can be put in the same category as that of sub-saharan Africans. This idolizing mentality and loyalty to dynasties is sickening.

Being a small country is no excuse. Look at the East Asian small countries (minus NK). Far more progressive societies with virtually no inclination towards religious statehood.

Being born as a country only recently is no excuse. Vietnam was in tatters during the 70s. Today they're attracting a whole lot of FDI and their GDP/capita is 4 times ours.

This very same politics exists in Pakistan and India to a lesser extent, but then again I don't see these countries as the best examples. But learning from India would be a good start because we have a similar social fabric.

Vietnam is no vassal state of China. The first order of business for Bangladesh is to stop being a vassal state under India's control. Bangladesh leaders will only be from Bangladeshi gene pool, we cannot bring Koreans, Japanese or Vietnamese here yet, so that indeed is a limiting factor, like any other South Asian country.
Vietnam is no vassal state of China. The first order of business for Bangladesh is to stop being a vassal state under India's control. Bangladesh leaders will only be from Bangladeshi gene pool, we cannot bring Koreans, Japanese or Vietnamese here yet, so that indeed is a limiting factor, like any other South Asian country.

Scapegoating again. We're in this state because we're stupid. Africans would always try to explain their situation by scapegoating certain armed groups. But any outsider can easily see it's their own stupidity that keeps them inside a viscous cycle of civil wars.
Scapegoating again. We're in this state because we're stupid. Africans would always try to explain their situation by scapegoating certain armed groups. But any outsider can easily see it's their own stupidity that keeps them inside a viscous(sic) cycle of civil wars.

So we Bangladeshi's are stupid like Africans. Whats the solution then? Follow orders and examples of smart Indians next door?

How many layers of racism is there in this statement? Racism against Africans, racism against fellow Bangladeshis or is it for any particular religion or religious people in general?
So we Bangladeshi's are stupid like Africans. Whats the solution then? Follow orders and examples of smart Indians next door?

How many layers of racism is there in this statement? Racism against Africans, racism against fellow Bangladeshis or is it for any particular religion or religious people in general?

Let's not get personal. Instead try using some logic to counter my arguments. Just to clarify a few things:

- Yes all races are not created equal. Let's prove we're better than most, shall we?

- Who elected BAL? Just like you BNP fanboys, BAL fanboys have their own reasons and they never doubt their convictions, not at all unlike you guys! ;p

- BD can never get rid of Indian influence! It's better if we find a way to protect our interest without fueling enmity.

- A society cannot run under the whims and wishes of idealistic individuals. All ideologies fail. Perfect communism failed. Perfect Laissez-faire economy is impractical. The sooner you rid yourself of your homemade ideologies (the future is ASEAN, getting rid of BAL is Panacea, etc etc..), the more realistic you'll sound. Just an advice kid.
Let's not get personal. Instead try using some logic to counter my arguments. Just to clarify a few things:

- Yes all races are not created equal. Let's prove we're better than most, shall we?

- Who elected BAL? Just like you BNP fanboys, BAL fanboys have their own reasons and they never doubt their convictions, not at all unlike you guys! ;p

- BD can never get rid of Indian influence! It's better if we find a way to protect our interest without fueling enmity.

- A society cannot run under the whims and wishes of idealistic individuals. All ideologies fail. Perfect communism failed. Perfect Laissez-faire economy is impractical. The sooner you rid yourself of your homemade ideologies (the future is ASEAN, getting rid of BAL is Panacea, etc etc..), the more realistic you'll sound. Just an advice kid.

I used to rant like you, bro. You have to support one party...BAL or BNP, otherwise you risk being "na ghorar na ghater"...in this case rajakar or indian dalal....you can't survive being both, bro.
I used to rant like you, bro. You have to support one party...BAL or BNP, otherwise you risk being "na ghorar na ghater"...in this case rajakar or indian dalal....you can't survive being both, bro.

No we don't have to. I used to believe there's no alternative. We have to create awareness and launch massive movements (somehow..). Bangladeshis are a lazy bunch and don't risk their lives unless push comes to shove. In '71, our soldiers and civilians took arms only after PA shoved bayonets up our ar$e. ;p

Mark my words, BD's future, at this rate, looks very bleak. When $hit finally breaks loose, BAL fanboys would blame BNP and BNP fanboys would blame BAL, as typical of backward societies.
No we don't have to. I used to believe there's no alternative. We have to create awareness and launch massive movements (somehow..). Bangladeshis are a lazy bunch and don't risk their lives unless push comes to shove. In '71, our soldiers and civilians took arms only after PA shoved bayonets up our ar$e. ;p

Mark my words, BD's future, at this rate, looks very bleak. When $hit finally breaks loose, BAL fanboys would blame BNP and BNP fanboys would blame BAL, as typical of backward societies.

Best of luck!.....its also a kool thing to do for the younger generation these days, especially ones living outside or from english medium...but as time passes they all join one or the other..or do both depending on which you get more benefits from.
Only thing I can detect from this "Bangladeshi":

- racism towards Africans
- racism towards fellow Bangladeshi's, calling all of us stupid
- massive superiority complex, similar to his delusional Indian friends
- disrespect and frequent insulting of other Bangladeshi members, trashing ideas and calling people kid, just like his delusional Indian friends
- plans to start grass roots movements and create a third force like MUA/FUA, which already failed once and handed power to RAWamy traitors

Who is going to fund this grass roots effort? India, China, USA or any other country? Or is it going to come from his own pocket or some other Bangladeshi rich men? Do we have a few extra billions laying around?

If any movement starts in Bangladesh, we would be better off keeping this kind of people out of it, in my opinion.
Brining up a party from the scratch would atleast take 1000 crore and atleast 5 years to establish a decent....who is going to fork out that 1000 crore over a period of 5 years....anyone who does would seek return of their investment and then the cycle continues.
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