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Where did Jinnah’s Pakistan go?

Post One:

Sadly, more than Jinnah's Pakistan, Zia's Pakistan exists today.......... whatever the case, it's up to us to fulfill Jinnah's vision......... we shall be it's long term legacy......... not some militant orthodox mindset.......... it's up to us to fight back for our rights and fulfill Jinnah's vision and the hope he placed in its future generations............. status quo, at present, is not an option.........

Post two (reply):

Other than Quran, nothing is sacred. Not even Hadees (it's not Hadeeth, Arab wannabe).................. Btw, I'd chose Jinnah over any of your mullah Wahabo-Deobandi mindset, any time of the day, any day of the week............
You are brainwashed by mutala-e-pakistan, a subject introduced by same zia you hate.
Yes i agree about Qadianis being muslims.

Sir i believe they are muslims, same quran, ramazan, etc Few differences are not enough to declare them non-muslims. Pakistan consitution shall be changed one day, and Peshawar airport renamed to Jinnah.

shan u can't be serious.. i remember another thread u said were hanafi sunni, but here sound qadiani. denying khatm nabuwat is not few differences, that is fundamental.

Jinnah was not Nabi or Rasool, its strange that some people consider his words sacred as if they are hadith. Qaid ney yey farmaya , Qaid ney wo farmaya. Oh bhai your Qaid-e-azam is hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h. Follow Quran and hadith. According to jinnah Qadianis are muslims, kye uski yey baat follow karogay?. He was just a politician, not an intellectual like iqbal , abdul kalam azad and bacha khan.

o_O is no one in their senses..

hope these were typo from you guys before iftar. if not hope you make istighfar before fajr.
shan u can't be serious.. i remember another thread u said were hanafi sunni, but here sound qadiani. denying khatm nabuwat is not few differences, that is fundamental.

o_O is no one in their senses..

hope these were typo from you guys before iftar. if not hope you make istighfar before fajr.
And why i am not in senses Mr.bareilwi?. The only Qaid-e-azam i.e greatest leader was Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h, not jinnah ponja.
And why i am not in senses Mr.bareilwi?. The only Qaid-e-azam i.e greatest leader was Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h, not jinnah ponja.

oh i misunderstood. i thought u were equating both. but lay off insulting M. Jinnah too please, atleast this month then you can go back to your afghani propaganda.
Jinnah was not Nabi or Rasool, its strange that some people consider his words sacred as if they are hadith. Qaid ney yey farmaya , Qaid ney wo farmaya. Oh bhai your Qaid-e-azam is hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h. Follow Quran and hadith. According to jinnah Qadianis are muslims, kye uski yey baat follow karogay?. He was just a politician, not an intellectual like iqbal , abdul kalam azad and bacha khan.

little less religion is what Pakistan needs at the moment, not more bro.
And why i am not in senses Mr.bareilwi?. The only Qaid-e-azam i.e greatest leader was Hazrat Muhammad p.b.u.h, not jinnah ponja.

also everything with you is bareilwi, deobandi blah blah what's your problem? these terms are not common in punjab. we have hanafi sunnis, and salafis. then we have others who are slave of iblees, defender of ttp like you. thats it. dont blurt these indian names here please, take it back to your hometown kabul.
he disowned his daughter, he didn't want nothing to do with her since before the partition so why would he ask her to move to pakistan???

so his daughter only didn't listen to him,then why would the awam?

ghar mein hi auqat nahi hain,toh bahar kya?
little less religion is what Pakistan needs at the moment, not more bro.
Islam is perfect, dont misunderstand islam due to some sinners in muslims. The counter response to TTP militants is not irreligous-ness, but correct version of islam, free from both alqaida influences as well as from shirk/bid'aa/tabarra. Read saleem shehzad's book how alqaida corrupted taliban for their own agenda. On other extreme we have fraud pir faqeers who fool people for money and impregnate women for lust, in the name of islam. Founder of bidaati sect, ahmad raza khan bareilwi, was british agent who declared jihad haram against british and promoted bid'aa and shirk, more successful agent than mirza qadiani

so his daughter only didn't listen to him,then why would the awam?

ghar mein hi auqat nahi hain,toh bahar kya?
He was never an awami leader like gandhi. He couldnt even speak urdu, which he enforced as national langauge on pakistan. All of his interactions were with nawabs, rajas of princely states, wealthy businessmen and british.

also everything with you is bareilwi, deobandi blah blah what's your problem? these terms are not common in punjab. we have hanafi sunnis, and salafis. then we have others who are slave of iblees, defender of ttp like you. thats it. dont blurt these indian names here please, take it back to your hometown kabul.
Bareilwis aka ahle-bid'aat and shias aka ahle-tabarra are not considered as ahle-sunnat wal jammat, hanafis. Both ahle-bid'aa and ahle-tabarra are also called ahle-shirk by hanafis.
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He was never an awami leader like gandhi. He couldnt even speak urdu, which he enforced as national langauge on pakistan. All of his interactions were with nawabs, rajas of princely states, wealthy businessmen and british.

true but he was a hypocrite,he married his wife a parsi girl who was the daughter of his friend and converted her to islam,then when his daughter wanted to marry a parsi guy,he disowns her.

Total hypocrite.
true but he was a hypocrite,he married his wife a parsi girl who was the daughter of his friend and converted her to islam,then when his daughter wanted to marry a parsi guy,he disowns her.

Total hypocrite.

Thats his personal life, if you are not mature enough to differentiate than its your prob, I can make such snide remark on bharoti leaders as well.
so his daughter only didn't listen to him,then why would the awam?

ghar mein hi auqat nahi hain,toh bahar kya?
saley, you need to watch your mouth… same can be said about your gandhi… he had a son who was a ****-up.
kids live their own lives and make their own choices especially if they are half white..
u can't be serious.. i remember another thread u said were hanafi sunni, but here sound qadiani. denying khatm nabuwat is not few differences, that is fundamental.

@Pakistani Exile are you ahmedi right? The **** is wrong with grown up muslims? I would rather be atheist then someone who hate qadianis. Growing up i was pretty big fan of Zakir Naik and Dr Nisrar, because my nanka is wahabi. But they both turned out to be complete nutter, one advocated genocide of ahmedis, the other justified killing of converted muslim.

So that was it for me. So no i am not qadiani. Ok lets get dipper, for me ismalis (aga khanis i think?) are bigger sinners and should be declared non muslims. What do you say?

Actually growing up i hated shias more then anything. Especially when i used to hear they insult Umar which is part of their praying. Or that they have changed quran to suite their version. So i used to hate shias also more then anyone.
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saley, you need to watch your mouth… same can be said about your gandhi… he had a son who was a ****-up.
kids live their own lives and make their own choices especially if they are half white..

Recently you have seen the light, what do you have to say about Qadianis? I think constituion should be changed.

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